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contest BEGIN! Brekkie Sammie Throwdown

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That looks awesome Geeme!

Sadly I don't think I call pull this off this month - again. :(

Farmer's market now, dinner date, then brunch with mom tomorrow for her bday & I have 8 hours of customs forms to full out.

Maybe ill be able to pull it off Sunday night - I'm super bummed - breakfast is my favorite. :(
Keybrd~, don't worry about the yeast. It is more than the usual amount, but it did work to make your pita bread, and with all the other ingredients, you said it tasted fine. That's what's important, that the final product tasted fine. Obviously it was not "inedible".

Everyone messes up. Live, learn, and next time you'll do it better.
Hm. Key, I'm just wondering if that isn't a typo - did you really mean tablespoon, or possibly teaspoon? Having 2 teaspoons of yeast with three cups of flour is very common in Pita bread recipes - or even as much as 3 teaspoons.
Holy Mosess Geeme! Youd better eat that in portions over a couple days to avoid a Diabetic Coma!

That looks absolutely Divine. Like something that should be served at a fancy joint on Christmas morning.
Oh believe me, I only ate half of that. There's no way I could eat all of one in one sitting.

Kind of amusing side note... you saw that I made two loaves of pear bread. Only one existed this morning. Yes, I had a small slice last night, and gave a slice to my son, but the rest of that loaf must have sprouted legs and run off in the night.... dunno! :lol:
No I think it was the correct amount geeme that I used.

The problem may have started because I might normally make recipes for other larger types of bread. It is possible that I didn't adjust down the size of the amount of yeast I used.

Maybe I'll just buy a loaf next time..
All you guys/girls have managed to do is make me hungry, lol. On a more serious note, everyone’s work so far is looking great!!!
Aight. Me thinks I am sober enough to get this thang started.

I'm 'bout to tear a hole in the sky.

B O O M !
No I think it was the correct amount geeme that I used. The problem may have started because I might normally make recipes for other larger types of bread. It is possible that I didn't adjust down the size of the amount of yeast I used.
Maybe I'll just buy a loaf next time..
Nah, just go look up a few recipes, then make adjustments according to what you like and/or want. Like SL said, you thought it tasted fine, and that's all that really matters. I don't know if I've had bread with that high a ratio of yeast, but it could be good - I'll remain open-minded.

Keep in mind that the size of the loaf is not entirely relevant. My go-to foccaccia bread recipe uses almost 3 cups of flour to 1 tsp. of yeast, and it yields a fairly thin loaf. I have a pot-bread recipe (no, not that kind of "pot") that uses 4 cups of flour to 3/4 tsp. of yeast which I make in a 5-quart pot. On the other hand, I have a pita recipe that uses 1 cup of flour and 1 tsp. of yeast. So the other ingredients as well as desired texture and flavor make a big difference, too.
Breakfast Tortas:
Eggs, chicken, chorizo, serranos, tomato, avacado, cilantro, black beans, monterey jack, queso fresco, lime, bread, biker billy chipotle powder.


Egg bath for the chicken:


The salsa ingredients:


chicken topped with queso fresco and chorizo:


egg frying with hot sauce and biker billy chipotle powder:


stuffing the torta. layered black beans, chicken, egg, salsa (ready for the panini press)


almost ready:

Been awhile Buddy! Nice to see you in this one :) I am drooling thinking about yours actually.

Scovie like you really need to be sober??? You cook plenty of things drunftk.
Thanks to all for the compliments. Megan, this time was another "you guys talk, I listen..... sometimes!" ;)

buddy, buddy, buddy! Looks like you're coming up with some late-morning yumminess!
stickman - You don't like over easy eggs? Over hard on purpose, I can't get down. Otherwise nice.

gemme - Okay, I said I like pie and coffee for breakfast an you ran with it :lol:. Creative.
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