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Awesome Pics

Recently I have gotten with ChiliAddict and he expressed how much he thought a forum for great chili pictures would be. We both understand we have Cloud topic, but we wanted to try and post a topic that ultimatley could turn into a Seasonal "folder". Where everyone can see some awesome photos taken by some of our talented chili heads that are here. This is his idea and what he has said to me (he is fishing the next few days so I thought I could get it going for him):

"I have always thought it would be cool to have a Pepper Photography category in the Hot Peppers section and maybe have that broken down to different years so there could be an accounting of member's pepper pics by season. Kind of like a photo retrospective by season, but have it as a fourth category in Hot Peppers. If that was not possible, then maybe just start a Pepper Photography thread and try to get people to put favorite pics with names and even stories. My hope is that it would last and not fizzle out and be forgotten after a few days. With all the wonderful colors and shapes and varieties of the pods and plants. I have to admit, my first month on this site was almost entirely looking at "superhot porn". There are so many new members here that would be amazed by a photo collection section."

I have spoken with THP boss and he has agreed to present this to you all. We will start it out has a basic thread and see where it goes. I think with all the photos I have already seen this thing can go on for a long time.
Thanks and without further ado lets start posting some of your best "chili porn"
This sounds great. Being fairly new I had to same experience of just awing at all the pepper pics while mine were still germinating. Although I haven't taken very many myself, seeing some pepper shutterbugs showing off would definately encourage me to step up my pepper pic taking gmae. There are several memebers that I've noticed have quite the eye for photography.
first off great idea! second is would it be subcatagorized by type of peppers? this could also really help with pod identification, you can look in the folder of what you think it is and see some of the best examples of the pods you are growing to tell if that is what it actually is.
or would it be a collaberation of just be "pod porn" and jsut random pod pics?

first off great idea! second is would it be subcatagorized by type of peppers? this could also really help with pod identification, you can look in the folder of what you think it is and see some of the best examples of the pods you are growing to tell if that is what it actually is.
or would it be a collaberation of just be "pod porn" and jsut random pod pics?


This idea was brought to me by Kevin also. We decided that it could take up a lot of server space. I did think that putting an additional folder in hot pepper talk that says "firery photos" and include topics based on families. I.E. elemental, C.Chininse(sp), etc. Then we can add photos and a description to the photo. And for another topic we could do what we are doing now.
Of course I have no clue how to do this so we would need someone smarter than I to help out. :)
This idea was brought to me by Kevin also. We decided that it could take up a lot of server space. I did think that putting an additional folder in hot pepper talk that says "firery photos" and include topics based on families. I.E. elemental, C.Chininse(sp), etc. Then we can add photos and a description to the photo. And for another topic we could do what we are doing now.
Of course I have no clue how to do this so we would need someone smarter than I to help out. :)
either way, i like the idea! i love looking at all the great pods that members grow! and once day mine will be just as good looking! :woohoo:
This idea was brought to me by Kevin also. We decided that it could take up a lot of server space. I did think that putting an additional folder in hot pepper talk that says "firery photos" and include topics based on families. I.E. elemental, C.Chininse(sp), etc. Then we can add photos and a description to the photo. And for another topic we could do what we are doing now.
Of course I have no clue how to do this so we would need someone smarter than I to help out. :)

As far as I know you've got to have your photos hosted somewhere else, I haven't see a way to upload them here, so I don't think the server space is an issue. Probably just need to have an admin put the section in.
Ohhh yeah. I might have to try starting a Brain Strain in the one pot Hydro system in my office this winter. Can't wait to grow it!
i brought a DWC into my office and was told i could not have it! :crazy: so i brought in a douglah seedling in a solo cup to grow here!

PS great pics so far guys! and i cannot wait to see just how beautiful my brain strain pods are!
I think this is a great idea also, hope we're allowed to do it. I agree that it would be nice to break it down into different categories, C. Annuum, etc. because it would help with pod IDing also.