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Baker's Peppers. Enough already

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The Hot Pepper said:
I just found more BS in the original ad I didn't even see before:
So none of his other ads count. ALL THP SALES??? My ass. Just people that click that... which no one would. Nice loophole!
I knew that link code was there but I didn't know he was flat out saying he wasn't counting his other ads as THP sales! Wow!
The more you look, the more you find. I'm so glad I called him out.
And curious how this new ad he posted up a little bit ago makes no mention of any such thing now, almost like it never happened. Heck, it looks downright legible!
LOL. Because that's a real sale. It doesn't count unless it has a rant and insults, so no one buys from it.
Let's all hope this sales push in the ad section is for Rhody! No need for a rant or to mention him, the pro way is to push your sales, and then pay. Let's all just hope that's what that is, and those sales COUNT! ALL sales should count. ALL! Time to pay!
(The end, for awhile. Tired of this... beer time.)
Best part is that Dale has repeatedly accused Dave to be the one causing all the drama, but I don't think I have seen a single post on this topic from Dave in months. It is all Dale.
And the one that Dave did post, Dale pretty much admits are facts.
Oh, and how did Dale get the Vendor vault thread opened to post his wall of legally il-advised text?
I was just reading this thread for my daily amusement and didn't intend to add my 0.00002 cents....but Dale stated "I have been advised by legal council to address the following things here". 
I can pretty much guarantee (at a 99.87% confidence rate) that Dale has not spoken with an attorney.  No attorney would ever advise their client to publicly address a legal matter on an online forum.  And if they had done so, the attorney would want to proof and edit the post.  And if an attorney had done this, Dales post would...well lets just say it wouldn't read the way it does.  It would be short, clear, concise, and probably read something to the effect that this matter will be taken care of privately between the parties involved and that he has no further public comments on this matter. 
My fiancee (who is a trial attorney practicing complex commercial litigation) and I would like to thank you; we haven't been this entertained since Clint Eastwood's RNC speech to an empty chair. Although she has declined to offer you legal advice (your current attorney is doing a stellar job), I would like to offer my services as a ninth-grade English teacher.
Wicked Mike
P.S. The Caps Lock button is on your left.

A few last thoughts:
Whoops, I seem to have gotten my Caps Lock stuck. :rofl:
Seems to me that his attorney might have advised him that, since the evidence of intent is fairly compelling and easily documented, he'd likely be open to punitive as well as compensatory damages if Rhody elected to pursue it legally.
What do you think the odds are that Dale and Pepper Joe are representing each other legally?
Wicked Mike said:
My fiancee (who is a trial attorney practicing complex commercial litigation) and I would like to thank you; we haven't been this entertained since Clint Eastwood's RNC speech to an empty chair. Although she has declined to offer you legal advice (your current attorney is doing a stellar job), I would like to offer my services as a ninth-grade English teacher.
Wicked Mike
P.S. The Caps Lock button is on your left.

A few last thoughts:
Whoops, I seem to have gotten my Caps Lock stuck. :rofl:
Seems to me that his attorney might have advised him that, since the evidence of intent is fairly compelling and easily documented, he'd likely be open to punitive as well as compensatory damages if Rhody elected to pursue it legally.
What do you think the odds are that Dale and Pepper Joe are representing each other legally?
It wouldn't surprise me at all, Wicked Mike, if they represented each other. And I would think the burden of the evidence, from my own admittedly limited perspective, is on Rhody's side. If Rhody would seek the legal route on this matter, I imagine he would, to use the official parlance, take Dale to the cleaners...
3202 words in the Dale rant according to the LibreOffice word counter, I wouldn't be surprised if there are more that aren't counted due to poor spelling.
Blaming the lender for asking his money back and making things public after you deny him his money.
Excuses, excuses, excuses, making yourself look the victim all around, lying, etc.

