seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

BakersPeppers said:
Supposed to say "yellow bhut jolokia"...sorry about the typo....that's an error I haven't corrected since I changed what's included in the bundle...Will be happy to send u the yellow Peter seeds if u still need them...Email me and let me know....sorry about that....
Oh look! There's one of those HATERS now!! Never spent a dime on my products but have ALL kinds of shit to talk about me.........figures! Troll #1....please leave my threads alone.....
Ok.....HATER #2! Another guy who's never spent a dime on my products with a ton of shit to talk about me....Trolls with nothing better to do than follow me around and TALK SHIT! MAN I WISH I HAD THAT KIND OF TIME! Move on looser!! Leave me alone already, or u n Scoville come down to Florida and talk shit to my face!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!

And this guy.....WOW! I don't send u ONE $20 box of peppers as I was out of town and u LOOSE IT?? Then u post all over the place how horrible I am and how it gonna put me outta business....I refund your payment and you STILL continue to cause drama cus I didn't apologize to u....after ALL the drama you tried to cause me over a $20 box of peppers and all the SHIT u threw all over the internet OF COURSE I WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE TO YOU! Get it thru you thick skull!! I mAde a mistake, shit happened.....but what u tried and are STILL trying to do....that puts YOU in the TROLL category too!!

Yes I owe a business loan to Rhody....
Yes I screwed you by not sending out your box of peppers as I WAS OUT OF TOWN!
Yes my business is growing so quickly it's hard to keep up, but we are doing the best we can....
Yes I'm guilty of being a business man who's here to make a living on peppers....
And NO, u will NEVER stop me from doing just that!!!

I will tell u just like I told Scoville n JayT.....come down to Florida and talk shit to my face!! This following me around everywhere I go online is OLD TIRED AND CHILDISH!!! Come tell me to my face or drop it! I made a happens........but the level u are taking it to is INSANE!! My address is posted all over online...come find me guys......!

Never said u were a hater man.....I made it clear to whom I was speaking about....I apologized to u already....what more can I do??? U waited 2 years to get a reply from me on eBay....eBay SUCKS!! Tons of problems....none of which are my fault!! I've apologized to u....anything else??????

On a side note....



I know THP posted somewhere about if a customer in McDonald's saw a "bad" thing but never bought from them that still entities said person to be able to write a review about McDonald's....well that is a load of horse shit if u ask me!

I saw 3 aliens, Bigfoot, the Easter bunny, & Santa all smoking crack last night at the corner store....yup I'm saying that's what I saw, does ME SAYING THAT'S WHAT I SAW make it TRUE??? Case closed!

MODS do your job, and STOP telling me how to do mine!! CLEAN THIS CRAP UP!!

Done done done done!!!!!!!!!
If your going to allow "reviews" from people who have never actually spent a dime on products, they should be REQUIRED to start their post with........"I have never purchased anything from said company but......." or something along those lines so potential customers know if it's just rumor or here say...or if it's an actual customer who has a receipt from purchase and a REAL problem/review!!
I don't need to have purchased from you to point out how immature, unprofessional, tactless and repetitive you are on a public forum. Probably what Boss was talking about with his McDonalds example. I mean what kind of business person goes on an internet forum and threatens to beat people up? My previous post was not hateful or untrue, just an honest observation, but I am "Hater #1" :rofl:
And for the record, I have had a business interaction with you. You obviously don't remember.
Guess I didn't realize that reviews on this forum were consolidated.  Mods could you please merge my review to the bottom of this thread if that is how were are supposed to do it.

