Beer Here

tctenten said:
So I stopped at another local homebrew store tonight. Pretty cool place. You can brew there and use their equipment.....something to think about for a larger batch down the road. I think the next step I take after I finish the kits is to do either a 2 or 3 gallon batch. Pretty sure I can handle that with the equipment I have. They said they would custom fill any recipe. So whichever kit I like the most, I am going to try and find a similar recipe.... Or maybe try one that you guys recommend.
That's awesome. Closest dedicated brew shops to me are 45 minutes away. Big liquor store 6 mins down the road had a good brew section, but nobody to really talk to about it.
D3monic said:
one day when i'm not so poor I may get into home brewing. 
It's a lot of fun for sure. And it gives back, which is nice for a hobby.
D3monic said:
one day when i'm not so poor I may get into home brewing. 
you are getting into homebrewing because you are getting the 3rd kit ;) ...
err, as it turns out, I wasn't the only person who was thinking about getting a kit to you ... you are getting hooked up by tctenten!
there's just so much love ...
D3monic said:
wait huh? I'm not sure I know what's going on here but I think I like it  :dance:
i was planning to send you the 3rd kit when i send JHP's ... but tctenten PM'd me because he was separately thinking about sending you a kit like i'd sent him one ...
so you are getting hooked up by tctenten, whom i hooked up, and i'm hooking up Chris still ...
also, i'm giving him your addy ...
Well I greatly appreciate it guys. I already got hops going in the back yard. I'll make sure to harvest it next year. Maybe I should set up another trellis or string lines in the backyard away from where the stupid dogs can get at it. 
my wife going to go nuts once she figures out I may have another hobby... lol. 
I'm usually good for a hobby for 2 years.... i'll spend thousands on a hobby before bouncing and selling it off for a few bucks. 
last big hobby was poison dart frogs. I had a LOT invested in it... more than the reef tanks. some of the frogs in my collection where $250-$500 each I had some beautiful vivariums though. Just allergies couldn't take all the fungus and ect. 
D3monic said:
Well I greatly appreciate it guys. I already got hops going in the back yard. I'll make sure to harvest it next year. Maybe I should set up another trellis or string lines in the backyard away from where the stupid dogs can get at it. 
my wife going to go nuts once she figures out I may have another hobby... lol. wife just shook her head and walked away when I got Grant's box of goodies. Now she is asking me to make something she will drink.
D3monic said:
Really cool, funny because just yesterday my wife was asking me what I wanted her mom to get me and I mentioned she should get me a home brew kit. 
it's even more fun, now you can have her get you a keg =)
who doesn't want a keg from their mother in law? #winning
grantmichaels said:
it's even more fun, now you can have her get you a keg =)
who doesn't want a keg from their mother in law? #winning
I got a fridge in the garage... wouldn't be much to put a mini in there with a tap. 
Checked on the oatmeal stout when I got home and we have some krausen on top.  Absolutely no action in the blowoff tube but it certainly looks like the yeast are working.
An early thanks to all of the service men and women for Veteran's Day tomorrow.  What they have done and continue to do is appreciated by most.  
I am fortunate enough to have the day off and I am pretty sure that I am going to brew the Summer Wheat kit that I have.
On my last brew, this past saturday, I used half a packet of US-05.  I sealed up the packet and put it back in the fridge, is it ok to use the remaining 1/2 packet?  
tctenten said:
Checked on the oatmeal stout when I got home and we have some krausen on top.  Absolutely no action in the blowoff tube but it certainly looks like the yeast are working.
An early thanks to all of the service men and women for Veteran's Day tomorrow.  What they have done and continue to do is appreciated by most.  
I am fortunate enough to have the day off and I am pretty sure that I am going to brew the Summer Wheat kit that I have.
On my last brew, this past saturday, I used half a packet of US-05.  I sealed up the packet and put it back in the fridge, is it ok to use the remaining 1/2 packet?  
I defer to the others who might have done that, but I have not (and probably would not just because wasting the time spent brewing over a couple of dollars would be a tragic mistake in my realm) ...
That's all I needed….and I agree.  Will use new unless someone else has positive past  experience with doing something similar.   
That will leave me with one more kit, the Chocolate Maple Porter.  Should I just grab some more US-05 or is there a better yeast for a porter?
First batch will have been in bottles for two weeks this saturday and I am really looking forward to my first real glass of chilled homebrew.  My second batch and the beer I brew tomorrow should be ready to drink in early december.  I will most likely brew the last kit this weekend and that should be ready just prior to the holidays.  That will fill up all of my gallon containers and probably leave me with enough beer to get me through January…as long as it is drinkable   :pray:  :pray:.
Then I plan to try and do a 2 or 3 gallon batch early next year.  Not sure if I will ever get up to a 5 gallon brew for a few reasons.  Just more crap I have to store, and it may just be more beer than I need.  
tctenten said:
Checked on the oatmeal stout when I got home and we have some krausen on top.  Absolutely no action in the blowoff tube but it certainly looks like the yeast are working.
An early thanks to all of the service men and women for Veteran's Day tomorrow.  What they have done and continue to do is appreciated by most.  
I am fortunate enough to have the day off and I am pretty sure that I am going to brew the Summer Wheat kit that I have.
On my last brew, this past saturday, I used half a packet of US-05.  I sealed up the packet and put it back in the fridge, is it ok to use the remaining 1/2 packet?  
Yummy, I love wheats and IPAs.  I hit the local liquor store today hoping to snag some 3 floyds but they was all out. They said it is usually sold out within a few hours of delivery. Some time this winter (probably after xmas) I'll be sure to send you and grant a few bottles from them to try. Their wheat beer Gumball head and the IPA Zombie dust are really good. 