tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

. Thirds times a charm
Nice 3rd batch! Im now going to attempt 4th batch. No biotone and no fish fert. New ingredient will be grass clippings and clover clippings :)
Im telling you, I think the sulfur in the biotone was killing your microbes. Thats the whole deal with using unsulphured molasses in the brew. Hell, Sulfur is what you treat leaf spot and other bacterial/fungal plant attacks with. I think you could definitely mix the biotone within your soil for a boost for your plants, but for tea you probably need a different myco product.

Glad to see both of you got it going or are getting it going - I want to see progress pics throughout your grow guys ;)

Another additive you can add to your tea is willow bark or small branches. You can do the same thing with uncoated aspirin - the salycylic acid contained in willow trees and aspirin will give your plants an immune boost as well. I pulverized and dissolved (3) 325mg uncoated aspirin per 5 gallons of tea last week...I added it right before the tea was about to be sprayed or poured. This will help your plants ward of bacterial and fungal disease.
I only use rain water for teas. Not that I have made many teas yet, but I made the decision to hold back some of the rain watr I collect for watering my garden so that I can use it as the base for compost tea.
Well for me I had used thick socks. Lol. So ii didn't add socks. Nor did I add fish fert to it. I already have a few plants. Plant abc. One wth organic. One with B&M fert and one plain water.

Right now not planning on foliar feeding. Barely any time. :)

All the info is great. I'm going to hit a few points.

Alaska fish feet might have knocked down your head from the oils. Oil of any kind is a foam killer. (take a beer with a head on it, swip your nose and stir your finger in the foam, it will be gone in a flash.

I've seen articles where olive oil wa added to the tea recipe to keep the head down.

I'd also like to add looking into using a delivery agent along with a wetting agent when foliar feeding. A delivery agent (which the only one I've seen for sale is by Dutch Master I believe) supposedly allows the nutrients (once taken up through the stomata) to penetrate through the cell wall. They didn't go into detail about how it did this but I've been doing some reading on the subject.

I found an article (that I will post) that talked about humates and their function in the food web and uptake/delivery of nutrients. One of the abilities of humates was allowing nutrients to pass though the cell wall. My theory is that in using a supplement containing humates along with whatever else you mix in your foliar spray, will allow the nutrients to penetrate deeper into the core of the plant. Any other info on this subject, please share.

A few articles that I really liked.



Loving the thread. Question though. I brew beer, and I was thinking of borrowing a concept from it. Tell me what you guys think. Facts, opinions, if you've personally done it....I'm thinking of a oxigonating the water right before I begin steeping. (same concept as in brewing to feed the yeast and get them started)
I know in my experience of making wine, that any kind if boost you can give the ole' yeast pays off in the long run. I'd try it.

Thanks for the links...I need to go through here and compile a definitive list of all these related links and place it somewhere to be referenced.

You're right, oil will seriously impair head/foam production....and Dutch master, I must find this magical liquid of which you speak. I use coco-wet when applying both soil and foliar tea...how much of Dutch master is recommended per gallon?
Loving the thread. Question though. I brew beer, and I was thinking of borrowing a concept from it. Tell me what you guys think. Facts, opinions, if you've personally done it....I'm thinking of a oxigonating the water right before I begin steeping. (same concept as in brewing to feed the yeast and get them started)

Mix a delivery agent in to the beer so you can foliar feed your self! Fill a small bath tub up with beer and take a nice little bath! the beer will go up your stoma and it is sure to be a pleasant experience :P Sounds like a party to me :dance:

ooop got to go weeds is back on showtime!
So 12 hours later i wake up and go check on my batch 4 and low and behold it had foam above the bucket!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I did add the biotone. I left out the fish ferts and addied in clover/alfalfa/grass clippings

this pic was taken after i stirred it up

Nice Thread. Ive been reading alot of compost tea info the last month or two.
I am trying some of the same technics you guys have mentioned. I wanted to use some of my Alaska fert but something told me not to.
I grow all of my veggies organic and find that the plants are deff healthier.
I belong to a gardening forum elswhere and mentioned this on a few post and I get the DEER in the headlights reaction. Im like come on peoples wake up, this is a no brainer. Who would have thought I would meet like minded individuals on a Hot pepper forum!

anywho, looking forward and sharing info.