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Beehunters Grow log - Now with Awkward video update.

Hey all. As you can see im new here and new to gardening in general. Ive been lurking around the site for a while now preparing for this grow. Ive got some African birds eye that just sprouted and soaking some other seeds now to go in the incubator tonight. Ill post pics of the sprouts later. Figured this is a good way to get to know people and great place to get advice.
Happy growing!

The Beehunter

Your plants and pods look awesome! :) IMO, Orange habanero is one of the tastiest C. chinense varieties.

I have only every had a handful of C chinense varieties but i do love the orange habs! Made some salsa last night since i only had three. Was awesome!

I just picked my first chinense pod the other day!


cant wait till i can start picking super hots!

20 more to put in the ground tomorrow, and about 100 more started (can anyone say glutton for punishment?).

your plants are looking great though, and they really are digging that sun... watch them throw pods like crazy now.

Man i cant wait for the superhots either! but i havent even had any set fruit yet! slow bastards... But yellow 7 is opening its first flowers so im hoping they take! 100 more starts! thats crazy! one of these days ima move out of the city to a place with a yard :) for now space is very very limited!
Ok figured i would give a video update a shot since all but two of my plants are on the balcony. So here is the link.

Man, those orange habs are killers, don't know how I forgot to grow them this year.
A must have for next season, they look great :)
Hey, Britt, your harvest looks great! You've been making
some real progress! I imagine that by now your plants are
even bigger, and yu've been harvesting more pods!

Hope all is well with you and wife!
My "work with whatcha got" grow area.




Im learning as i go here. so if anyone sees anything thats just completely wrong or sees something i could change or improve please let me know. I am using two Cfls for this so far. Im growing 10 varieties and am hoping to keep one plant from each. but we will see if i can keep enough light on them for them to last until they can go out onto the balcony in the spring.

I dont know anything about this smh...What is a jiffy pot and what are the seedlings planted in to hold them together. I would like to start from seed next year. Do I need this stuff?
Plants are looking really good. The pods that are forming are beyond the fork and with the habs you'll end up with endless amounts. Why pick them off, the plant looks like its flourishing. If it were a sweet bell pepper than I'd take all flowers off until the plants ready to produce the second round which is usually double.
Your plants on the floor appear very healthy. Your photo isn't contrasty, the leaves are shiney and the white "highlights" are appearing because they're at the right angle to the light source and is reflecting the light back to the camera. The only way to reduce the reflection is to diffuse the light source, move the subject matter futher away from the light ( that will give you a lower contrast ratio) or reflect light back into the shadow side of the subject( white foam core board or foil works )which is what I'd do and have done so for years doing "window lit photography"

Back to your plants, what kind of habs are they?

whats the fork?
whats the fork?

Hey Sanarda thanks for stopping in. When i started this year i also had no idea what i was doing. So much so that i believe i was using the wrong term with jiffy pots. The things i used i think are called jiffy pellets. Sometimes called seed starting pucks. Here is a random youtube vid i just searched that might help.
For me this method worked great and i had great germination rates. The only problem i found with these pellets is they can dry out very quickly so you need to be careful with that. The answer do you need alot of stuff is no. There are several people on the forum that just put there seeds in soil in pots in there windows grow plants. But if you want to grow your plants stronger and faster then you will need some sort of dedicated grow area with lights and the ability to hopefully control temp and moisture. All that can be done with relative ease and very cheaply. Take a look at http://thehotpepper.com/topic/26985-show-us-your-ghetto-growing-gear/ There is some awesome and inexpensive set ups in there where you might get some ideas. Best of luck!
Ok i have neglected updating my glog for a while so its time for an update! Well we have had some crap weather for the past month it seems. Even on the days with sun its been only up into the lower 70s. Nights have been steadily down in the 40s, a few nights with frost warning where i needed to bring my plants inside. But even with the weather we have been having my plants seems to be growing, even if its at a slower pace. My bhuts have all flowered and have been dropping them all except one. No not one plant. one flower per plant. I have 4 bhut plants and four bhut pods. one on each plant. so weird.... The Scorps both the originals and the butch Ts have yet to flower but thats fine. I have been steadily pulling pods of the orange hab but now there are only new start pods on it so it will probably be a while until i have fresh ones again. All the non chinense seem to be holding there flowers better and putting on pods. Expecially the Mulato. that thing is stacking them on right now! Ok on to a few blurry pics!

The Mulato

One of the regular scorps. putting on a proper canopy!

One of my yellow 7's seems to be trying to hold its flowers so im holding out hopes it sets a few pods.

A bhut with its lonely pod

another lonely bhut pod

Another Trini i think its another yellow 7 you can see that it has bit of fert burn. all my trini plants have a bit of fert burn. i stepped up the ferts and i guess i shouldnt have. so i watered good for a week and cup back to normal fert amounts.

View of the habs canopy.

and the veiw of the underside.

and jal stacked and waiting

So boys and girls. till next time.... thanks for stopping by!
Looking good Brit :)

There are several people on the forum that just put there seeds in soil in pots in there windows grow plants.

*raises hand* Thats how all my seeds were started this winter... I have a big glass window in my garage with a work bench beneath it... Bearing in mind that our "winter" was milder than the "spring" weather is for many of the others on this forum currently. I think it froze like 3 times...

I had a 4' fluorescent tube light over top of my plants as well... But it just happened to be in the right spot.

The Jiffy greenhouses are ~5$ for a 72 cell tray. Well worth the investment. They have smaller sizes as well.
nice... podss... hope they hang on... i guess you can say mine arent all that hardened up.. or are they... some can only take 3 hrs of direct sunlight and then they drop while most are nice and strong.. i have a few 1gal that are in sun all day... wish i could get my plants to be tall and stalky.. right now my purple bhut is only like6-7 inches right now.. :( but continue to good work and update us when that bhut pod gets bigger and increases in #

Ah, another grower who has to deal with the horrible spring we're having in Western Europe right now! Looking very good, can't wait to get my first pods, still pinching buds though!