anoother half pints

st james pale ale

pour pale yellow with a large bubble head of 1/4 finger that dies down to a ring and laces that runs down the glass

aroma bit of citrus hops and crystal malts

flavor citrus hops that meld into lagerish malts if it was classified a lagger it'd be the best lagger i'v ever had.

drinkability its light medium carbed and of a lower alcoholl content so you could go through a few of these in a night they go down smooth too.

i'd give it a 6.9/10 it'd be a great session beer.
ok the one i'v been waiting for a while. stir stick stout

pour pitch black with almost no head. no lace

aroma coffee and burnt malts

flavor espresso coffee into chocolate malts a little bit of pine hops on the end its THE best coffee stout i'v had to date.

drinkability its medium thick with a nice spritzy carbonation and smooth flavor it goes down so easy.

oh man its as good as it was the first time 9.5\10
ok today is odins tripple from norway

pour no head and pitch black

aroma molasses i cant quite discribe it

taste ALCHOLL almost whine like fruityness and some chocolate in there.

drinkability the alchoholl permerates though this it burns going down so i doubt many would have more than one. almost no carbonation. im having trouble with this one. its like chewwing on a chocolate shoe so thick and the alcoholl is a huge factor. makes it hard to drink. ok half way through and im buzed holy crap.

i'm kinda on the fence of this one its slightly bizzar but damn dose it pack a whollop its so viscious i can see a brown tint to my glass 7/10 its a little over the top even for me and i like Russian imperial stouts.
It's been a long day. I stoped by the local ABC and found a Theobroma by Dogfish Head Brewing.



The pour was golden but with none of the aromas I was expecting. There was about ½ a finger of head and almost no lacing. Theobroma is the Cocoa beer based on an ancient recipe of the Myans and Aztecs.


The taste is a classic ale taste of malt flavor and hops but they are light when compared to most other ales I’ve tried. There is also some flavor from the additions but not what you think they would be. It is brewed with honey, ancho chilies, ground annatto, cocoa nibs and cocoa powder. I was expecting to get some of the chocolate aroma and some spiciness from the chilies however what I got was a great tasting ale. I couldn’t find any notes of the cocoa or the chilies. I was expecting a dark beer and it came out a golden caramel color.

Now, it may sound as if I didn’t care much for this one however I did very much enjoy it. It just wasn’t what I was expecting from a beer made with the ingredients it has. One thing I am beginning to learn with fermenting though is that what you put into the fermentation may be sweet and smell and taste one way but when the fermentation process is complete, it’s going to be a whole new ball game.

Cheers, :beer:
RM :cool:
This Afternoon:

Nebraska Brewing Company
Black Betty
Russian Imperial Stout (Aged In Whiskey Barrels)
9.3% ABV
750ml Capped
Bottle Conditioned

Poured into a chalice a very nice black color, very nice carbonation, with a very nice two-finger creamy light tan head, which leaves some very nice thick sticky lacing behind. The nose is malty, very slight hop note, lots of chocolate, very nice whiskey note, vanilla. The taste is very nice, malty, very nice whiskey barrel notes, lots of chocolate. Full/Medium Body, ABV is hidden very very well with this one, creamy. This one is very enjoyable to drink. Thanks Ben! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Almanac Beer Co.
Summer 2010 Vintage - Blackberry
Belgian Strong Pale Ale
8% ABV

Green Foil
Bottled: 5/29/11
Bottle No.: 143

Poured into a chalice a very nice cloudy golden yellow color, nice carbonation, with a nice one-finger foamy white head, which leaves a huge oil slick in the middle of the glass. The nose is malty, yeast, with some nice slightly blackberries, peppery, licorice notes. The taste is malty, slightly sweet, yeasty, nice little blackberry notes, licorice, lemon, and some pepper notes. Medium Body. This is a very tasty brew, glad to have gotten a chance to try it. Thanks Dave! :beer: :beer:


The Bruery
Old Ale
ABV 14.5%

Black Wax/Capped
2011 Vintage
Bottle No: 9335

Poured into goblet a very nice grapy color, very nice carbonation, with a HUGE two-finger foamy off-white head, and leaves a HUGE island of thick creamy sticky lacing in the middle of the glass. The nose is very nice malty, slightly yeast, with lots of cherries, plums, raisins, and figs. The taste is malty, sweet, with lots of dark fruits, very nice cherry note. Full/Medium Body, a slightly dry finish. ABV is hidden very well, definitely a sipper. One of the best Old Ales I've had to date, highly recommended. Thanks Dave! :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
Firestone 14th Anniversary Ale
American Strong Ale
ABV 12.5%

22oz. Bomber
Black Tinfoil/Capped

Poured into a chalice a black color, nice carbonation, nice little fizzy light tan head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, with some very nice bourbon notes, chocolate/toffee notes. The taste is sweet, malty, chocolate/toffee adds a nice back taste, lots of bourbon notes here. Full/Medium body, the ABV is alittle too up front. A tasty brew, thanks Kyle! :beer: :beer: :beer:

Firestone Walker Brewing Co.
Russian Imperial Stout
ABV 13%

22oz. Bomber
Black Tinfoil/Capped

Pours a jet black color, nice carbonation, with a one-finger creamy tan head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, tons of chocolate/toffee notes, vanilla, slight bourbon note. The taste is malty, sweet, with lots of chocolate/toffee. Full/Medium Body. The ABV is too up front on this one. A very tasty brew.

Never tried this before tonight

Anderson Valley Brewing Co.
Hop Ottin' IPA

Not bad, quite malty and a little sweet for an IPA !
