contest Begin! African Throwdown

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Well, this turned into a collosal waste of time. Here's the pics anyway

Goat meat

Soaked the meat in a light brine with vinegar for a couple hours, rest of the ingredients are-
red lentils, yams, kale, bacon fat, leeks, onions, garlic, ginger, herbs etc


Saute leeks, onion, garlic and kale in rendered bacon fat

tried to sear the meat in the pot, but it just wasn't cutting it, so I threw it on a hot grill for a few minutes

roasting pan in the oven for a few hours, then added carrots, celery and yams, back into the larger stock pot and in the oven for more hours. Had some flat bread dough ready, made one and ate it while cooking.
Red lentils with broth, red chiles (some kind of cayenne)






I was going to serve it with bread, diced tomato, a dollop of peanut butter, etc...but the kid took off for a dance at school, and the dude refused to even taste it. So it became pretty much of a "why bother"? threw some cilantro on one plate, ate my dinner, and put everything away. Oh well~


Scovie and CJ, I'll bring a sample up to you tomorrow, you can try it, or not....

this is my post, no PoL, no final composition. Just wanted to share it in case it might be an inspiration for someone to try something they've never tried before.
I too noticed the lighter colored hog is oppressing the darker colored hog...knocking keeping it down...

I really wanted to do a whole hog roast, but ran into a few logistics hope the ribs on these are edible...
West African Chicken Curry


1 lb Chicken Thighs, Cubed
2 onions, Diced
5 Cherry Peppers, Diced
1 C Sliced Carrots
1 TBSP Minced Ginger
1 Can (32 oz) Diced Tomatoes
1 TBSP Cumin
1 TBSP Chili Powder
1/2 TBSP Curry Powder
1/2 tsp Cardamom
1/8 tsp Nutmeg
1/8 tsp Cloves
1 tsp Cayenne Flakes
6 Allspice Berries
A couple dashes of superhot powder
2/3 Can Coconut Milk
1 Tbsp Lemon Juice
3 Tbsp Peanut Butter

I browned the chicken, then added the onions, carrots, cherry peppers, and ginger and continued to saute for another 5 minutes. I then added the spices and tomatoes and brought it back to a simmer for about a half hour. Finally, I added the coconut milk, lemon juice and peanut butter and simmered the curry for another 5 minutes.

Tsire Spiced Chicken Thigh Cutlets
1/2 C Peanuts
1 tsp Chile Powder
1/4 tsp each of Ginger, Cloves, Nutmeg and Cinnamon.
Pinch of Superhot powder

I put all the ingredients into the food processor and pulsed until it the Tsire became mashed up. I rubbed it into chicken thighs and baked at 400 degrees for about 15 minutes.

I also made some rice and added about 1 tsp of red saffron for some color. I topped the rice with some crumbled peanuts and chili powder. It came out real spicy and real fragrant!


this is NOT my post, no PoL yet, NOT MY final composition.

We were supposed to be there tomorrow to eat, drink, and NAIL merry!

(forgive her, for she knows not what she does..... yet!)

I AM STEPPING IN ON HER BEHALF, (I have Power Of Attorney) We'll post your grub tomorrow SL, and WIN!!!!

edit: 'Ask the Lonely' is playing right now...
sorry "to throw in the towel" as they say. Two songs tell the short story, one by Daniel Power, the other by the Eagles on Hell Freezes over. I'm better now, Thanks CJ and Scovie. Love you guys~


MJ<>, that peanut chicken curry sounds really yummy. You brought in a lot of the flavors I saw when looking for recipes and ideas. I'd chow that down in a heartbeat! Well Done! :woot:
mj, looks good! That chicken is cubed?