You sound just like that neighbour of mine who lived diagonally downstairs from me, who terrorized my neighbour above him by stomping around and poking the ceiling, accusing him and me of stealing the post [while he most likely did that himself towards me and my neighbour], making himself look like the victim of all kids of circumstances, etc.
All the while, everyone who interacted more than just briefly with him began to dislike him and get angry at him, including me.
He was negative about other people that didn't agree with him and he even gave two people a letter with a vague description that there were two people in the apartment complex who were stealing post and being racist [he meant me and my neighbour, him being an Iranian Kurd].
The guy even claimed that people were entering his locked apartment by picking the lock or having some duplicate key or whatever and fiddling around with stuff in there.
He disrupted the internet, behaved like a spy, talked to many people outside about us in this apartment complex and many other things.

A sociopath in his 50s/60s, and you resemble him quite well, Dale.
Like him you need professional help before it's too late and your life and that of your family is in the gutter.
Do you even understand responsibility, Dale?
That you need to care for your wife and children?
That you should have taken care to behave better, Dale?
That you have dug your family's grave?
Stop trying to be the popular pepper macho salesman, man up, own up, pay Dave and do your hardest to get your family through this.
I dare you to save your family by doing the right thing, Dale!
sicman said:
he has money for a attorney but not a debt :rofl:
must be some nickle and dime lawyer

 what kind of lawyer would advise his client to say anything let alone write a novel on a web site for the world to see? what kind of lawyer would give his client links that are for another country?
elcap1999 said:
This :lawyer" he's referring to makes Saul Goodman from Breaking Bad look almost angelic by comparison
midwestchilehead said:
As a lawyer, I'm rightly miffed with all the lawyer-bashing going on in this thread.  I demand that you all cease and desist the lawyer bashing and get back to bashing Dale.  And Saul Goodman is a damn fine lawyer!  That is all.   :liar:
Damn it, I was all sleeping when this happened. Hooray other side of the world!
My first thought after I read sicman's post was "someone more shady than Saul Goodman" lol
Okay, off to read the 3202 word rant. What a great start to the day!
Dale you called me a troll because I reviewed your business on facebook?  
Let me break this down Barney-style for you, homie:
Your business sucks, and you suck as a human being for not paying your debts.
That's not trolling, that's the facts of life.
I just read the huge rant in the other thread.  Now I am motivated.  Dale, suck a bag of d#cks.  You are the sorriest human I have ever come across.  I thought Pepperschmoe was, but nope it is you.  Rhody gave to you out of the kindness of his heart, has never called you out even when he should, and yet you are now blaming him for him not getting paid.  It is everyone's fault but yours.  Now it is Dan's fault too because he owns this place.  You are unbelievable.  I think I am understanding that this may be following you to FB now.  I hope it is.  I hope it follows you everywhere you go.  Even if you escape into obscurity it will still follow you because you can't hide from what you really are.  In the end you will get what you deserve.  Goodbye loser.
The Hot Pepper said:
Oh man, don't mix PJ up in here... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's the last thing we need right now...
Guns_N_Pods said:
Dale you called me a troll because I reviewed your business on facebook?  
Let me break this down Barney-style for you, homie:
Your business sucks, and you suck as a human being for not paying your debts.
That's not trolling, that's the facts of life.
He accused me of being one as well, for also writing a negative review, and in my case, posting the link to THP's warning, so he couldn't claim ignorance on paying the debt by the end of the month or be banned from the forum. Knowing Dale, that'd easily be one of the excuses he'd use to try and weasel his way out of it.
JayT said:
I just read the huge rant in the other thread.  Now I am motivated.  Dale, suck a bag of d#cks.  You are the sorriest human I have ever come across.  I thought Pepperschmoe was, but nope it is you.  Rhody gave to you out of the kindness of his heart, has never called you out even when he should, and yet you are now blaming him for him not getting paid.  It is everyone's fault but yours.  Now it is Dan's fault too because he owns this place.  You are unbelievable.  I think I am understanding that this may be following you to FB now.  I hope it is.  I hope it follows you everywhere you go.  Even if you escape into obscurity it will still follow you because you can't hide from what you really are.  In the end you will get what you deserve.  Goodbye loser.
Maybe we (myself included) should settle down now that it's sink or swim for Dale.
He's got his deadline, he made it himself, no need to waist our time dog piling...
I already regret one not so mature post (sorry Dale). And good luck to you Dale, whatever happens I hope you learn from all of this.
See the rest of you all in the threads about peppers and good eats.
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