beer Being Crafty

Palmetto Brewing Charleston, SC Imperial Amber Ale. 9.3 ABV hefty on flavor. 
Tasty brew, plus I love the Sepultura theme!

"Bloody Mary-Inspired, Malt Forward, Cinnamon Spice Followed by Roasted Coffee, Slight Sweetness

Get back to your roots, your bloody roots. Embrace where you came from; what you came from. No need to fake it, no need to change. Accept no substitute. Trust me, it will make you stronger. You like beer? You like Bloody Marys?? Youll love this beer! Its an imperial brown with honey, habanero peppers, crushed tomatos, celery salt, and horseraddish."


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DeBo said:
Heading to the Myrtle Beach area this coming Friday and then Augusta, GA for Masters a few days later.  Can anyone recommend me some beers I should keep my eye out for? 
I would recommend "anything" from Edmund's Oast (Charleston, SC), Westbrook Brewery (Mt. Pleasant, SC) Palmetto Brewery (Charleston, SC) all have wonderful brews.
Riverdog Brewing (Ridgeland, SC) ain't too shabby either....   :cheers: