every time i see a homebrew kit like this, or the Mr Beer stuff, I just cringe and wish people would understand how much better an all grain mash and temperature controlled fermentation will net you

I will never ever again just toss in a vial of liquid yeast and expect it to produce the properties it should, because after going through the phases of yeast metabolism, you are just asking for problems
every time i see a homebrew kit like this, or the Mr Beer stuff, I just cringe and wish people would understand how much better an all grain mash and temperature controlled fermentation will net you

I will never ever again just toss in a vial of liquid yeast and expect it to produce the properties it should, because after going through the phases of yeast metabolism, you are just asking for problems

yea i was suprised at what came out. i was expecting some sulfery undrinkable mess but its actualy quite good. (and just so you know the wort in the bottle is all grain and un concentrated)

i want to eventually get into all grain brewing but i have no idea where to start.
I'm gonna bet that no one has encountered this before....a very small brew pub in Door County WI - they make a mean porter, this is their Captains Copper which is a bit like an English bitter. Not too hoppy, easy to drink, low carbonation. Head retention quite poor, no legs....but you can down a six pack without heaving - surely the only test for a good ale?

Ithaca Hop Stash
6% ABV

Poured into a pint glass a nice clean/clear golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice two-finger plus foamy white head, with some nice sticky lacing left behind. The nose is hoppy, malty, with some grapefruit notes, slight pine note. The taste is hoppy, with a nice malt balance, lots of grapefruit notes, very slight pine note. Medium Body, nice bitter/dry finish. This is a very tasty brew, it grow's on ya. :beer: :beer:

Bullfrog Brewery
Edgar IPA
8% ABV

Poured into a Stone pint glass a cloudy dark golden yellow color, very nice carbonation, with a very nice three-finger foamy white head, with some nice sticky lacing left behind. The nose is pretty hoppy, with a slight malt note, lots of citrus and pine notes. The taste is nice and hoppy, slightly sweet, with some maltiness thrown in, a really nice citrus/pine note. Medium Body, with a very nice bitter/dry finish. This is my first Bullfrog brew and it's pretty tasty, will seek out others for sure. :beer: :beer: :beer:

A friend of mine sent me a six pack so tonight I'm feeling nostalgic. Tonight its " Lone Star Beer and Bob Wills music' ice cold it's not bad. Right up there with Pearl!

Cheers Y'all,
holstein festbock today

pour it pours brown with a 3-4 finger yellowy fluffy head that dies down after about 2 minutes leaves flecks of lace that slide back down.

aroma smells like beer? kinda darkish smelling breaddy malts

taste piney hoppy up front then melts into a tangyness and finishes off with a dry caramell malt aftertaste.

drinkibility its kinda mildly carbonated so it dosent feel as thick as it could but its smooth so you could drink a few but its fairly high in abv so it wont take too many

this is my first bock i dont mind it its a little generic but its solid. i'd giv it a 7.5/10 if im in the mood for something lighter ill pick this up.
Bells two hearted is the best IPA in the country


tonight some Unearthly IPA we brewed 3 weeks ago and bottled today, that I changed the recipe and dry hopped on a completely different profile than usual, shhh dont tell anyone, and its fantastic, and everyone at the brewery today was like "why does this taste so different, did the gravity change, did the malt bill change....?"

i just snickered
Bells two hearted is the best IPA in the country


tonight some Unearthly IPA we brewed 3 weeks ago and bottled today, that I changed the recipe and dry hopped on a completely different profile than usual, shhh dont tell anyone, and its fantastic, and everyone at the brewery today was like "why does this taste so different, did the gravity change, did the malt bill change....?"

i just snickered

Have you ever tried Masala Mama, Smuttynose Finest Kind, Furious. :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

ok a proper review of hoegarden

pour is a cloudy white when poured acording to bottle it produces 2 fingers of fluffy white head that lasts a little while and leaves small rings of lace

aroma fresh citrusy aroma

taste is lemon citrusy with a bit of malts and hops but citrus is the main flavor

drinkability its got medium carbonation but its kinda smooth you could drink a few.

i'd give it a 8/10 being able to sit down and analize this beer it has risen up to something i'd enjoy. ill have it again.
Wachusett IPA
5.6% ABV

Pours a nice hazy golden amber color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger creamy off-white head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, slight hop note, very slight citrus note. The taste is sweet, malty, slightly hoppy. Medium Body. Not a bad brew. :beer:


today we are celebrateing canada day with a scottish beer! innis and gunn canada day edition 2011


pour brown with a 1 finger head that dies down to a island and a ring leaves a bit of laceing

aroma golden malts and a hint of whisky with citrus hops

taste Whisky malts and piney hops a rather bold flavor. almost smokey.

drinkability. its a strong beer like almost all I&G its mediumly carbonated but its decently smooth it'd be easy to drink 2 or so of these

overall i'd give this a 8/10 if it wasent a limited edition i'd buy these more often its like drinking a highland dram in a pint.
This Afternoon

Mayflower Brewing Company
Oatmeal Stout
6% ABV

Pours a nice black color, some carbonation, nice little fizzy light tan head, with very minimal sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, with some nice chocolate/toffee notes. The taste is malty, sweet, with some chocolate/toffee notes, little vanilla. Medium Body. A very tasty brew. :beer: :beer:

So we racked off a keg of imperial milk stout that we brew, and then turn into Creme Brulee today, but we got it before it went into the filter and all the extra vanilla gets added

its basically a cask imperial stout


came in at 10.8 percent too, higher than usual