beer Being Crafty

Unfortunately I spilled this beer soon after taking this pic.

Not for me really. IPA isn't my favorite style generally but the barrel aging seems to defeat the purpose of celebrating the hops. I was given a few limited releases from I&G as xmas presents. There was a jalapeno, choco imperial stout that was pretty fantastic, this was meh.
Hoping the Barrel Aged Black IPA with coconut and rhubarb, and vanishing point 02 step it back up.
Seleriously tasty friggin Belgian. No wonder the recipe hasn't changed since 1679!

"Tripel Karmeliet is still brewed to an authentic beer recipe from 1679 originating in the former Carmelite monastery in Dendermonde. Written over 300 years ago, this recipe describes the use of three kinds of grain: wheat, oats and barley.

The name Tripel karmeliet thus refers both to its origin and its in-bottle refermentation. From many trial brews of multigrain tripels carried out at our brewery in the 90s, it appears that the particular historic combination of the 3 kinds of grain still remains the ideal blend."


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My wife's birthday party provided a good excuse to do a three year vertical of cafe del bastardo imperial bourbon barrel coffee stout. I set it up in reverse order which also climbed the abv ladder. 19-11.9%, 18-12%, 17 - 14.5%.

The final vote from the 5 that tried all three was 3,2,0 - 18, 17, 19

My personal preference order is 18,17,19

19 is still phenomenal, but parents that say they can't choose their favourite child are cowards and liars.