Or I'll do it.  I apologize for starting a new thread.  Didn't realize we were keeping it to one per vendor.  So here it is:
I placed an order with Bakers Pepper’s back in the beginning of April.  Initially I missed that these were pre-order.  The website advertises that peppers are available year round and when placing the order it shows how many are available.  I find that to be a little misleading and am not a fan of the “preorder” concept in general.  Anyway, while waiting for my peppers I did communicate with Dale several times for status updates.  I always found him to seem a little paranoid and rude in our communications.  So when the peppers finally arrived, after 9 weeks( a little more than the advertised 4-6weeks) I did a quick scrub through and found that there were 9 I could immediately pick out as bad, ones with huge bug holes and others with rotten mushy parts.  After contacting Dale via text he began grilling me for total count, number of good, number of bad.  Even that was not enough; he then wanted pictures of the bad ones so he could determine if they were bad.  One of which he said he didn’t think was that bad and that “there may have been a pest at one point in time…but not now.”  He then requested I “tell the whole truth online.”  Anyway, after finding out that I need to pay for shipping to receive my replacement peppers he basically berates me and says he wouldn’t normally do this but wants to make it right.  IMO you don’t belittle someone at the same time you are going to try to “make things right.”  Then the day I receive my replacement peppers he decides to come on here and questions my integrity because I didn’t come on set things straight.  Seems to me if you are trying to improve relations with a customer by sending replacements you shouldn’t bad mouth them publically before they can even get the replacements.  I’m not even sure what he thinks I was going to come on and say…it would not have been favorable.  Him telling me my peppers are fine through a cell pic I sent him did not set the record straight, it just convinced me that he is rude with no concept of how customer service should work.  In the replacement box there was a pepper with a large bug hole and also one that was clearly rotten.
So my overall review is this:
-Price:  2 out of 5 (Much higher than competitors)
-Advertised Product: 2 out of 5 (Advertises SFRB stuffed full of fresh peppers when he is actually selling 25 fresh peppers)
-Customer Service: 2 out of 5 (is condescending immediately upon contacting him, even before he knows the reason for contacting him)
I personally will never buy from him again.  If you don’t mind paying more for a substandard product that is backed by an angry paranoid who doesn’t understand customer service, than I highly recommend Baker’s Peppers.  If that is not what you like I suggest you look elsewhere.
I will give you a bit of advice; I use to run a huge eCommerce business before the owner sold it, and the first thing you realize is this: one unhappy customer is a hundred times more likely to tell the world of their experience than 1000 happy customers.

I won't comment on anything else, just this, bend over backwards to make your unhappy customers happy. Seriously, its under 6 bucks to ship a replacement box, them being happy means they may actually buy more from you again. Them being unhappy leads to them telling the world. If you are moving the amount you claim and only 2% complaints, it won't kill your business or even hurt you in the long run.

Also, considering your temper, perhaps have someone else in your business handle public relations. I know how hard it is not to get pissed when people assassinate your character, but if you can't keep your cool, it WILL be the end of you.

None of this is trolling, none of this is hating, just sound business advice from someone who has been there.
SomeLikeItHot said:
I will give you a bit of advice; I use to run a huge eCommerce business before the owner sold it, and the first thing you realize is this: one unhappy customer is a hundred times more likely to tell the world of their experience than 1000 happy customers.

I won't comment on anything else, just this, bend over backwards to make your unhappy customers happy. Seriously, its under 6 bucks to ship a replacement box, them being happy means they may actually buy more from you again. Them being unhappy leads to them telling the world. If you are moving the amount you claim and only 2% complaints, it won't kill your business or even hurt you in the long run.

Also, considering your temper, perhaps have someone else in your business handle public relations. I know how hard it is not to get pissed when people assassinate your character, but if you can't keep your cool, it WILL be the end of you.

None of this is trolling, none of this is hating, just sound business advice from someone who has been there.
Sounds like a really good bit of advice right there.
Pepperjack91 said:
Sounds like a really good bit of advice right there.
Its probably the best advice you can give any internet based company. 1 person can light up the entire google search matches of your company's name in a heart beat.
If he's moving 200+ boxes a week, he could literally set aside a single quarter from every sale and have more than enough padding to cover any "just in case" qualms. That's $50 a week set aside, that will cover 8 problem shipments, which you say is far more than you receive. I doubt 25 cents per box would hurt you financially.
1 other piece of advice, have your developer add in a status bar to your page that shows up on ALL pages. Its like 15 minutes of work tops, all it needs is 4 messages built in:
1.) "Dale is out of town and will be returning " + date of anticipated return
2.) "Dale is presently dealing with an emergency situatiuon" + date of anticipated return
3.) "Orders are presently backed up, expect a possible delay of " + how many days expected before you get to their order
4.) "Order today, ship tomorrow"
This will COMPLETELY cover cases of "I ordered and didn't know it wouldn't be shipped on time". People crazy enough to eat ultra hots are few and far between, but MOST have specific plans for that box they're ordering. This will go a LONGGGGGG way in avoiding qualms of people because you weren't available when they ordered. Your customers need to know if something is going to hold up their order. You missing the sale that day means they at least won't have a sour taste in their mouth and may give you a chance once again later.
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