contest BEGIN! Chopped - Fight for Independence!

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Teaser with required ingredients, and pol.


Going out to light the smoker.
Hey y'all! Check it out! DaRooster postin up battle pics on his second post!!! Is that a record for the fewest posts in a TD?
Way to go Rooster!!!!! Good luck man, and BRING IT!!!!!
Oh, the point was it's a challenge to start with peanut butter not make one with the other ingredients, like if someone handed you these four ingredients. Next time I'll explain the show better. But now it is peanut butter so that should be one of your starting ingredients, not a finished one.
I got it...I just figured a little homemade PB wouldn't hurt. The other ingredients will be well used elsewhere...I just thought they'd make a nice kick to some PB. This isn't a finished product by any will be used int he other...STUFF.
No it's all good! And I gotcha. It's just semantics at this point, you can start with homemade ingredients, as long as the result is the starting point for something. Just trying to explain it. Keep going. :)
Here are some progress teasers....

Hickory Smoked Apple...

Apple Stuffed Pork Loin....


Grindy, grindy!!!!!

Poury, poury!!!!...Drunken Sauce du Jour!
In the spirit of Independence Day, I was thinking about making 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with apples, and downing them using the bourbon to soften the bread. But after coming to my shop on the morning of the 5th and seeing that some hoodlum had smashed out my front window (he got arrested in the act), I'm still feeling less than patriotic. I'm going asian with this thing.
Mmmmm just as I thought... Damm that looks good!

Scovie, take your eyes off of her profile pic and concentrate on the TD... :hell:

In the spirit of Independence Day, I was thinking about making 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with apples, and downing them using the bourbon to soften the bread. But after coming to my shop on the morning of the 5th and seeing that some hoodlum had smashed out my front window (he got arrested in the act), I'm still feeling less than patriotic. I'm going asian with this thing.

I feel ya. Don't let one A-hole ruin your outlook on the entire country! lol

In the spirit of Independence Day, I was thinking about making 50 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with apples, and downing them using the bourbon to soften the bread. But after coming to my shop on the morning of the 5th and seeing that some hoodlum had smashed out my front window (he got arrested in the act), I'm still feeling less than patriotic. I'm going asian with this thing.

HOLY CRAP CJ! Those apples look like the holy grail of delectable! Wrapped in some pork....(pork is not usually my go to meat but you have made it sexy)

Right here...silly:




That's right...homemade apple-honey-bourbon peanut butter.

So LB, I bought a plane ticket from Texas to Illinois......can you make sure the peanut butter gets on the flight safely......
3/5, Scovie's eyes are trained on every little thing I'm doing today! Not much help, but sure is full of advice!!!!!! hahahahaha

More teasers - just to show I haven't fallen asleep at the wheel!!!! :D

Onions picklin'......

Peanut shells & Applewood chips - soaking...... (hated to see all those nice nuts go to waste, but I needed dem shells!!!) haha j/k

E-dub in the smoker - why the heck not?! :drunk:

Stay Scovie, Stay!
Smoker at 225º inside, 97º outside!
Teaser and POL shots

Dang it forgot to in clude the Peanut Butter and I dont have Photo Shop on this puter

The Pork loin roast is split into two roasts and marinating in different ingredients. The bottom one is for the Chiliheads and includes Bourbon, English Brown Ale and RocketMan's Dragons Blood. The top one is marinating in home made Bourbon Apple Butter (Jim Beam,Apples, brown sugar and cinnimon cooked down and blended) English Brown Ale and bourbon.

They are going to marinate over night and then into the smoker at about 230 degrees F and will be out about noon.

Great entries so far. Everyone is looking good. Hopefully this is the last time I have to do a TD with this IPhone.

come on FD what cha got?
Thai Meatballs with Bourbon Peanut Butter Dipping Sauce


I pulsed 2 jalapenos, a head of garlic, half of a fuji apple, 1/2 tsp salt, and a couple inches of ginger, in the food processor, then worked the mix, along with 1/4 cup of corn flour into a pound and a half of ground pork. I rolled them into balls, and fried them for 5 1/2 minutes.
For the sauce, I mixed about a 1/4 cup of peanut butter, 3 tablespoons of coconut milk, 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, a tablespoon of yellow thai curry paste, a tablespoon of soy sauce, about 2 ounces of bourbon, and a couple shakes of superhot powder.
Topped with a little sauce and minced chives, and then I went to town on them.
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