seed-plant-vendors Baker's Peppers

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I realize Dale is a member here, but I still wanted to provide a review of a recent purchase I made from him. I was nervous about ordering live plants, but Baker's Peppers delivered a great product! I thought I'd start a review of Baker''s Peppers to provide other members with some reassurance about ordering live plants.

I purchased four live plants (two TS Morugas and two Butch Ts). All four arrived healthy and I even received some free seeds as well (7 Pod crossed with Naga Viper). I was very pleased with my order and would definitely do it again. Below are some pictures of the plants/seeds.

PrimeTime said:
Its just odd that no other vendors here seem to have half the problems doing the following:
Take order
Prepare order
Ship and charge
Maybe the reason for this is its not hard to ship 5 packs of seeds in a day if that is ALL you have sold all week!! No OTHER VENDOR here moves anywhere close to the volume I's hard to lose track of emails/orders/shipments when u do 3 or 4 sales in a day like other vendors! When u do the volume like I do, mistakes happen! Period! No one is perfect! Go ahead and marinate on that there for a minute!

As far as u being told your wrong........listen man....

I said u were in the wrong for waiting 2 years for a response! Not that u never got one!! Any normal person who's trying to get a hold of someone won't try one avenue then just wait years to hear back.....emails/PM 's sometimes get lost in the just happens...especially when u move the volume like I move....sorry it happened...that's all I can say....

If you want to do business with us, GREAT! If not, that's fine too! We have THOUSANDS of happy customers out there outside of this can they be all wrong about us too?? Decide for yourself today.... !!
BakersPeppers said:
Maybe the reason for this is its not hard to ship 5 packs of seeds in a day if that is ALL you have sold all week!! No OTHER VENDOR here moves anywhere close to the volume I's hard to lose track of emails/orders/shipments when u do 3 or 4 sales in a day like other vendors! When u do the volume like I do, mistakes happen! Period! No one is perfect! Go ahead and marinate on that there for a minute!

As far as u being told your wrong........listen man....

I said u were in the wrong for waiting 2 years for a response! Not that u never got one!! Any normal person who's trying to get a hold of someone won't try one avenue then just wait years to hear back.....emails/PM 's sometimes get lost in the just happens...especially when u move the volume like I move....sorry it happened...that's all I can say....

If you want to do business with us, GREAT! If not, that's fine too! We have THOUSANDS of happy customers out there outside of this can they be all wrong about us too?? Decide for yourself today.... !!
Dale stop blaming your mistakes on the fact that you're a busy vendor. That's no damn excuse so why tell him to "marinate on that." Why don't you order Dominos and when it doesn't show up call them. Do you think they'll tell you they are the busiest pizza chain and to marinate on that?!
Actually that would never happen. It would show up.
So busy? So successful? Hire people!
No business knowledge whatsoever. Does not understand with expansion comes... expansion! No, not a greenhouse. Employees! Duh. Either that or it's all a farce. The whole busy thing.
Dale, do something. Too many upset members on this forum.
BakersPeppers said:
Right! Dave and myself have an arrangement. He's being paid back a "BUSINESS" loan. Im doing what I agreed to do with Dave "Rhody", nothing more to say about it really! I mean JayT, you better get up, go to work, make your rent payment, car payment, electric payment, pharmacy payment (lord knows that bill MUST be pricey each month!)  :crazy: I mean do YOU need someone to remind you to do that every day of YOUR life?? Didnt think so...... Seriously much are we going to beat that to death?? EVERYONE has a loan that they are in the processs of paying back in one way shape or form...MOVE ON MAN!!
Not sure what the pharmacy comment was about, so I will ignore it.  I just read three posts including this one bragging about how much product you are moving and how busy you are.  All my comment was meant to do was remind you that you promised Rhody the return of his money (from over two years ago). You made one payment almost five months ago and nothing since.  If you are so successful, then pay the man.  I realize this is not the forum for this conversation so this will be my last comment on the matter in this thread.  As far as the other comments being made about service, everyone has hiccups and issues from time to time, but some people seem to have a recurring problem.
The Hot Pepper said:
No business knowledge whatsoever. Does not understand with expansion comes... expansion! No, not a greenhouse. Employees! Duh. Either that or it's all a farce. The whole busy thing.
Dale, do something. Too many upset members on this forum.
Sure thing boss! Back to movin' peppers I go....if y'all need me CALL OR TEXT OR EMAIL ME!! Here amongst the HATERS is not the place.....

Call or text:


Done here.....again!

Dale Jr
I received so many seeds from pepperlover and my buddy beerbreath81 that I didn't even bother to take a good look at Dale's seeds until today.
He did not send all of the seeds that are supposed to be in the "Burnin Bundle"
On his website it lists the Yellow Peter Pepper as one of the strains included... I received all of the listed strains except this one. A Yellow Bhut Jolokia pack was included instead.
I find it kinda funny that after such a big ordeal he didn't even send all the correct seeds.
The Hot Pepper said:
Okay Dale, glad to see you get back to business. And some of the haters seem to have proof of wrong doing. So maybe use another word. Like customer.
Key part of that statement...."some" :)

All I'm trying to do is correct the ones who post false stuff about me and my business....

Correction though....there's PLENTY of haters posting here that have never spent a dime on our products...they are not customers boss!! Trolls for "Team Judy" is what u should call them! Do I have to name names???? That would be like YOU coming in here talking all kinds of false smack about us knowing full well u have never made a purchase from me.....hard to call u a customer under those circumstances boss..............just sayin! :) "potential" customer MAYBE!! But even that is a STRETCH! Those members are NOT customers......they are HATERS!!

Now let me be done please......

Dale Jr
Oh good god Dale. I am so SICK of hearing that "you're done". You have been saying that for YEARS now. You fail to see how you might positively muddle through these situations because every six months or so, here you are again mucking up THP with all of your lame drivel and excuses. The more you post, the worse you look. Give it a rest pal. PLEASE.
So people try to buy from you, you screw up the sale and those folks are haters and trolls because you show a refund here and they go to Judy and are more than happy. Im sorry i didn't get it before. Not sure why that took me so long sorry, I'm not a normal person. Pretty straight forward.
Why not just go away?
Seems like there are places that won't hold you to such extreme regard.
and the best one is this
FireBreath said:
I received so many seeds from pepperlover and my buddy beerbreath81 that I didn't even bother to take a good look at Dale's seeds until today.
He did not send all of the seeds that are supposed to be in the "Burnin Bundle"
On his website it lists the Yellow Peter Pepper as one of the strains included... I received all of the listed strains except this one. A Yellow Bhut Jolokia pack was included instead.
I find it kinda funny that after such a big ordeal he didn't even send all the correct seeds.
Supposed to say "yellow bhut jolokia"...sorry about the typo....that's an error I haven't corrected since I changed what's included in the bundle...Will be happy to send u the yellow Peter seeds if u still need them...Email me and let me know....sorry about that....
Scoville DeVille said:
Oh good god Dale. I am so SICK of hearing that "you're done". You have been saying that for YEARS now. You fail to see how you might positively muddle through these situations because every six months or so, here you are again mucking up THP with all of your lame drivel and excuses. The more you post, the worse you look. Give it a rest pal. PLEASE.
Oh look! There's one of those HATERS now!! Never spent a dime on my products but have ALL kinds of shit to talk about me.........figures! Troll #1....please leave my threads alone.....
JayT said:
OR, blame the customers for everything, then the USPS, then the members here, then the BOSS for pointing it out.  Wow.  This is so awesome to watch someone implode right before our eyes.
Ok.....HATER #2! Another guy who's never spent a dime on my products with a ton of shit to talk about me....Trolls with nothing better to do than follow me around and TALK SHIT! MAN I WISH I HAD THAT KIND OF TIME! Move on looser!! Leave me alone already, or u n Scoville come down to Florida and talk shit to my face!!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!
Brain Strain Pepper Head said:
And this guy.....WOW! I don't send u ONE $20 box of peppers as I was out of town and u LOOSE IT?? Then u post all over the place how horrible I am and how it gonna put me outta business....I refund your payment and you STILL continue to cause drama cus I didn't apologize to u....after ALL the drama you tried to cause me over a $20 box of peppers and all the SHIT u threw all over the internet OF COURSE I WILL NEVER APOLOGIZE TO YOU! Get it thru you thick skull!! I mAde a mistake, shit happened.....but what u tried and are STILL trying to do....that puts YOU in the TROLL category too!!

Yes I owe a business loan to Rhody....
Yes I screwed you by not sending out your box of peppers as I WAS OUT OF TOWN!
Yes my business is growing so quickly it's hard to keep up, but we are doing the best we can....
Yes I'm guilty of being a business man who's here to make a living on peppers....
And NO, u will NEVER stop me from doing just that!!!

I will tell u just like I told Scoville n JayT.....come down to Florida and talk shit to my face!! This following me around everywhere I go online is OLD TIRED AND CHILDISH!!! Come tell me to my face or drop it! I made a happens........but the level u are taking it to is INSANE!! My address is posted all over online...come find me guys......!
PrimeTime said:
So people try to buy from you, you screw up the sale and those folks are haters and trolls because you show a refund here and they go to Judy and are more than happy. Im sorry i didn't get it before. Not sure why that took me so long sorry, I'm not a normal person. Pretty straight forward.
Why not just go away?
Seems like there are places that won't hold you to such extreme regard.
Never said u were a hater man.....I made it clear to whom I was speaking about....I apologized to u already....what more can I do??? U waited 2 years to get a reply from me on eBay....eBay SUCKS!! Tons of problems....none of which are my fault!! I've apologized to u....anything else??????

On a side note....



I know THP posted somewhere about if a customer in McDonald's saw a "bad" thing but never bought from them that still entities said person to be able to write a review about McDonald's....well that is a load of horse shit if u ask me!

I saw 3 aliens, Bigfoot, the Easter bunny, & Santa all smoking crack last night at the corner store....yup I'm saying that's what I saw, does ME SAYING THAT'S WHAT I SAW make it TRUE??? Case closed!

MODS do your job, and STOP telling me how to do mine!! CLEAN THIS CRAP UP!!

Done done done done!!!!!!!!!
If your going to allow "reviews" from people who have never actually spent a dime on products, they should be REQUIRED to start their post with........"I have never purchased anything from said company but......." or something along those lines so potential customers know if it's just rumor or here say...or if it's an actual customer who has a receipt from purchase and a REAL problem/review!!
You mentioned you wish you had the time to be concerned about a $20 box of peppers, yet each post from you is the length of a Game of Thrones novel. Maybe if you put the same amount of time into sending people products in a timely fashion that you put into your creative writing the haters wouldn't even exist.

Implosion is not even the word for this. Did someone steal your account, Dale, or is this real you hating on respected vendors and cursing out customers (potential or otherwise)? It's starting to all make sense...
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