tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

Shredded pepper plant roots and stems, a bit of molasses, brew with a stone . Myco farming. :P Use to innoculate more compost matter and soil near base of existingplants.

Thanks for the tip!

Witch plant to sacrifice? lol now I got to wait for something to die, because I cant kill one.
I have a few extra Jala's in solo cups, may be I'll hold a sacrificial ceremony tonight. Woot an excuse to take hallucinogens! :eek: :onfire: :woohoo: :dance: no... not really
Got a question....
Can honey be used as a substitute for molasses?
I have everything to make a tea except molasses, Yet I have a grip of honey...
Just wondering if this is possible.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the tip!

Witch plant to sacrifice?

Speaking of sacrificing.....I put my 'Purple Urkle' and 'Con Cheese' plants in the compost bin today as they didn't make it.

Got a question....
Can honey be used as a substitute for molasses?
I have everything to make a tea except molasses, Yet I have a grip of honey...
Just wondering if this is possible.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.

I think any good natural sugar source would work. Molasses has some trace elements that are an added bonus but any carbohydrate should feed the bacteria unless there is something in honey that's a no-no. :think:
I swear my tomato plants just grew like a foot in 2 days since i feed it my first good batch of tea. My others are podding crazy and growing at a faster rate. Or could be its just that time of year. Idk but im pleased with results either way!

Time to go water ^__^
I swear my tomato plants just grew like a foot in 2 days since i feed it my first good batch of tea. My others are podding crazy and growing at a faster rate. Or could be its just that time of year. Idk but im pleased with results either way!

Time to go water ^__^

you wanna see some crazy shyt... I will show you my tomato fed nothing but 100% Tea and soil I mixed.
This is a Grape Tomato thats seeds came from a salad.... the DNA probably belongs to some GMO.





Not bad for a month and a half of growth!!!

So yeah... Tomatoes like AACT/WormTea! Tomatoes are Nutrient hogs, and the soil is not only feeding this bad boy, but its pumping it up with love!

As for the pruning style... I grow them to about 2" then top them. After I top it suckers bust out and those are what I like to grow... I know, backwards to what most people do, but my soil can handle the nutrient demand and I owe it to AACT.
you wanna see some crazy shyt... I will show you my tomato fed nothing but 100% Tea and soil I mixed.
This is a Grape Tomato thats seeds came from a salad.... the DNA probably belongs to some GMO.





Not bad for a month and a half of growth!!!

So yeah... Tomatoes like AACT/WormTea! Tomatoes are Nutrient hogs, and the soil is not only feeding this bad boy, but its pumping it up with love!

As for the pruning style... I grow them to about 2" then top them. After I top it suckers bust out and those are what I like to grow... I know, backwards to what most people do, but my soil can handle the nutrient demand and I owe it to AACT.

:shh: what i'm talking about...
So I have Pro-Mix Organic with Endomycorrhizal Inoculant and sea based compost (shell fish and seaweed I believe)

Would this have enough mycos in it to do an AACT?

Other ingredients I have are Black diamond by general Hydroponics(humic acids)

G.O. Marine (squid)

G.O. Weed (sea kelp)

G.O. Root

Alaskan Fish fertz

Fresh caught bass.

Can anyone take what I have and make me a quick recipe to fit in an 18 gallon bucket? Tell me what I'm missing (if anything)

I will be using an aquirium pump and cheese cloth. (if I should use something else for the tea bag)

Fill me in guys! I want to get my plants drunk! Love drunk that it.
Mexican Bat Guano

Mushroom compost

Composted manure

G.O. Squid

So I have Pro-Mix Organic with Endomycorrhizal Inoculant and sea based compost (shell fish and seaweed I believe)

Would this have enough mycos in it to do an AACT?

Other ingredients I have are Black diamond by general organics

Grass clipping and molasses have enough. It all depends on what you want. I literally just use
worm casting, hot compost, grass, brown sugar... and You see the results above.
You folks that are doing AACT have any input on this: http://www.tandjenterprises.com/CCPRO/ecom-prodshow/biovam1cup.html as a myco source? Not finding anything handily available at local hardware stores... I'm sure the local top-shelf botique garden store has some products but I refuse to shop there because of the outrageous pricing. I'd love to shop locally but you can only get so much blood out of a stone...
Got a question....
Can honey be used as a substitute for molasses?
I have everything to make a tea except molasses, Yet I have a grip of honey...
Just wondering if this is possible.
Any info would be greatly appreciated.

Only honey older than 2-3 years since as time pass it lost all antibacterial benefits and become ordinary sugar.
Sorry, guys...been away too long. Mist, those plants look sick...maybe they need another dose of tea, :rofl: .

3/5 all sounds good and the Pro-Mix will have some Myco in it as long as it hasn't sterilized in the heat. My first batch all I had for myco was some Fox Farms Soil conditioner and it worked fine. All of your GO products you can use, but I would limit them to maybe 1 TBSP or so a piece as it may impede the head you are looking for in your first batch. For natural Myco. I pull up grass roots and chop them up with scissors (dirt and all)

Cheesecloth will work great - I've used it, painter's bags and pantyhose (from my cross-dressing days) :shh: - to brew teas. It depends on what you are going to be using your tea for. Root feeding is not as important because the dirt and compost sediment wont clog anything. If using a sprayer, then I have found that pillowcases (old ones), cotton tube socks (old ones), and pantyhose will ususally keep particles large enough to clog a sprayer within them.

And for an 18 gallon bucket - I hope that aquarium pump is one strong SOB. I made a 45 gallon batch a few weeks ago and I used (2) dual outlet pumps designed for 60 gallon aquariums and a single pump designed for 30 gallon aquariums -------> and I'm still not sure if I had enough agitation in the water.​

<<<How big is the pump?>>>​

Lost Coast - I would try this stuff. This stuff is usually relatively cheaper than most and the 16oz. canister lasts a long long time. I've made probably 200 gallons of tea collectively at this point and I still have half the cannister left.

Glad to see everybody enjoying the guide.
Thanks Triple B-My pump is up to 40 Gallons. I was only planning on making 10-12 gallons in the bucket. Needs room. I was more curious to the amounts of each ingredient I listed. I have no idea whether to put in a cup of compost or by the pound. Or how much of the grass clippings. Things like that. I guess I am going to research a bunch of recipes and put one together out of the information I find.
sorry - seem to have skipped over where you requested measurements.

Mushroom compost
Composted manure - 3 cups of each of these for around 9 - 10 cups total.
Pro-Mix Organic

Black diamond (humic acids)
G.O. Marine (squid)
G.O. Weed (sea kelp) - I would say 2 Tablespoons a piece
G.O. Root
G.O. Squid
Mexican Bat Guano
Alaskan Fish fertz

Fresh caught bass - Chop the whole thing and use it

And to all this I would add:

1 cup of fresh green grass clipping and roots (really try to keep the roots intact with as much of the dirt material as possible)
8 - 10 Tablespoons unsulphured molasses.
A few rotting peaches or other rotting produce you can find and chopped up

This is very similar to a brew I recently made - although all of the G.O. ferts may impede the head of the tea - I would let brew for 30 hours or so and then use.

I also did not see worm castings listed - I would add that as the majority of your compost, manure, pro-mix mixture.
Triple B.. I vote for you to put that in your "aka"

As for the ingredients... its more of a dash, a pinch, a handful... lol
No need to be anal like with chemicals, I don't measure I just add what I feel is good and wait 24 hrs and BOOM. I truly believe this is the most idiot proof way to grow!
Look even I am having good results so it must not be to hard to mess it up.

I roughly use
2 handfuls of worm compost
big pinch of B.sugar (im to cheap to go buy mollases)
1 big handfull of mushed up plant material

And I am still waiting for my care package from XtreamG... :confused: I cant complain it was free.

I would add that it may make sense to put the bass bits in a blender after you chop them. I believe that an increase in the surface area of bass that is reacting with the tea is a good thing.