tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

Nice vids...got some good looking peppers coming

I've been pretty busy the last week or so and haven't really been patrolling the site as usual...I'll be posting pics or either vids today.
Here you go guys...just some various compost tea fed - container pepper plants


Very Prolific Thai - 3 years old


Orange hab that is making a comeback


Orange hab that has around 100 pods and is still putting out more


Smartpot Caribbean Red at night - hard to get it all in the picture


Same (above) plants pods - so far I've harvested 80 fruits from this plant and there are more ripening daily


Giant Bhut bushes and pods - these responded the best to the compost tea


Regular container Caribbean red - holding it's own, but no where the proliferation of it's smartpot sibling


Globe Chili? -----> something I won off of a website


El Tio Chili - also won from a website


El Tio Pods - some serious variation between them all. Hard to tell, but the left peppers are orange and mature, the ones with similar shape on the right are ripe and red, and then there is also a ripe elongated fruit...
Nice plants bussey!!" Those are beautiful

Would you be interested in selling any of your thai peppers? Id like to have some for cooking and have seeds for next year

This was supposed to be a red habanero, however, its more like a hybrid jalapeno


Same deal as above - the peppers are very mild and moderately thick walled


Bird's eye - making a bacterial leaf spot recovery


Sweet banana


3 types of Thai ornamental hybrids (One seems to be a cross between Thai sun and black pearl, one seems to be the original Thai Sun, and one seems to be a cross between Thai Sun and Ornamental house) ---- this thing was massively bushy, but it had to be scalped due to bacterial leaf spot.

Nice plants bussey!!" Those are beautiful

Would you be interested in selling any of your thai peppers? Id like to have some for cooking and have seeds for next year

It's going to be a few more weeks before any are ready....got one ripe pod so far off it, but the others didn't bloom until about 3 weeks later so they are relatively small at the moment.

If you send me a postage paid return envelope, I'll drop you Thai seeds....just PM me
well im in no rush for pods just at some point if you would be willing. Never had thai peppers besides in hot sauces
Hey Biggy,

I got an Idea for this guide if you are interested.
Find some Official Data backing up the facts about what the benefits are, and put the links in your intro some where. Some skeptics may not believe what you are saying, this will be like proof.

Obviously I dont need the proof, but for other that are just getting in to the idea, they can see that it isnt just something you made up.
If you want I can help you find some links.

Some reputable sources would be like
  • Universities
  • USDA
  • Major Magazines like New York Times.
I also need to do this in my guide. I have done a little but I should do more, and make my sources a little more reliable.
I definitely need to...got alot going on with work, planning a wedding, aphid invasion, graduate school...shit never seems to end. I have bookmarked several sources to be uploaded and linked soon.
+1 on using it. The bubbly looking skimmy byproduct on the periphery of the bucket is froth...you can dose now or wait a while longer for a more bacterial brew.

The picture of the foamy head in my guide is an exceptionally well aerated and brewed tea...not everybody's tea will look like that depending on what is in it. For your next batch just add this for a protozoal tea and see if you get more froth:

1 - 2 cups Worm castings, 1 - 2 Tbsp molasses, myco. product (the amount varies on your product), and about 1 cup of fresh green grass clippings.
Can someone familiar with making tea tell me what the initial cost of ingredients was?

I think I'm going to do a side-by side test of tea vs commercial ferts, that is if the cost of tea ingredients isn't excessive.

I already have the physical materials, pump, aerator, buckets etc...

also want to skip the fish parts as an ingredient, as I don't fish, nor do I eat fish often.

Hey Biggy,

I got an Idea for this guide if you are interested.
Find some Official Data backing up the facts about what the benefits are, and put the links in your intro some where. Some skeptics may not believe what you are saying, this will be like proof.

Obviously I dont need the proof, but for other that are just getting in to the idea, they can see that it isnt just something you made up.
If you want I can help you find some links.

Some reputable sources would be like
  • Universities
  • USDA
  • Major Magazines like New York Times.
I also need to do this in my guide. I have done a little but I should do more, and make my sources a little more reliable.

