tutorial Beginner's guide to AACT/Compost Tea

Sure did, went to 3 grocery stores, all had the same brand of molasses with sulphur listed in the ingredients. I may try to pick up some raw cane sugar if the price isn't too high.

I figure that my tea is running off the sugars in the rotten fruits and veg I threw in. We will see if the head subsides once those sugars are used up. Its been 9 hours and its only getting frothier.

The one I use here is called, "Brer Rabbit." Maybe you can find a distributor for it?
I was thinking about white sugar... Sure it is bleached, just like my water. I'm willing to bet the bleach(AKA Chlorine) will bubble out just the same as the water. I only say this because it may be a way to save money.

I am big on Organic, but I'm also big on saving money.
I just Pulled over and hacked down 20 or so poles of bamboo from the side of the road not far from my house. I'm sure people where looking at me like I was crazy.
f**k IT! Why spend money on stakes when they are growing on the side of the road. Remember, I'm the guy growing in wal-mart reusable shopping bags :dance:

Also Shopping at big box stores is not the best for a few reasons, but purchasing organic things from them is. The more organic stuff you buy from them the more they will stock.
2 words for you "Energy Star"
Sugar being bleached didn't sound right to me so I decided to wiki it. Because we all know wiki is right 100% of the time *Sarcastic* :liar:

It appears that it's not 'bleached' as such but listen to this step.

The remaining sugar is then dissolved to make a syrup (about 70 percent by weight solids), which is clarified by the addition of phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide that combine to precipitate calcium phosphate. The calcium phosphate particles entrap some impurities and absorb others, and then float to the top of the tank, where they are skimmed off.

Isn't it great to know how your food is processed. :sick:

Keep in mind that this is an early step in the process, sugar is just pure sucrose.

But that's only 1 sugar, I hear lots of people talk about feeding their tea with 'sugars' plural, and have even seen corn flower added.

I'm sure molasses has many goodies your bacteria will love.

No time to look into this tonight but if I get a spare moment tomorrow I'll let you know.
I refuse to go to Walmart for a number of reasons, I'd rather pay more and go elsewhere. I'm going to try an organic grocer tomorrow. I'm still gonna let this batch go with just the white sugar, just as an experiment.

I agree - I do not care for Walmart at all, but for those looking solely for a place to purchase molasses, this is usually an easily aquired venue of availability.
Thats it, I'm on a quest to find a cheap, if not free, source of natural sugars be it in the form of a molasses, syrup, or granules.

So far I have a good record for finding cheap alternatives
  • Dirt -Free (Got at a construction site)
  • Compost -Free (Thanks to the city of SD)
  • Castings -Free (Worm Bin)
  • Bamboo Steaks -Free (Growing on the side of the road)
  • Grow Bags -.50c each (Wal-Mart Reusable bags)
  • Greenhouse 8'x5'-7' tall 100$
I will not pay 7$ for 8-12oz of molasses... I'll find something :P Any Ideas guys?

Ill check Wally for "grandma's unsulphured molasses" ----2.99" I didn't see it last time I was there.

I have some friends who own a restaurant whom I will be doing some consulting for soon. I'll talk to Sysco and see what they have.
Thats it, I'm on a quest to find a cheap, if not free, source of natural sugars be it in the form of a molasses, syrup, or granules.

So far I have a good record for finding cheap alternatives
  • Dirt -Free (Got at a construction site)
  • Compost -Free (Thanks to the city of SD)
  • Castings -Free (Worm Bin)
  • Bamboo Steaks -Free (Growing on the side of the road)
  • Grow Bags -.50c each (Wal-Mart Reusable bags)
  • Greenhouse 8'x5'-7' tall 100$
I will not pay 7$ for 8-12oz of molasses... I'll find something :P Any Ideas guys?

how about this cayanne


I'm pretty sure its cheap, can find it at any mexican store.
I found a way to make a better diffuser. I am in the process of getting the materials but I will post the info soon.

Andrew, if you find something cheap that works let me know and i'll give ya some money for it.
Will do!

What about corn syrup or maple?
I was thinking organic Maple syrup, I need to look at the prices per oz.

Hey guys, check this link..
it has a chart type thing that shows ingredients and what they feed.
shows white sugar feeding bacteria only, not fungi.

Seem to make sense.
Good find!
Hey Mist, as avid a grower as you are, might as well put some sugar cane in the ground, haha.

Dude totally! I was thinking a Apple Tree, but my yard is smaller than most peoples car ports... And my dog need some where to do his stuff. I'm going to do a quick video of my garden soon. Most likely dub it with a song because I think my voice sounds like Kermit the frog on video.
this was taken 20 min after i added the alfalfa and fish meal to the mix