Tonight (among others)
Im new to this thread, and mad at myself for not jumping in earlier. Well, my first IPA was a Dogfish Head 90 or 60 minute, i dont much

but I wasnt really into it. After a while, I started craving IPAs as the others didnt have enough "umph". Well I think I may have hit the peak on this one. The Stone Brewery Runiation IPA is about as stout as I have had. Extremely "Hoppy", and rates 100+ in IBU's. If I hadn't worked up to this one, I would have trashed it.
I have a buddy who brews his own booze and told me about it. Today after work I went to a local wine/spirit shop that lets you make your own 6 packs and discounts the price. I picked up the Ruination and another Stone Brew, as well as some other IPAs and seasonals.
The label has a whole story that talks about how it is called ruination because after you take a sip your palette is ruined. Soon, you will not taste any other beer and must come back. But at almost 20 bucks a 6er I hope I am not Ruinationed...
I really enjoyed it, and found that it stood up really well to superhots. I made some burgers, fries, and mac and cheese and dumped a bunch of superhot flakes on it. I could actually taste the beer instead of having a subdued flavor I usually get eating supers and stuff.
Definitely worth it for those into heavy hopped IPAs.