contest August Throwdown

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Nicole Kiddman Geeme? Sorry I don't see that one. Oh and there is that guy who says you look more like a beachball... :lol:

THP, I have given Primani Bros some consideration but am still leaning toward a cheesesteak. Then there is D'Nick's Roast Pork sandwich to consider. It would be considered a local/regional favorite if it is at the Reading Terminal Market in Philly no?
I haven't eaten at Primanti Bros.

Cable TV shows are always kissing that joint's butt.

I don't see the big deal as its just meat, cheese, toms and slaw with fries on it.

A Texas CFS sammich with ranch dressing, a fried egg and peno's would smash Primanti's sammich into dust!

Reading Terminal?

Is that where that joint is that does that sammich with teh broccoli robb?
I haven't eaten at Primanti Bros.

Cable TV shows are always kissing that joint's butt.

I don't see the big deal as its just meat, cheese, toms and slaw with fries on it.

A Texas CFS sammich with ranch dressing, a fried egg and peno's would smash Primanti's sammich into dust!

Reading Terminal?

Is that where that joint is that does that sammich with teh broccoli robb?

You forgot to say "I recon" several times in this post.

hahaha - just sayin'

my stoopid phone done rooned another funny.

But it's true - your Tejas accent seems to come and go - when you mention Texas in a post it's "reckon this" and "fixin ta do" that. haha
Its funny.

I never used the term "reckon" until 1996.

That's when I met a couple Aussie brothers who were fishing guides.

Finn and Rupert.

They were a bad influence on me and my use of language.

Damn Aussie bastiges.
Hm. I never really remember anyone back home saying "I reckon" - that always seemed to be a Beverly Hillbillies thing to me, not a Texas thing. But yeah, I'm fixin' to get back on my homework..... Everyone says "fixin'" there, and I don't know anyone who's moved away who doesn't still say it.
I got a couple from my ex, who was from Texas (our most frequent argument: "Hook 'em horns!" "No, OZZY!!!)
1. I'm fixin ta do [whatever]
2. Put that light out (not "turn/shut it off" as we normal folks say)
3. :::hands me something::: "can you put that up for me?" - the first time I heard this I didn't know what the F she was talking about. Turns out "put that up" means put it away. Who knew.

And now of course I say these things all the time.
And if y'all really want to talk like a Texan you have to talk with your mouth barely even open and speak real slow.

If it takes at least 5 seconds to say the word "sheeit", you're doing it right.

I reckon.
Also, you really only need to know 3 phrases to engage in any conversation in Texas:

1. "You got that right!"
2. "You know that's right."
3. "That's what the man said."

I'm calling BS.

You definitely researched that!!!!

yeah - 3 years of "research" - that woman put okra in everything. Now I like okra as much as the next guy, but stewed into a pot of chili so you have all kinda snot-textured slime in it? Gah.
We have yous. Yous better get it straight.
All y'all's failin. Dadgum folks all talkin 'bout asscents 'n sheeeiit.
Wha Ah never heard so dadgum much rootin tootin pecker woodn' in all mah life.
We 'alls up here in WARshington don't point fangers er nuttin, but all y'all talk fuunneh.

That's how I figger it.
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