beer Being Crafty

I just realized the Other Half Smoke Screens & Oil Slicks is named after Spy Hunter! Haha cool!
Anyone remember?

hogleg said:
I bet that Deshutes fresh hop IPA is da bomb! Hope to hear some notes on it from ya? A freshly made fresh hop IPA is about as good as brew gets IMO
Yea it's really good, a staple in my fridge. Juicy, clean crisp citrusy hop flavor. I like a lot of their brews.
My favorite in there atm is anti hero, though my favorites change frequently
Ozzy2001 said:
I did not like that one. Maybe it's the hops or something. It was the bitterness I don't like in an IPA
Yeah man, 90 IBUs. It is a tongue stinger for sure. Definitely not for anyone that doesn't like bitter IPAs. I enjoy a really bitter IPA from time to time, but they aren't my daily drinkers by any means.