SL, post your PoL and enter that sucker! You quit cuz the kid went to a dance?
i would have liked to cook some nice spiced Lion or char grilled elephant but my local supermarket were all out :(

so i decided on

Mafe | Senegalese Lamb Stew

  • 1 pound lamb stew meat, cut into 1-inch pieces
  • Few drops red wine vinegar
  • 1/4 cup peanut oil, plus more for the marinade
  • 2 small onions , diced
  • 4 garlic cloves, crushed and peeled
  • 2 heaping tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1/2 cup hot water
  • 4 cups of beef stock
  • 2 potatoes, diced
  • 1/2 cabbage, outer leaves removed, cabbage cut into slender 1/2-inch wedges
  • 5 marble sized habanero peppers, left whole
  • 4 heaping tablespoon peanut butter
  • Cooked white rice, for serving


1. To make the stew, toss the meat in a large bowl with several good shakes of vinegar with your thumb held over the bottle opening. Add a modest drizzle of olive oil and season with salt and black pepper. Add half the onions and garlic and set aside for 20 to 30 minutes.
2. In a large stockpot over medium-high heat, heat the peanut oil. Pat the meat dry, then sear on all sides until browned. Reduce the heat to medium. Add the remaining onion and garlic, and saut&eacute; just until they are softened but not browned.
3. Scrape the tomato paste into a small bowl and slowly add the 1/2 cup hot water. Stir the mixture into the pot and cook until the sauce thickens and oil glistens on the surface.
4. Add enough stock to cover the vegetables (about 4 cups, give or take) plus the bay leaf and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer gently, partially covered, for about 30 minutes.
5. Add the remaining vegetables, nestling in the larger pieces, and the habanero and simmer until they are tender, about 20 minutes. Add stock if the vegetables are not fully covered. If some vegetables soften faster than others (the squash is likely to cook fastest, and the cabbage more slowly), remove them so they do not fall apart in the stew, and reintroduce them at the end.
6. Remove about 1 cup of the liquid and transfer to a small bowl. Add the peanut butter and stir to dissolve. Pour the mixture back into the pot and simmer 10 more minutes, until the sauce is smooth and thickened. The stew is ready at this point, but can be left to simmer longer to intensify the flavor, stirring in additional stock if the sauce tightens too much. Remove and discard the bay leaf. You can leave the habaneros in the stew but warn guests of their presence. Serve the stew over the white rice.
Credit for recipe goes to these guys, i did change a few of the ingredients though.


it turned out REALLY well, the Mafe was all thick and creamy with a really pronounced peanut flavor, then a nice heat and several other flavors in the background. i will definitely be making this again.
I'm throwin' down brown tomorrow too. I might start marinating something today though. While you are at it Sum, punch Bear in the jigglies for me too. Sunofabitch stole my last bag of Pizza Combos earlier this week.
Wow, MJD - that looks really tasty! And Fan Man - just yum! Nice start, you two!

SL - My son acts like your hubby did almost every TD - he won't help when I need another pair of hands, generally won't try the dishes, and wouldn't even try the waffle one. (Go back and look at it - ignoring that the ice cream was half-melted by the time I got the pics taken, what's not to love about it that you wouldn't even try one bite?) He's the only other person in the house most of the time, so that means I eat most of my creations alone. So yeah, I get the frustration and "why bother" reaction, but my perspective is that I'm really doing these for me, anyway - it's fun "hanging out" with you guys! If they don't want to eat, that just means more awesomeness for you and me, and we'll find more appreciating folks to share with.

So yeah, your dish looks really delish - get back in the game, girl!

PS - No, he didn't eat my crown-winning entry either - more for me!
Yea, SL, just edit out all the words you put yesterday, and substitute them with new, more positive ones!
I have you as a frontrunner. The goat was inspirational. It looked really really good!

TFM, that looks really good! Like it was cooked by a professional African!
Nice job! I'd like to see more prep-pics, though! Great job!

MJD, you nailed it! Holy crap!

LOL I just went back and looked at SL's final pic again.
She ANGRY GARNISHED the dish!!!!
You can tell she took a handful of cilantro and threw it AT her plate, probably while saying, "screw those guys!"
No more angry garnishing, SL, you're a champ! They should be honored to eat your goat!

These are awesome so far! SalsaLady, I don't get it! That looks AWESOME to me.

I'm in New Brunswick, NJ and it is cold and miserable. Someone deliver me some African food, please.
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