That sounds delicious. Serve this with steak or pork chops and I'd be in heavenUinta Labyrinth Black Ale (Crooked Line Series)
750ml Bottle
Bottled On: 3/31/10
American Strong Ale
13.20% ABV
$11.95 ea.
Poured into a chalice a very nice deep black color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger creamy tan head, with some nice sticky lacing to follow and a big oil slick. The nose is malty, with some chocolate/toffee notes, slight roast/smoke note, licorice, and slight oak note. The taste is very nice, malty, sweet, nice touch of chocolate/toffe, nice licorice note, with a slight hint of roasty oak. Medium body. Very Drinkable, this is one fine brew. Very nicely done Uinta.
That sounds delicious. Serve this with steak or pork chops and I'd be in heaven
Boooooo! Nova did you cut and paste that? More booooo!
Today two Corona Extras. Someone else bought it.
Having this today: Uinta Tilted Smile, an Imperial Pilsner, 9% ABV.
750ml Bottle
Bottled On: 5/5/10
$6.95 ea.
Poured into a chalice a very nice hazy golden yellow color, nice carbonation, nice one-finger foamy white head, with some sticky lacing left behind. The nose is malty, very slight yeast note, fruity, very nice hop note. The taste is malty, hoppy, some citrus, fruity. Medium body, ABV hidden very well, definitely not as hot as other Impy Pils. Very Drinkable, for the price you cannot beat it, well job done Uinta.
There's no such thing as "extra" beer.