contest BEGIN! Chili and Cornbread Throwdown

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Are those radishes you're crushing?

SumOfMyBits said:
Last that was left of the TD discussion was we could do a meat and a non-meat. I'm rollin' with that.
SG also had a meat entry. So... stop me now before I try to make cornbread sans eggs.
I think I remember someone saying you can substitute hair for the eggs.
able eye said:
I just wanted to know if it was really an entry or just some more photos. It looks delicious so far actually.
Troll is one of those catchall words for people with myopic views and limited vocabularies.
At least that's been my empirical observation.
It was my misunderstanding.  Sorry.  I saw you two jabbing at each other and took it the wrong way.  Carry on.
able eye said:
Are those radishes you're crushing?

I think I remember someone saying you can substitute hair for the eggs.
Not radishes. Kidney beans. I don't think radishes would crush well into paste.
Hair for egg sub? Tell me more!
SumOfMyBits said:
Last that was left of the TD discussion was we could do a meat and a non-meat. I'm rollin' with that.
SG also had a meat entry. So... stop me now before I try to make cornbread sans eggs.
I was wrong, continue.. #pookie just answered my question with a complicated response that 4 drinks in I could not comprehend. 
grantmichaels said:
Where's your green one, JHP ...

Throw it down impromptu ...
My venison is vegetarian....
Correct, if you want to add another entry make it v/v or v. Oh hell those are all v's!
Husker21 excellent presentation, I can see everything! The bits and the bread! :D

I knew you were going mole, gonna hafta check that out better real soon!
Few things are best enjoyed to take a bite out of a piece of hot cornbread homemade. Especially when it's the first time, as is my
case. With its great buttery flavor and texture that melts in your mouth corn bread can be the perfect accompaniment to a delicious,
spicy stew of meat and beans.
The spicy beef chili combined with the texture of cornbread and cheese distinctive touch, achieve a perfect conjunction. Rarely have
I never eaten something so simple and delicious like this.
Cornbread ingredients:
1 cup cornmeal
¾ cup white flour
1 tablespoon sugar
1-½ teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
6 tablespoons butter (margarine, shortening)
1-½ cups buttermilk (sour milk)
2 large eggs
Cornbread directions:  
Add the cornstarch to the bowl with white flour, sugar, baking soda and salt. Breaks and take a couple of large eggs in a medium
bowl. Add the buttermilk to eggs. In a separate bowl, six tablespoons melted butter. When the butter is melted, add it to the egg
mixture and buttermilk and whisk all ingredients together.
BONUS: I tryed make some filled muffins with crushed onion and mild hot peppers and other with sugar for my sons (they help me do
it)... Sweet cornbread? Yes it's good, definetly!

Place the mold in a heated oven. Bake corn bread for 15-20 minutes
Chili ingredients:
1-½ pound ground beef
2 canned red beans
5-6 fresh ripe tomatoes
1 medium onion
2 cloves garlic
½ paprika
Some hot pepper to taste
1 stalk scallion
Some fresh coriander leaves
1 tablespoon butter
1 dash of olive oil
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1 tablespoon Worcester sauce (Worcestershire)
1 teaspoon cayenne pepper
black pepper

Chili directions:
Chop the onion, garlic, pepper and paprika into small squares. Chop the chives too small and divided the white part of the stem of
green leaves. Crush the tomatoes peeled once (in boiling water) with a fork to mash them again, allowed to remain some pieces of
irregular sizes.
Heat a pan, add olive oil and butter and fry in this order: garlic, onion, paprika, pepper and the white part of coriander.
Then add the ground meat. Stir and begins to incorporate cumin, oregano, paprika, Worcestershire (Worcester), cayenne pepper, salt
and black pepper.
Let it cook for about 5 minutes and add crushed tomatoes. After add bean and cook a few minutes and serving.



FRYDAD'S Smoked Chili and Cornbread Cock-Doggies
Make this!!! Chili tastes good made outside over coals!!
I'm staunchly anti-bean in my chili, but I got nothin against a bean chili made by someone else... :)
2 Poblanos, diced fine; 1 sweet onion, Diced fine; 3 dried ancho chilis minced; 4 cloves garlic; 2/3 lb top sirloin steak, minced, not ground!; 2 links hot Italian sausage, grilled and cubed; 3 raw chicken tenderloins, cubed; 16 oz Mississippi Mud Black and Tan separated (add 12 at first, add 4 more oz later). 
Start some charcoal. Do it. Trust me, it's better when you do it outside. 
Put a cast iron skillet on the coals. Sautee the vegetables and then add the meat. After a few minutes add a big can of whole tomatoes and a big can of crushed tomatoes. Let it simmer for a LONG TIME!!! Add some salt to taste. 
Beef Lil Smokeys. You know they're awesome!
Cornbread (corndog) batter...
1/2 C cornmeal (you might need more later); 1/2 C AP flour (maybe more...your call); 1 t kosher salt; 1/2 t baking powder; 1/8 t baking soda; 1/2 t cayenne powder; 1 T diced fresh jalapeno; 1/2 can cream style corn; 1/3 C diced sweet onion, 3/4 C buttermilk.
Mix the batter up. Coat the doggies in corn starch, impale them with a toothpick, roll in batter, and deep fry in vegetable oil. 
Serve the way you like it....Fritos, diced jalapeno, sour cream, shredded pepper jack...whatevs!





I'm gonna eat yo' cornbread!!!

JoynersHotPeppers said:
Nah, it has been hard enough cooking being on daddy daycare duty since Friday for 3 minions. Best of luck!
Having minions myself, I applaud you :clap:

It's been a pleasurable chore going through all the epic entries and it's not even over yet. Awesome job to all!

While I "think" you can never have enough chili, I'd made it the past 2 weekends in a row(with beans of course) and I think my fiber intake needs a rest :)
Holy cow, two more awesome entries from Cypress and Frydaddy posted in the time I was typing my last post!
Peppers. They only had the new mexico peppers, next time I will check again for some more. 3 Habanaros from the garden,(I should have added 2 more) 3 santa fe grande peppers from garden. 2 poblano(can only barely see second one behind other) 2 red bells

Non-pepper ingredients

Cornbread. This is the first time I put cheese in cornbread. Helluva good has had tasty stuff in the past so I picked up a block of their jack to try today.

FD - as per the usual, very fine.
nice application of high-key on display there, too ... nothing to see in the sour cream, everything on display in the chili.
FD you've got 5 presentation pics, one bonus pic left, that pic of it cooking on the grill will make up people's minds trust. 
spysee said:
Peppers. They only had the new mexico peppers, next time I will check again for some more. 3 Habanaros from the garden,(I should have added 2 more) 3 santa fe grande peppers from garden. 2 poblano(can only barely see second one behind other) 2 red bells

Non-pepper ingredients

Cornbread. This is the first time I put cheese in cornbread. Helluva good has had tasty stuff in the past so I picked up a block of their jack to try today.

Oh shizzle! Is this a another veggie chili!?!
Love it so far.
Ovo- lacto vegetarian. THP should have made separate crowns. LAWLS
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