beer Being Crafty

WarrantMan said:
Thanks for the reply Kev, I do in fact like Kiwi.
Never for a moment ever crossed that with the thought of beer. But, I do make some odd fruit wines myself, so I know that anything is possible given the inclination. Concerning beer, I will try anything once. Luckily I've had only a few that I simply couldn't drink. One, some cheap beer years ago in Tennessee (don't recall the name now, but was so horrible I set 11 beers by a dumpster) and one only a year ago, some highly touted German "smoked beer." Simply could not ingest it. I love beer, I love smoking foods, but the two combined in a bottle, well for me, induced gag reflex. Others must dig it I guess. Not this dude...
Lagunitas tonight, no pics nor videos from me...  ;)
same here, tried a "smoked beer" recently and it was disgusting. its rare but i`ve had a couple you have to pour down the drain. 
Chocolate milk in beer form

"Brewed by Beau with a ridiculous amount of actual hot cocoa mix and marshmallows. Rich milk chocolate and marshmallow flavors dominate the flavor profile, with hints of roast, coffee, dark chocolate, and vanilla in the background. The high protein content of this beer, combined with the addition of lactose, creates a MASSIVE and pillowy mouthfeel that gives your tongue a biiiiiig metaphorical teddy bear hug! The 14% alcohol content of this beer will keep you warm and cozy by the fire as you contemplate how a small cold-blooded creature could survive in the snow."


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Ruid said:
I've yet to find a beer made in America that can stand next to Belgian ales. We're trying and getting better but the difference in quality is clear.
Lost Abbey and the Bruery, both in CA, would stand a chance. Both do some very respectable Belgian styles. Hell that's what Monkish Brewing was known for, well before they started brewing hazy ipas.  
Ha! it`s been forever since i`ve seen a corncob pipe. this brings me back to when i was about 12 years old and me and a buddy were planning a camping weekend and the plan was i would swipe some of my grandpa`s tobacco and my buddy would get a corncob pipe at the local pharmacy. things went as planned and we smoked till we were queasy. LOL thanks grass snake for bringing on the memories! :cheers: