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Baker's Peppers. Enough already

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Scoville DeVille said:
But elca[p... He has THOUSANDS of happy custemers! How culd that be that he got BAD reviews???
Just like he said he "spoke to his attorney"
JayT said:
funny thing is you actually sound sincerely surprised by this.
In a way I am, since he's essentially using a scorched earth policy to ensure people on FB don't know about his loan or bad reviews
elcap1999 said:
And one other thing... I was just on Baker's FB page, and could no longer see my review, or any review for that matter. That doesn't sit well with me, and smacks of hypocrisy, because of Dale's repeated claims he's all about the truth and has nothing to hide, but yet he hides reviews from people...
The reviews still exist.  Just not on his page.  They are still on your profile, but he is choosing to not display them.  Quit being such a wannabe competitor lol
AaronRiot said:
Maybe we (myself included) should settle down now that it's sink or swim for Dale.
He's got his deadline, he made it himself, no need to waist our time dog piling...
See the rest of you all in the threads about peppers and good eats.
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