• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


bowhunter said:
Yes Pain is good nice flavor first taste was like a hot cinnamon candy, but then you will fill a good heat. Is one of the best sauces with fruit that I have had. Way to go bent. I got to try pain 2,will pm you .


Ahh yes the pain2. Well I made a very small batch and there wont be any more of it for a while. It requires 2 1/2 fresh Naga Morich pods per bottle & they're just not available here at the moment.
Along with that it's going to be a very expensive sauce. The 'pain' itself takes a full week to make, like I've said, I don't skimp on anything, add another 2 days of cooking + Naga pods & extra ingredients to that to get pain2. It's going to be at least twice the price (AU$20)/bottle.

Best I can do for now is keep a list of those who want it & send them out as it becomes available. baldman & omri you're still at the top of the list.

Right now I have 1 experimental bottle using dried naga pods...it has the heat of pain2 but doesn't have the flavor that fresh naga pods give it (yes they have a flavor lol), so I'm not going to name it, it is pain with the extra ingredients & naga heat but it is not pain2.

What should I do with it?
sell it to bikies as pepper spray... tasty pepper spray lol

I think do an experiment put it aside for a month and see if it gets much hotter? My thinking is its going to be much much (read frighteningly) hotter.
Curiously did you rehydrate the pod first before using? and did you know I still got a few fresh nagas in the cool room.If you want them they are here.

Trust me the heat is not a problem lol. It may take me a week to cook but this method also means it only takes 1 week to cure. Given that postage takes 10 days...it is ready when it arrives.

I minced the dried pods into cold liquid & slow cooked, added the extra ingredients, let cool, recooked, did some other secret alphanerdz stuff....well yup takes an extra 2 days.

Pain2 also uses 2 1/2 Naga per bottle so if you have a few pods I'll whisk you up a bottle no problem. I know I still owe you man & feel bad you didn't get a private sample.
stillmanz said:
OK so I thought I would do a little write up on a great Australian sauce which is just now finding its way across the globe.
IF you weren't aware THPs very own Bent has been working on a curious little sauce he has aptly named PAIN.
The first thing that will strike you about this sauce is the scent, it smells interesting... it smells like fruit and heat and tanginess a little desertish yet savory god I think I smell a fruit.
The texture is thick but very pourable which I like in a sauce.

The taste... where to start....
there are many flavours going on here and all are doing one and another justice asia meets hell I'mout of my league.... I get cinnamon I get ginger and I get a fruitiness.

The heat.... this sauce is a classic creeper it has a burn up front from Siams and birds eyes (maybe askbent lol) an its also got that classic habanero rise and burn... put it this way its hot enough tobe called PAIN.

Basically I like this sauce alot...because its unique .....there would be very few sauces made that you can honestly say this about.

If you get the chance to try it give it a go so you can experience something truely out of the box.

Bent post some pics of the label man.


OK I only had a little taste of this but man its good...like pain 1 but with nagas...... oh yeah

Thats it...

Great review. Where does one acquire said sauce(s)?
I ordered some and should have it within 10 days...will have a taste testing party with my friend that loves to try new sauces/peppers...he is starting to understand that when I say "Be careful, it is hot" I know what I am talking about.
lol I'm going to the HSFFF in Jindivick in February, Its at Haggis from Redback chilli co deer farm. We got a stall for the two days flogging our wares but I'm taking a bottle of Bents "pain" to give out as tasters to the od punter who wants something hot and tasty not just hot.... I also got some dried nagas and the experimental bih sauce to quiet the rowdy " its not hot enough types"
I'll try and get some pics of the festival its gonna be a blast AJ I think it would be right up your alley http://www.hsfff.com/hsffmain.htm

Hiya, yes I pm'd staffing & got it sorted, I'm now officially out of sauce :shocked: Back into the kitchen next week for me.
Got the labels today & everything is on its way. Hope you all enjoy it.
stillmanz said:
lol I'm going to the HSFFF in Jindivick in February, Its at Haggis from Redback chilli co deer farm. We got a stall for the two days flogging our wares but I'm taking a bottle of Bents "pain" to give out as tasters to the od punter who wants something hot and tasty not just hot.... I also got some dried nagas and the experimental bih sauce to quiet the rowdy " its not hot enough types"
I'll try and get some pics of the festival its gonna be a blast AJ I think it would be right up your alley http://www.hsfff.com/hsffmain.htm


That festival looks dangerous stillmanz. Wish I could get there. Have you got that camera of yours sorted yet :lol:
you know, if it didn't cost over 20K USD to come down and visit you folks, we would come visit.

I turned down a company trip in April to come down. I just couldn't see spending over 20K of the companies money for myself to come and give a 15 minute presentation.
AlabamaJack said:
you know, if it didn't cost over 20K USD to come down and visit you folks, we would come visit.

I turned down a company trip in April to come down. I just couldn't see spending over 20K of the companies money for myself to come and give a 15 minute presentation.

:shame: I cant believe you turned that down :shocked:
unless this is your company but dude this aint nothing more than a tax write off to them. yea it might get them more business but its also treating their employees right with benefits & allowing them a write off which helps come tax time ;) being self employed I understand write offs.

shit I would of been packed to go that night :lol:
what part of Oz were you headed to AJ. I'm pretty sure if any THP member had the airfare - you wouldn't need to spend on much else.
Of course you'd be expected to down 10++ sauce at every meal :lol:
chilehunter said:
:shame: I cant believe you turned that down :shocked:
unless this is your company but dude this aint nothing more than a tax write off to them.

Well CH, I work in the aerospace industry and see too much waste in my opinion. You have to remember, the money I spend would be the company's money, charged to the government, and it comes from tax dollars you and I pay. I just feel it would not have been right for me to spend all that money for one 15-30 minute presentation....besides, that 17 hour flight is way too long for me...I might have ended up on that island in LOST and I can just as easily make that presentation using teleconferencing and net meeting.

bentalphanerd said:
what part of Oz were you headed to AJ. I'm pretty sure if any THP member had the airfare - you wouldn't need to spend on much else.
Of course you'd be expected to down 10++ sauce at every meal :lol:

Bent: This would have been a whirlwind tour...I don't know where exactly they are going but I do know it was like 4 cities in 5 days with some tours of military installations. 10++ huh.......holy sheep sh** Batman...
bentalphanerd said:
aerospace...and you couldn't just borrow a plane?

If I could, I would get there a lot quicker than 17 hours...:lol:
House of pain

I wish I could bottle this smell for you all. Cooking up another batch and the cinnamon is just starting to kick in. The whole house smells like pain. Its intoxicating.
I could only get red habs this time apparently the orange habs were taken out in flooding up north so this batch is pink. Yup, pink pain lol.
Will be ready to ship end of next week.
