contest BEGIN! Chopped - Fight for Independence!

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Yeah, I added a pretty decent dose of the Ghost Fire Hot Sauce you see in my POL (the one that's not SalsaLady's), so the pork was pretty spicy even before it got the peanut sauce (which was also hot). If I were not pregnant I would've added a bit more heat, but I can't go too wild while pregnant knowing that heartburn could strike at any moment... :(
America On A Bun!

O yeahhhhhhhhhh nice!
THP - Better get your thinking cap on. If you can describe a "cown" to me, I'll try to come up with a graphic for it..... :lol:

is that a "cow-down" = cown? :?:
Very nice Marcie! I would so nom on that! FD, if its possible, I will on Sunday morning. Lots going on this weekend, and I am leaving for a mini vacation on Monday.
Translation......JT's takin' a pass! So don't even waste your time sitting at the computer for days, waiting patiently for visions of culinary lusciousness from the SupaHero!!! It's not gonna happen!!!!! No way, no how!!!!

(there JT, I think I got ya off the hook.....but if you want to mysteriously surprise us........;) )
Salsalady's American Melting-pot Dinner

well I had no idea what to do with the Chopped ingredients....and literally, had it done in 5 hours from first sight of the challenge to meal-done. Throw It Down, Throw It Around, Get It Up All Hot And Spicy!



pork medallions, just Beat It!

Stir Fry ingredients and the pork pieces all ready for the marinade in tamari, S&P, garlic, BOURBON,

the next pic of the ingredients with the green beans~~~

So- i had the pork medallions all pounded out and thin ands sexy, ready for the quick dip in the bourbon-tamari-spicy marinade before dredging in flour and pan frying......

and .......SHEESH-o-RAMA! TOTAL FAIL!!!! I totally forgot to dip the pork medallions in the soy sauce and just dredged and fried them... :rolleyes: :banghead:

OK......Plan C.... or D.....or DD..????

Reduce the bourbon tamari sauce with more honey...=WIN!


Woah wait, what's going on here.
This weird ass td is starting off quite strong!!

Marcie that Sammy looks really good! Nice job, could be a winner! Great pics!

SL, pho king awesome! That's gonna be solid. No doubt.
Have you tied Texas Creek products?

I got sumfin up my sleeve...
Marcie, that looks amazing!!!

SL, lookin good. I love me some stir fry!!

I'm not gonna make this one, I gots too much to do to get ready for the vacation. Yall have fun, I will be checkin in every once and a while, drooling all over my keyboard! DO IT UP YALL!! :dance:
Salsalady's All-American Melting-Pot Meal

Ingredients- pork, peanut butter, pasta, tamari, assorted veggies, Red Savina habanero pepper, granny smith apples, Republic honey, Washington-made Pho King Soybanero sauce, chicken broth, American bourbon.

Melt 1/2 cup of peanut butter with 2 Tbsp tamari, 2T bourbon, several twists of black pepper (sorry, geeme) 1/4 tsp singular chile powder (I used Red Savina Habanero), 1 cup chicken broth, garlic.

Cook Italian spaghetti until al dente and then plop it into the Thai-style peanut sauce.... let the noodles soak up all that American peanut butter yumminess.....

PORK!- cut (insert any nation in the world) pork loin chops into pieces about 1" x 1"...pound flat and tender with a meat mallet.

(side note here.....the original plan was to drop the medallions in a spicy tamari bourbon marinade...but I forgot that step so...)

dredge the medallions in spicy seasoned flour and pan fry until golden brown. Put in oven to keep warm.

Take the forgotten tamari/bourbon/garlic/honey marinade and reduce.....and drizzle onto the fried pork medallions...

Stir fry all the fresh veggies and granny smith apples in veggie-sesame-chile sesame oil. Add the last of the Pho King Ahh Sum Soybanero Sauce (sniff~ it's all gone now~~~)

garnish with sesame seeds-



We are a world and we are all her children. We are all the ones who'll make a brighter day...
[sub]Boss...kinda need an answer before I get started. I planned on a main course, a side, and a dessert. Need to know ASAP. [/sub]
Excellent SL!!!! Great save!!! Why bother with a Plan A when your Plan B is so stellar!?!? That sounds, and looks like it's positively bursting with flavor!!!!!! :D
LB, one dish. Like Chopped on TV. Spreading it out into courses defeats the purpose of the challenge :). They don't hold the peanut butter for dessert in Chopped.

Choose app, entree, or dessert.

Your dish MUST include all of these ingredients.

You may just win a cown.
g~, CJ, Marcie, Thanks!

It tasted really good! Hubby had a really bad hot sauce incident about a week ago, so I made another batch of peanut sauce with no red savina in it for him and the kid, but it still had the spicy stir fried veggies with the Soybanero Sauce. He cleaned the plate and commented about wantng to lick the plate. :lol: He also commented about liking the apples in the sauce. Mine had all the Red Savina in the sauce.

side note- when I came home from the store this afternoon and started clearing off "the spot"...he just rolled his eyes and asked..."what's the TD? " When I told him, he said..."curry!".... so it's right there~~~ great minds think alike, and we enjoyed the dinner. Even have some left overs for tomorrow.. :woohoo:
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