beer Being Crafty

I'm sooo glad to have been able to score a 4 pack at today's release! Crooked Run was INSANELY packed! This Double Vibes(blackberry) is one of the best Berliners in VA.

"Popsicle Berliner weisse with DOUBLE blackberry, vanilla, and milk sugar. Thick, mildly tart, with a flavor that is pure dessert!"


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You're tossing back some killer brews lately, TGCM! I had that Green Dreams one from Triple Crossing, when I was down there last Summer, and I remember really enjoying it. Was that the white pizza w/ red chile flakes? That was good too! Lots of garlic ;)

Thegreenchilemonster said:
This Double Vibes(blackberry) is one of the best Berliners in VA.

"Popsicle Berliner weisse with DOUBLE blackberry, vanilla, and milk sugar. Thick, mildly tart, with a flavor that is pure dessert!"
^ That's probably the best Berliner I've ever had! :cheers:
MikeUSMC said:
You're tossing back some killer brews lately, TGCM! I had that Green Dreams one from Triple Crossing, when I was down there last Summer, and I remember really enjoying it. Was that the white pizza w/ red chile flakes? That was good too! Lots of garlic ;)

^ That's probably the best Berliner I've ever had! :cheers:
Yep, you called it! White pizza with red chile flakes.

Richmond has some amazing breweries. It's a bummer the breweries only open at 4 during the weekdays. It's impressive how much of a beer culture they have though. I went to three breweries, and they were all packed...on a Tuesday. I had to wait in a giant line at The Veil for about an hour and a half, since they released 12 different bottled barrel aged beers, and 3 new cans. Well worth the wait!
Grass Snake said:
If they don't put a date on the beer, they either don't want to discourage potential buyers if it wasn't canned recently or they're confident the beer will have a long shelf life. Regardless nothing like drinking a freshly canned beer.
ok, i just took a closer look and the Big Cranky 4 pack i just picked up does have the date on the bottom. 11/01/2018 so 2 and a half months old. i never thought to look on the bottom of the can. :cheers:
luvmesump3pp3rz said:
ok fellow crafties...let me pick your brains. i think i know the reasons but i`d like to hear from you. why don`t craft brewers place a "born on" date on their products? some breweries have stated "the fresher, the better". what say you?
Since I buy the bulk of my beer straight from the brewery, the date stamped on the bottom of the cans, is mainly there to tell you what batch it came from. Since many breweries only release a beer once every 2-3 months, you know by the date, if you are about to enjoy an epically hopped & fragrant brew, or a malt bomb with colloidal protein floaties.

A couple of the cans I've drank tonight.


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