contest BEGIN! The Most Eggcellent Throwdown


Tinnie's Turkish Cilbir with Zucchini Fritters
Zucchini Fritters (3 portions)
- 2 Zucchinis grated
- 2 Eggs
- 4T Self raising flour
- 1/2t cumin
- 1/2t oregano
- 1t bird's eye flakes
- 1/4C green onions chopped
- 1/4C corriander finely chopped
Cilbir (1 portion)
- 2 Eggs
- 1T vinegar
- 1/2C Yoghurt
- 1 clove garlic
- 1T butter
- 1t Shoreriders smoked cayenne
Other (1 portion)
- 2 portabello mushrooms thickly sliced
- 1 clove garlic
- 1/2C baby spinach
- 4 cherry tomatoes halved
- 1-2T Woosti sauce
- Salt grated zucchini, place into a colander, set aside for 10mins
- Finely chop garlic.. add salt... then crush with flat side of your knife to turn into a paste... add to yoghurt... stir through and set aside...
- Squeeze as much liquid from zucchini as possible.... add to bowl with all dry ingredients and herbs and mix together.... add eggs and mix through...
- Over a medium heat fry fritters in batches... roughly 4 inches in diametre... 3-4 minutes each side.... set aside on a paper towel....
- Bring a small pot of water to the boil.... add vinegar and reduce to a medium low heat.... stir water in a circular motion, add egg to the centre, after 3mins remove with a slotted spoon... repeat...
- Heat butter in a pot over a medium low heat.... when melted add cayenne powder and stir for about a minute....
- In a little oil sautee mushrooms... when nearly cooked add a small knob of butter and garlic.... after a minute add spinach, tomato and woosti sauce.... when spinach just starts to wilt remove from heat.....
- Plate 2 fritters and top with poached eggs... spoon yoghurt over eggs, then pour cayenne butter over the top.... serve mushrooms/spinach/tomato on the side....




Apologies for the piggy sized portions.... was pretty damned hungry  :lol: .... 
Tinnie said:
Say one more egg related pun...... i dare ya.....  :rofl:
Monster effort that GIP. Everything looks great. Well done!
Out of curiousity, what did you do with the leftover whites from the emu egg?.... Please tell me you made the worlds biggest whiskey sour :party:  
Thanks  :)
They were reserved to be made into meringues  with a kick :D  but we never got around to it and we really didn't have more room on the plate anyway.
Ashen's Roll'out Bennie  Waffle style

I love Eggs bennie and went on a quest to find the easiest way to to get my fix  a few years ago. 
 With the exception of the waffles in this , which while very simple to make, take a bit of time. the rest of this is just Roll out of bed and be eating inside of a half hour or so if you put it on a english muffin. 
You will need a bit of special equipment for this, emmersion blender and a container not much larger than the head of the immersion blender
Reaper hollandaise
A fast easy hollandaise is the main quest to roll out of bed benny and this is about the fastest I have found.  Shout out to Kenji on this one, although I did make some tweeks.
1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon white wine  ( I used vinho verde) kenji uses plain old H2O
2 teaspoon lemon juice  ( kenji goes with 1 tsp , but I like a good lemon kick in my hollandaise to cut the richness)
Dried reaper ground with a pinch of salt  about a 1`/3 of a teaspoon
8 table spoons of melted butter.
melt your butter in a small pot and let it foam out,  put in a small measure cup with a pour spout
in a small diameter container add the egg yolk, white wine, lemon juice , ground reaper salt   

put the blender in and start on about medium  , slowly pour the hot melted butter in while running the blender.
when it is all in you can turn the blender up to high and blend for another 10 -15 seconds.  taste adjust for salt

Poached egg
this is the fastest most foolproof and easy method I could find
Egg  cracked into a small bowl, ramikin or mason jar

in a pan add about 1 to 1.5 inches of water  , splash of vinegar and pinch of salt
bring water  to boil, when  turn off and when the water drops to a bare simmer, swirl the water with a spoon to make a little whirlpool ,  gently add the egg to center of the whirlpool,   stir around the egg for a few seconds to make sure it doesn't stick to bottom. put a lid on the pan , 
set time for 3 minutes

crispy prosciutto
slice of good prosciutto, fried crispy in a lightly oiled frying pan

Sweet potato Waffles  
this is a straight up riff on Alton Brown's Sweet potato Waffles with a generous free pour of vanilla added  and I use a zip bag with corner cut off to basically pipe the mixture into the waffel iron. 
I do a border first that I let set up then , add to the center  to keep overflow mess to a minimum
 I am not sure if this is a good enough acknowledgement of copyright.  I will include the recipe to follow the url but if it needs to go I understand
8 ounces peeled and cubed sweet potatoes
1 cup whole milk
2 ounces light brown sugar
4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
1 tablespoon grated orange zest
10 1/2 ounces all-purpose
1 tablespoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
6 large egg whites, at room temperature
Non-stick spray
Place sweet potatoes in a steamer basket and insert said basket into an appropriately-sized pot over enough simmering water to come up not quite to the bottom of the basket. 
Cover and steam over medium-high heat for 20 minutes, or until the sweet potatoes are fork tender.
Remove steamer basket, pour the water out of the pot, and dump the sweet potatoes into the still-hot-pot. Mash with a potato masher until smoothish.
In a large mixing bowl, combine the sweet potatoes, milk, brown sugar, butter and orange zest with a wooden spoon.
Sift together the flour, baking powder and salt, and add to the sweet potato mixture. Stir to incorporate, but do not overmix; there should be lumps remaining in the batter.
In a separate bowl, using an electric hand mixer, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold the egg whites into the batter a third at a time.
The batter will be thick. Using a disher (appropriate to your waffle iron's capacity), dose the batter onto a heated, oiled waffle iron and cook until lightly browned, 5 to 6 minutes. 
Serve hot if you know what's good for you.
This is what it looks like before folding in the Egg Whites.   Thick like a cake batter almost