I found this with a quick search. I don't know the validity of the results. http://www.puyallup....ea 3rd time.pdf

http://www.puyallup....mpost tea 4.pdf

Looks like this Dr. has done the most writing on compost tea http://en.wikipedia....i/Elaine_Ingham

Here is an actual field trial paper https://www.seattle....postTreport.pdf

http://etd.lib.clems...lemson-1484.pdf one more


There are quite a few trials
is it in the bubbles? cause i used molasses worm castings and liquid seaweed ,i had a head within and hour and never went away only grew?
greenman, thanks for the links....

For pricing its going to vary. A Small bag of worm casting $6, 50lb bag of mushroom or a local nursery here will load your truck bed with good compost for $40, Grass clippings are free, Unsulphured molasses from Walmart runs $2.50 here, the money comes into buying the Myco....<<< some of this stuff can be expensive (like great white myco) or the one I bought was $8 for the container, then you can look into kelp meal $10 for a very large bag, Fish emulsion $6 a pint, Guanos vary from $5 - $10 a bag and etc. etc. etc......

But this stuff will last you for gallons upon gallons of tea undiluted and gallons upon gallons upon gallons if you dilute it 1:5 as seen on other sites.

For a side by side you are going to have to flush out the synthetics (if any used) before really dosing the plants...

Look at this study because they had 5 different variations of which to apply to the plants...


Cayenne - links are updated at the end of the guide. Let me know if you have any addendums.... never would have thought 1200+ views in less than 10 days...WOW...hell I didn't think it would get pinned, haha

is it in the bubbles? cause i used molasses worm castings and liquid seaweed ,i had a head within and hour and never went away only grew?

is what in the bubbles?
greenman, thanks for the links....

For pricing its going to vary. A Small bag of worm casting $6, 50lb bag of mushroom or a local nursery here will load your truck bed with good compost for $40, Grass clippings are free, Unsulphured molasses from Walmart runs $2.50 here, the money comes into buying the Myco....<<< some of this stuff can be expensive (like great white myco) or the one I bought was $8 for the container, then you can look into kelp meal $10 for a very large bag, Fish emulsion $6 a pint, Guanos vary from $5 - $10 a bag and etc. etc. etc......

But this stuff will last you for gallons upon gallons of tea undiluted and gallons upon gallons upon gallons if you dilute it 1:5 as seen on other sites.

For a side by side you are going to have to flush out the synthetics (if any used) before really dosing the plants...

Look at this study because they had 5 different variations of which to apply to the plants...

Question on the study, I've skimmed it and dont see an answer. Did they spray the non-aact crops with a equal amount of plain water as the aact crops? The application of a spraying of water during the heat of the day can have a marked impact on a crop. if the study failed to do this the results are not accurate (and it's a sign of a pretty damn sloppy field test).

As for the test: I'm going to do a new seedling trial, as I have a fresh batch of new seedlings which will need to be repotted in a few days. These were just extras of some farmers market Cayenne types I had sitting around.

If i can get this put together this weekend I can do a three way trial
  1. No Fert
  2. Synthetic Fert only
  3. Tea only
I have to see if I can source all the stuff locally.
I don't see anything definitive either...

They list the 5 variations as being: An untreated control (I'm assuming water and no ferts), Synthetic soil fertilized, synthetic soil fertilized with synthetic foliage sprays (conventional), tea only, and then tea with synthetics and synthetic sprays in addition. However, they don't provide how they applied the treatments, when, concentrations, etc.

Also, I think this is a bit sloppy as well - they were applying tea to the crops treated with synthetic ferts as well as synthetic foliage sprays ~ synthetics can inhibit bacterial/microbe growth... And in this case, does not adequately represent a proper soul food web.

Another common thing I am seeing is that the availability of quality composted materials determines the end tea quality and somewhat beneficial attributes.

Nice work posting those other resources!
Almost 24hrs no froth



What am I missing. Added molasses. Worm casting (3cups) TBS of everything else

stinks to high heaven .. is it coz of the fish fert..??? smells like something you would feed the pigs!! .. should i toss it in the drain or use it for plants
I'd soil drench it and make another batch to foliage spray.


Another common thing I am seeing with regards to testing these teas is in regards to quality and reliability in producing consistent batches of teas. The variables to be considered from study to study would be overwhelming to consider. Temp, light, water, dissolved solids, ph, aeration variance, compost materials, myco strains, using or not using a wetting agent, etc. Some of these studies also fail to really approach a complete soil food web perspective. Aact is good stuff, but only a crutch for your plant without providing the resources needed to form a good soil food web.