beer Being Crafty

HB mango/tangerine gose. Sour, salty, and delicious. The brew has very poor head retention, which isn't uncommon for a sour, but I've gotten much better head retention with previous sours, and the exact same grain bill. I did take the PH extra low while I kettle soured this one, so maybe that was the cause. It is very carbonated though, and has a champagne like quality. Either way, great beer, aside from the poor head retention.

More of Austin Street's DIPA from yesterday

Not sure what is up with the site, I thought I had posted this last night every page seems to struggle to load last night and tonight.
I opened this one to share with a good friend who loves stout on Sunday.    I tried it shortly after the release and it has only gotten better over the past few months.   It is NickleBrook's BA stout , Kentucky Bastard, infused with Coffee.
14.5 % .   I had gotten up late and only had coffee and was about to start making breakfast when he showed up so I was flying after we split this.
