beer Being Crafty

Next up is the rocoto saison I brewed this Summer, and it's delicious. It tastes better now than it did a few months ago. The rocoto "dry hopping" really compliments the mild spiciness of the wyeast 3711. It doesn't have any vegetal flavors from the peppers that I was worried about getting from attempting such a brew. I'm wondering how the flavors will develop by early next year, when I crack another bottle. I'll definitely brew this one again, with minimal changes to the recipe.

grantmichaels said:
They do a great job managing non-beer flavors in their beer ...
I agree. It's one of the best implementations of coffee I've enjoyed in a beer. I don't get a huge chocolate flavor, but it's there in the aroma. I drink my coffee black, and this reminds me of my morning cup of joe. It's not sweet, and a bit of the astringency of the coffee shines through, which I really enjoy.
My wife bought me this a few days ago, which is not something I would normally buy. I popped it while doing some gardening this evening to cool down a bit in the 75 degree weather.

This beer is crap. The aroma is vaguely reminiscent of chocolate chip cookie dough. The flavor reminds me of a stale cream soda. There is a very chemical aftertaste, like artificial sweetener mixed with one of those new car scent things you would dangle from a rear view mirror of a car. I'm really surprised, because I enjoy many of New Belgium's beers. I VERY rarely do this, but this one is a drain pour. That artificial sweetener type aftertaste lurks for like 5+ minutes too...
