contest BEGIN! Brekkie Sammie Throwdown

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geeme's making a cheesecake sandwich? Do your thang.
Since I'm new, I'd like to post a question to THP or geeme to get a better understanding. If this is not allowed please feel free to delete my post. Per what I read in the rules, is your post considered a "presentation" or "teaser post"? And this is why there's 10 pictures in one post?
3. You must also post two presentation pictures (MAX) in the same post as your entry post. It is recommended you take one plating pic (untouched entry), and one that shows the insides (a steak cut open, a burger cut in half, etc.). Any additional pictures in the official entry post will be removed. You may post them in non-official posts, as in, presentation and teaser posts.
WalkGood, the system won't generally allow more than 10 pics in one post, so that much is a system limitation. The two-pic limit in the final entry is more for voting purposes - pick your best shots, as when the voters go to view entries, that's what you really want them to see.

Teaser posts are not required, but can be fun. Typically it's just a showing of some or all of your ingredients, with or without "Proof of Life". If you don't include PoL in your teaser or prep pics, though, you must include it in your final post. Trust me, sometimes I've forgotten and have had to retake pics - much better to get that out of the way in an early teaser.
kybrdKid jumping in right off the bat, and geeme used a Methow $20 in her PoL!

Scovie, if you don't enter this thang, I'm divorcing you! Or Un-Friending you! Wait, you don't have a FB account......

.....If you don't enter this TD..... I'm Gonna Kick Your Patooty!

WalkGood- you can post several pictures of your prep, ingredients, cooking, the neighbor's dogs...whatever...smack talk...BUT your final official post needs to follow the format linked in the OP of this thread. Hope you can join the fun! Don't worry, just post early enough that if you miss something, someone will mention it and you can fix it before the deadline.
Ok, one last prep pic before I head out for a while.

THP - When are you installing the smell upgrade to the system??? Can't tell you how good the house smells right now!
WalkGood, here's a link to an excellent final post from last month's TD: Entry Post
You don't have to include exact measurements like key did, but people who want to make your dish will appreciate if you do.

Here's a link to a good teaser pic which includes PoL: Teaser Post

And here's a link to a prep post: Prep Post

You are not required to do teaser or prep posts, but those help the rest of us understand what you did, and also can be part of the fun of the TD's. Glad to see you join in!

Edit: I will qualify that last link... torn $$ isn't really what PoL's about, and nor are IOU's..... ;)
Thanks for the reply geeme & salsalady, I’m not in was only inquiring to get a better understanding of the process. Good luck :)
Post whatever you want.
In ne of your piks, ya gottsta have the pOL.

Finall entry two pics only and mUST INCLUDE, PROCESS AND INGREDEINTS
Scovie get back in the closet with your bottle. :lol:
FINISHED PICS TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breakfast Pita Style

Ingredient List

2 Tablespoon Yeast
3 cups Flour
11/4 teaspoon Sugar
1/2 teaspoon Salt
Canola Oil as required
1 1/2 cup warm water
1/4 cup Purple Onion (approx)
1/4 cup White Sweet Onion (approx)
4 Jalapeno Peppers (approx)
3 Serrano Peppers
5 Limes
2 cups Tomatoes
2 Tablespoons Fresh Cilantro
1/2 teaspoon Black Pepper
1/2 teaspoon Salt
2 Eggs
2-3 slices of Spam
Spinach to layer as required
Red Bell Pepper cut into small pieces as required
1/4 cup Cheddar Cheese
1/4 Low-fat Cottage Cheese
1/2 teaspoon Sugar
Olive Oil as required for cooking fillers

To Make Pita Bread:

1. Mix Yeast with 1/2 cup warm water. Let stand for 5-6 minutes.
2. Mix 1/2 teaspoon salt with 3 cups flour in bowl. Add yeast water and gradually add 1 more cup lukewarm water. Form into dough.
3. Add some Canola Oil to a bowl, then transfer dough to mixing bowl and coat well. Cover with Saran Wrap and allow to sit for 2-3 hours.
4. When ready, pre-heat oven to 500 degrees Fahrenheit. Flour flat surface, and remove dough from bowl. Separate into individual clumps on floured surface, to desired size.
5. Spray piece of Saran wrap with cooking spray, and cover dough pieces. Cover Saran Wrap with a damp towel. Let sit for 10 minutes.
6. Remove Saran Wrap from dough, then place dough pieces on a floured upside down cookie sheet with a rimmed edge. Using a rolling pin, carefully flatten out dough pieces into approximately round circle with dough being thin to desired preference.
7. Place cookie sheet with dough into oven for 4 minutes, then turn pitas over with a spatula. Let cook for two more minutes. Remove pitas from oven, flatten any air pockets and use as desired; or place in sealed bags.

To Make Salsa Fria:

1. Peel and slice into small pieces portions of 1 purple onion and sweet onion, to 1/2 cup.
2. Juice approximately 5 limes into a bowl. Add 1/2 cup of purple and sweet onion to lime juice in a bowl, and allow to marinate for 20 minutes in refrigerator.
3. De-seed and slice into small pieces Jalapenos and Serrano peppers, to 2 Tablespoons. Set aside.
4. Slice 2 tomatoes into small pieces, to 2 cups. Set aside.
5. Slice fresh Cilantro into small pieces, to 2 Tablespoons. Set aside.
6. When ready, transfer tomatoes to mixing bowl. Add 2 Tablespoons mixed Jalapeno and Serrano peppers.
7. Add 1/2 teaspoon salt and ground black pepper.
8. Add 2 Tablespoons prepared fresh Cilantro.
9. Add Lime Juice/Onion mixture and stir well.
10. Add 1/2 teaspoon sugar.

To Make Eggs/Fillers/Spam

1. Add some Olive oil to a skillet. Bring 1 Cup water to boil in saucepan, and add 1 cup spinach. Allow to return to a boil, and drain. Squeeze water out of spinach as required, and set aside.
2. Slice some Spam into small pieces, and transfer to skillet.
3. De-seed and slice into small pieces a portion of Red Bell Pepper.
4. In a second skillet with a bit of Olive oil, add prepared Red Bell Pepper and allow to cook for a bit.
5. When spam is ready, remove from skillet and set aside. Transfer Red Bell Pepper to skillet previously holding spam. Drain off extra Olive Oil.
6. Beat two eggs in a bowl, and then add to skillet containing Red Bell Pepper. Allow eggs to cook, mixing Red Bell Pepper into eggs well. When eggs are somewhat cooked, add 1/4 cup Cottage cheese. Continue cooking eggs until done.
7. When ready, slice prepared Pita bread, and coat inside with layer of prepared spinach. Add layer of cooked Spam, and then layer of egg mixture. Top with about 1/4 cup grated cheddar cheese.
8. Place prepared sandwich on plate, and spoon out salsa either on plate or on sandwich as desired. Optionally add some remaining shredded cheddar cheese on salsa. Enjoy.


YES SIR! Your best entry to date, meethinks. Fresh pita... HELL YEAH!
WOW! Excellent Keybrdkid!

That salsa fresca recipe is da BOMB! super simple, super fresh-

not required, but do you have some prep pics?
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