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contest BEGIN! Burger Royale Round 3 - Alternative

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LB - That is one BEAUTIMOUS burger!!!!! And your prep pics were a blast to scroll thru too!!!!!!!

Booma - You bringin' us the 'Roo Burger or what?!?! hahaha
Hey Scovie G doing her job! No peppers, even on a joke = FAIL :lol:
Ok THP, Box re-wrapped. I threw in a pound of orange habs...

AND I'm writing a strongly worded email to the company explaining that... NO CHILI PAPER = NO SALE = FAIL! :doh:

I yield to G then, to make the call! :party:
SIC Salmon Smash
ooh - I see mascarpone....salmon and shrimp? To use the parlance of our times, I be kinda liking to like what LadySic be liking here. And panko (which y'all know I <3 so much)

I may vote for her entry based on her ingredients pic alone. :clap:
Lady Sic just set the bar.

I surrender - no way I can beat what she's got going on, and trying to launch today so no time for anything - tomorrow is booked up.

Good luck everyone - y'all's gonna need it!
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