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Bahamian Goat Pepper

On a only slightly related note, I have friends who regularly vacation down in the Bahamas and they brought back some seeds of what they are calling the Bohemian goat pepper, but this one is a small red pepper that grows pointing up like a Tabasco or bird pepper. Do people in the Bahamas name all their hot peppers goat peppers to confuse the visitors?

Haha! I think a lot of different chiles go by the name "Goat Pepper," even within the Bahamas. Here's a link to the chile you're talking about:


Man those are some beautiful peppers for sure. I like non supers, and those look mighty tasty!!

Thanks! Send me a PM if you need some seeds.
Those plants & pods look awesome! Very nice the success you're having with them. I'd never heard of them till browsing THP this past summer. I'll definately make some room in the grow room for them should I happen to locate a few seeds. As others before have said: It'd be nice having sometging lime that around that isn't a superhot but having heat & good flavor!

IF you find yourself with excess seed stock & need a friend in Cincinnati, I'd gladly send you an SASE and any of seeds (morugas, tsbt, red yellow & douglah jonah 7 pots (all from Jim Duffey).
Congrats again on your grow!
Wow, these look amazing! Is there any way I can get some seeds? I can trade you some basil seeds, Jamaican Scotch Bonnet, or some other seeds if you want.

I'm looking to grow some hydroponic peppers indoor pretty soon and I think that these would be a perfect fit! I'll definitely be doing a glog of these if I can get some seeds.
GoatModeus said:
Can somebody please tell me the scoville units of this thing? :hell:
Holy Thread Revive Batman!  
By the way Gary if you see this and are still growing them I'd love to add them to my growlist for next year.  I have many to trade :D
My Bahamian Goats are really bumpy, like they're deep fried... And they hurt everywhere when eaten. Mouth, lips, throat, stomach - the works.

The lack of bumps on your peppers leads me to believe that one of us doesn't have the genuine article. Can anyone set this straight?
GoatModeus said:
Can somebody please tell me the scoville units of this thing? :hell:
Can't tell you for sure, but they're hot as hell... Definitely a superhot.
Im growing them out this year for the first time. My 2nd favorite pepper for sure. Ive been selecting pods and saving seeds that have the perfect cup and saucer look with 4 lobes that are nearly identical to MoA's besides color. I'll post pics tonight after work. Love these things. By far my most productive plant this year.
The ones I have growing this season are picture perfect! Some even have a nice little tail on them. I'll get some nice photos posted soon, tomorrow will be harvest day. One weird pod and rest are spot on...think he got too crowded :)
solid7 said:
My Bahamian Goats are really bumpy, like they're deep fried... And they hurt everywhere when eaten. Mouth, lips, throat, stomach - the works.

The lack of bumps on your peppers leads me to believe that one of us doesn't have the genuine article. Can anyone set this straight?

Can't tell you for sure, but they're hot as hell... Definitely a superhot.
I wouldn't classify Bahamian Goats as anything approaching a super hot in heat. I would put them at Scotch Bonnet heat (although they are less consistent with some pods from the same plant much hotter then others .. up towards Bonda Ma Jacques heat)
Sounds to me like you have a cross ... they are predominantly smooth skinned usually with lobes. Much like Joyners pic above.
By the way my Genetics are from Grant @ Jungle rain so as close to the original (that Gary was referring to anyway) as possible.