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contest August Throwdown

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Tonight it was my turn in the weekly BBQ. My "bring" tonight felt worthy of a TD. I'm getting my competitor juices flowing for August.

Boneless pork chops, rubbed with Simply Marvelous cherry/brown sugar rub, topped with Datali Apple Butter that I traded for here a few months back.

Wild rice & salad were there mandatorily but the star was the pork. That rub is insanely good.

I'm feelin this sammich TD! I dunno what imma do but its gonna be yummy! :woohoo:

I may even bake bread. :o
Hah y'all!

I will rock Texas brisky sammich

or Alaskan halibut bacon and tilly,

or a Texas south coast shrimp sammich jess like Snoopy's Peir in Corpus.

All wil be homemade right down to the man sauce chipotle jazzbo,

Fire and much nashing of teeth wil be in abundance.

Joy and pain shelt be felt by all,

And then chillen;

Bein' cool like I am,

And no microviing of evil spirirts to be allowed,


My cooking team shall be the spirit of Lemmy and my two dead Aussie mates, Finn and Rup,

We will rip your sammiches apart,

WIn some lose some its all the same to me .,,its the Ace of spades,,the Ace of spadec,,,the ace of spadex

Rock and troll....hippy chicks shall flee in fear, Dudes cowar at our feet!!!

The sammich automaton is coming,,,its coming,,,its coming,,,

and the creature created needs your beer,,,needs your beer,,,needs your beer,,,

smashextificated. boom,
I predict fish, cheese, and capers! Prove us wrong TB and show us something different!

TB's goin' al Pulp gangstah, so I'ma gonna haveta get mid-pureevil on his shizzle.

LDHS, Don't callhim Shirley....unless he really likes it.... ;)
I am conversing with possum's, paramecium, and geckos and gathering my power.

I shall call upon zuess himself to boil oil and light my smoker,

Charlie in the wire with satchel charges is no longer my enemy,

Together we will harvest a bounty of shrimps for the feast.

Dinky dao. Dinky dao.
Oh my.

Somebody invited mr. ambien over to my house last night.

I really did converse with a possum too.

Little bastige dug a hole under my backyard fence.
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