tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

once its done and its all foamy can i feed it more or just leave it? cause right now its almost noon and i cant add it now, so i guess im gonna have to wait till evening.

Is it still forming a head or is it all gone? You could possibly add 1 -2 tsp of molasses to feed them for the brief period until your'e ready to feed. If the head is gone and has been gone for a little while then you probably could still feed it, but the bacterial numbers will be decreased.
Is it still forming a head or is it all gone? You could possibly add 1 -2 tsp of molasses to feed them for the brief period until your'e ready to feed. If the head is gone and has been gone for a little while then you probably could still feed it, but the bacterial numbers will be decreased.

that's what i was gonna do feed them for the brief period, but instead of the molasses i did the alaskan fish fert, once it hit the water i heard a fizz and immediately all that foam was gone lol im thinking i killed everything in there?
that's what i was gonna do feed them for the brief period, but instead of the molasses i did the alaskan fish fert, once it hit the water i heard a fizz and immediately all that foam was gone lol im thinking i killed everything in there?

lol no you just killed the foam. I agree more molasses.

This is funny cus I go through the same stuff all the time.
Hm. I guess you debunked that

I may just not have enough air pumping. Need that 2nd airstone

does your pump a dual outlet? i think think you need a 2nd stone, maybe just a better one, the one i posted up there ^^^^ did better than the 2 8 inch ones i had before, well only cause they got clogged i think, but that 4 inch one up there made really small bobbles with is better.
I just picked up

Bio Tone starter plus. It contains mycorrhizae. ingredients are hydrolyzed feather meal. pasteurized poultry manure. cocoa meal. bone meal. alfalfa meal. greensand humates. sulfate of potash and sulfate of potash magnesia.

Anyone know how much of this i should throw in????

Also i picked up some Bat guano. How much of that do i add? Thanks :)
Well after the first 2 batches of tea did not turn out right. I went out bought some more indgredients and another airstone as 1 was not cutting it.

Batch 3 has been running for oh about 4 hours and i finally got a tea batch with a head! Not much but cant wait to see it in the morning :)
When I get a Tea that wont froth, I give it a taste... eww.... lol no, But I do give it a good sniff. If its Ana you will know ;)
I'll take a "Flat" Tea and just use it as a soil drench. Then I take the slop at the bottom and either mix it in with a soil batch or dump it in the compost bin to get it rolling a little faster.

You guys getting good results? I know I am!

We should post some pics of plants.
Will do tomorrow morning

Yeah i just water my plants with it anyhow. The fish ferts in it are very strong. So if its not near that im not using it... but i have not came across a anaerobic yet thankfully! My plants are amazing right now!
I have a new Idea...

Most of us bubble our water for 24 hours to remove the chlorine, then we add microbial life and sugars"molasses" as food.

What if we add the sugars while the chlorine is still in it? Chlorine wont kill the sugar... This will give the the sugars time to fully dilute and be ready for the microbes to eat, before we even add the the critters. I tried this today, I made my pot last night and added my sugars. This morning there was a little froth on top of the water, the only life in there was left over from the last batch...
I'm just thinking this may speed up brew time. Ill fill you guys in on how it turns out.