The chives while for colour are always my first real sign of spring,  first thing the comes up in my garden :)

This hits most of the flavour elements, salty from the proscuitto, slight sweetness coming from the orange zest and sweet potato in the waffle, the extra lemon juice in the hollandaise cuts thru that richness from the egg and all that butter hollandaise and of course the Reaper is there hiding in the background waiting to Mug you  with a Little Creeper Action.  :hell:
Scotch Egg and Noodles with side of Egg Salad and Sprouts.
Meat Mix
1/2 lb Bison
1/2tbsp Mixed seasoning
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2tbsp Oregano dry
salt to taste
Mix with hand and let rest for a couple hours to meld.
Boil egg and let cool, wrap meat around egg, cover with coconut oil and bake at 400f 15min (will vary to taste). Didn't have a fryer so didn't deep fry it.
Placed on top of Morel mushrooms.
6 egg yokes
2 tbsp ACVinegar
2 cups Olive oil
1 red habanero
Add Yokes ,Vinegar ,salt to taste and Habanero and Blitz while slowly streaming the oil.
2 eggs
1 cup 50/50 Buckwheat and Fife Flour
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2 tbsp turmeric for color.
1 tsp coconut oli
salt to taste
Mix well and let stand an hour then roll out and cut, hang to dry, Boil as normal noodles
(Sorry forgot to take pick of hanging noodles)
Egg Salad
6 eggs cooked
1/2 tbsp Oregano
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2 tbsp dried parsley
1 tbsp Mayo or to your liking
1 tbsp Cheddar
salt to taste
Mix well with crushed eggs and add to sprouts or other :)
Finishing touches, grate Cheddar on Noodles liberally and add red Bell Peppers.







Looks awesome. Way to get the whole egg in there!
dragonsfire said:
Scotch Egg and Noodles with side of Egg Salad and Sprouts.
Meat Mix
1/2 lb Bison
1/2tbsp Mixed seasoning
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2tbsp Oregano dry
salt to taste
Mix with hand and let rest for a couple hours to meld.
Boil egg and let cool, wrap meat around egg, cover with coconut oil and bake at 400f 15min (will vary to taste). Didn't have a fryer so didn't deep fry it.
Placed on top of Morel mushrooms.
6 egg yokes
2 tbsp ACVinegar
2 cups Olive oil
1 red habanero
Add Yokes ,Vinegar ,salt to taste and Habanero and Blitz while slowly streaming the oil.
2 eggs
1 cup 50/50 Buckwheat and Fife Flour
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2 tbsp turmeric for color.
1 tsp coconut oli
salt to taste
Mix well and let stand an hour then roll out and cut, hang to dry, Boil as normal noodles
(Sorry forgot to take pick of hanging noodles)
Egg Salad
6 eggs cooked
1/2 tbsp Oregano
1/2tbsp Chipotle
1/2 tbsp dried parsley
1 tbsp Mayo or to your liking
1 tbsp Cheddar
salt to taste
Mix well with crushed eggs and add to sprouts or other :)
Finishing touches, grate Cheddar on Noodles liberally and add red Bell Peppers.







Gassy's "Let's See What's in the Cupboard and Fridge" Baked Omelette/Frittata/Spanish Tortilla Thing
Alright, I'll level... I got no idea what I just made... but dang it was eggceptional!
Gotta make this short and sweet... 30 mins and counting! :eek:
First things first...

The other stuff (and POL)

If you look at the 50c piece you'll notice the emu... that's right... OUR bird... the emu ;)

Mmmm... bacon.... and some crazy tasty Periquin paprika powder stuff from Spain :drooling:

Random cooking shots


Both parts


Shizz 'bout to go in the oven (just before I sprinkle some Manchego over that mother...)

And the thing just seconds before I destroyed it and it is no more!

Bummed I was hoping for a runny yolk but I overcooked it a wee bit... but yeah, you get that. :(
(Gah! 15 mins and counting........)
The Ingredients:
olive oil
crazy spanish paprika
spanish hot paprika
red capsicum
manchego cheese - the proper sheep milk stuff!
The Instructions:
- peel and chop potatoes into small cubes
- heat olive oil in pan
- fry potatoes, chopped garlic, paprikas, salt and pepper on low heat; then remove
- chop and fry bacon; remove and add to potatoes
- chop and fry onion, jalapeno and capsicum
- add back potatoes and bacon mix and heat
- meanwhile beat 3 eggs and add to pan
- make a well and add a cracked egg
- grate manchego over top
- bake in oven for a bit
- take out and demolish
(is that too brief? oh well... outta time anyway!!!)