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contest BEGIN! Can You Win A—Throwdown?

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Might need a road trip tomorrow for one WA made canned product. And, NO! It's not "canned salsa". I thought about making a fresh canned salsa, but couldn't find canned cilantro. (now how's that for an oxymoron? fresh canned salsa. or... canned fresh salsa... :crazy: )
...ok let me just climb up onto my soap box.

Every chef always says the key to cooking good food is to start with the freshest ingredients. The more processed foods are, the more they lose their nutrients, and also their subtle flavours which are inevitably replaced with salt and fat. Canned goods are useful when going to Antarctica or during the zombie apocalypse, but when you can eat the fresher alternative, you should. So bottom line, this TD is promoting unhealthy practices. Something I'd never think to see on the internet! Shame on you THP. :shame:

Ok maybe I'm more upset with the fact that where I live most things that used to be canned, are now in plastic or glass containers. There is seriously very little available. I saw canned bread mentioned on Spongebob Squarepants and thought it was a joke because its something you could never put in a can, but apparently you do have it??

I've run out of rant so here's the teaser and POL.

That's a dollar, we don't have 1 cent coins anymore.

mmmm holds its shape well


imported from UK so maybe there's a little horsey in there ;)



mushrooms, satay sauce, tomato paste, curry powder

what could I be doing here?
Oy, megamoo, THP nixed Pringles specifically already - got any alternatives?

What really? I read the post questioning them and thought it was resolved in the positive.

I might have to resign from this whole throwdown thing, :rolleyes:

Just imagine it as a pile of tasty tasty sludge on a plate. Pretend the pringles aren't even there.. :eek:
FYI on Pringles etc. http://thehotpepper.com/topic/36673-the-next-throwdown-is-official-2013-td-announcements/page__st__340
Soup in a Bread Bowl

Usually I eat soup in a bowl. Infrequently, I eat the bowl as well.

Ingredient List

1 can Coconut Milk
1 can Mangosteens and a bit of juice
1 can Alaska Pink Salmon
3/4 quart chicken stock (3 cans)
1/4 quart chicken noodle soup [2 cans] (noodles and chicken removed-used for garlic and/or liquid mostly. if needed, ask me ingredients.)
1 can medium carrots (*less; used as desired)
1 can jalapeno/carrot mix [*less; used as desired] (for jalapenos mostly; as well as salt, garlic, vinegar, sugar, spices, canola oil, ect.)
2 Tablespoons canned Pumpkin Puree
1 can California Green Olives (not stuffed-for olive oil)

To prepare olive oil:

1. Drain 1 can of California green olives, and transfer olives to container. Using a utensil of choice, crush olives to release liquid. Drain this liquid into a bowl. Toss remaining olive pieces, or use as desired. Oil and water don't mix if memory serves, so perhaps wait until oil and water separate a bit in the bowl your were just working with. Spoon out olive oil/water mix as desired.

To prepare bread bowl:

0. Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees.
1. Sanitize a small round oven-safe container (one with a small handle actually might work best,) and turn upside-down on a cookie sheet. Coat outside of container with some olive oil.
2. Open a can of butter biscuits. Coat your hands with a layer of olive oil, then take about 6 pre-sliced biscuits and mush them together. Gradually stretch this ball of dough out into a pizza crust like circle (but not that big or uniform.) The result should be round, and somewhat thick. Continue to coat your hands with olive oil as required.
3. When ready, wrap prepared dough around outside of upside-down container, to shape the eventual bread bowl-looking for thin parts of dough. Try to fix these before they go in the oven-otherwise you may have leaks. (**Note. If leak(s) develop after liquid has been transferred into it-perhaps do not discard bread bowl yet. There possibly may be a fix. Let liquid drain out, then CAREFULLY [before bread becomes too soggy] transfer back to cookie sheet. Place it lightly onto cookie sheet-which may or may not help seal the cracks-not sure. If heavier pieces of food that were previously in the liquid remain in the empty bread bowl, this may or may not help seal leaks also.)
4. Place cookie sheet containing bread bowl into oven for 13 minutes at 400 degrees. When done, removed cookie sheet from oven. Carefully flip bread bowl over using handle on bowl. Using a knife, carefully work knife around edge of bowl to separate bread bowl from container. Remove container. Set container aside, and place bread bowl back on cookie sheet. Place in oven for another 5 minutes to finish cooking.
5. Remove from oven, and set aside.

To prepare salmon:

1. Remove salmon from can. Remove mangosteens from can, pour into container. De-seed by hand, crushing remaining pulp on a plate.
2. In a container, marinate salmon in some crushed mangosteens and a bit of juice (also add a bit of the jalapeno juice mix) for about 1 hour.
3. When ready, heat skillet with some "olive oil"-and cook the salmon for a bit of time, till cooked. Set aside.

To prepare soup:

1. Remove medium carrots from can. Cut into strips at desired length and thickness. Set aside temporarily.
2. Remove jalapenos from can. If necessary, cut into strips at desired length and thickness. Set aside temporarily.
3. In a large saucepan, add 2 tablespoons pumpkin puree. Cook on medium heat for a bit (maybe about 1 min or less,) watching to prevent burning.
4. After heating, add 1 can Coconut Milk, 3/4 quart chicken stock, and 1/4 quart chicken noodle soup (without noodles or chicken,) some of the slices carrots, and sliced jalapenos. Heat mixture for 10 minutes on medium heat.
5. When ready, add prepared salmon into mixture and cook an addition 4-5 minutes. Transfer to bread bowl and serve.


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