contest August Throwdown

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Has someone got you hog-tied and not able to find the bread loaf??????

Just DO IT! Than do it again next weekend - but better! hahaha
gooey duck fritters?

So it's a poultry challenge?.....Hhhmmmm wild gooey duck hunting season opens on July 31st, so we're in luck! MarkO has his license and will be heading out on Wed (july 1st) with a new 22 from WalMart. I bet I can get one from him. But the region is only from Squaw Creek north to Early WInters. Hope he can bag a wild gooey duck in that area. If he bags his limit of 7 wild gooey ducks, do you want me to have him save one for you?
SL, You done falled all the way off your rocker!

Get back up on it and refresh your pantry. Everybody knows Gooey Ducks come in a can!
CJ, they live right along the river, ain't all dried up like the gooey ducks at Pike Place Market. MarkO says he finds gooey duck nests right under trees where snipes live. No need for canned gooey ducks when you can get a fresh duck.

SumBits is breaking out the cock sauce again. :rolleyes: Dude, move beyond Sriracha! ;)
creamy chowder, maybe?
I'm glad to be home, that's all. :cool:

Hmmm, wonder if I could make gooey duck nest soup like the bird nest soup?

That fruit Fly was definitly speaking Spanish. SL done fell off the wagon.

Did I say I was ON the wagon????? sorry, my bad... didn't mean that.....

Ok, so, getting back to the TD discussion, apparently the challenge is .....BREAD!!!!!!!!
Oh no let's not have the baking bread debate and if it matters.
naw, Boss, I'll check in Friday for the Official Rules.

Sorry, didn't mean to get sidetracked even more than the discussion was. I just gave up trying to keep up with 18 pages of TD discussion and couldn't find anything on the last 2 pages that looked like an official declaration of TD. No worries...just having a little fun~
I'd like to see some bread baking though. But people shouldn't feel pressured to bake. Just make that sammie!
geoduck is pronounced gooeyduck.

(how do you pronounce Brett Favre?) :rolleyes:

and now, find the geoduck's nesting grounds.... ;)

(SumBits, you are too smart, and ruining my fun! It's OK, luv you ayway~~~)
This water is not cold.

This water is not cold.


Who says everything's bigger in tejas? P'Shaw!!! THE NORTHWEST RULES!!!

including having the BEST TASTING CRAB! Dun-gies Rule!

sheesh, after all this I might just have to find some way to use one of them thangs for the TD. Don't know if I can make it to Duckabush or Dosewallips State Park, but I'm pretty sure Hank's can hook me up.
Oh Spidy-sense tells me Scovie will be dfrunffkt editing the boss...

Who says everything's bigger in tejas? P'Shaw!!! THE NORTHWEST RULES!!!

including having the BEST TASTING CRAB! Dun-gies Rule!

sheesh, after all this I might just have to find some way to use one of them thangs for the TD. Don't know if I can make it to Duckabush or Dosewallips State Park, but I'm pretty sure Hank's can hook me up.

You heard it here first, Ladies...crabs in the northwest...huge members in the south.

Where ya gonna go?
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