• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


Just got Pain2 in..........I was shocked when the package came...you just told me seeds! What a nice little surprise. I'll send you a PM tomarrow, have some questions for ya! THANKS AGAIN! Can't wait to review it.

BTW, I had a little bit of it.....amazing, just amazing. This still is tasty!!!!!!
imaguitargod said:
Just got Pain2 in..........I was shocked when the package came...you just told me seeds! What a nice little surprise. I'll send you a PM tomarrow, have some questions for ya! THANKS AGAIN! Can't wait to review it.

BTW, I had a little bit of it.....amazing, just amazing. This still is tasty!!!!!!

Glad it made it through the snow.
You can blame Joe & Linda for the surprise. I told them to be careful with it because a few ppl got a little hurt (23% hab, 15% naga M.etc...who'd a thought it) The said..."send some to IGG" lol, I'm sure they meant it in the nicest possible way.

bentalphanerd said:
The said..."send some to IGG" lol, I'm sure they meant it in the nicest possible way.
LOL, ya, they always send the hottest stuff to me. I was down at their house on the 30th of December and they were having me test a bunch of sauces and Joe said, "This one here lite me up like crazy....probably won't be much for you...but it lite me up like crazy."....needless to say, it was medium heat for me.

I really think they've stopped having people send me anything under the hot range of sauces...lol.

I'm loving your sauce though, I had some on a waffle this morning for breakfest, nice back of the throat burn and a little habanero sniffles resulted.....loving it!
well I got up this morning with a horrible cheap beer hangover & news that there was a review up. I read it & didnt know what to say.
The whole day passed, late this afternoon when my daily driving duties were done I grabbed a bottle of inspirational Wild Turkey.

*sniff* *sniff* I...I'd like to thank the academy :D

firstly. IGG thanks, i'm glad you enjoyed it. The image of you sneaking into the fridge in the middle of the night to pilfer a spoonful is going to stay with me a long long time.
It was all conceived, tested & made everything right down to the label right here on THP. Everyone give yourselves a pat on the back. Even if you don't feel like you made any input, between Schroedinger's cat & Tao it all played a part. Thanks.

Special mention to billyboy for the (what appears to be) hottest Nagas grown on the planet {you have a gift dude} And Mr. Stillmanz a true inspiration in quality & flavour. Last but not by any means least chilliman64 in his subsequent absence for tasting all my junior efforts, PAM for testing on co-workers at a testing laboratory {that didn't get past me} lol.

I'm blown away

& very drunk lol.

cheers everyone :cheers:

i'm gonna regret typing this in the morning huh?
Great review Passow I like the accompanying pic!! Sounds like you have a winner of a sauce Bent Congrats

"Move along there, ya... big buttheads!"
Sorry for a much-delayed response, Bent.....I did receive my bottles of "Pain". I've been a bit overwhelmed lately (typical med school stuff) but I promise I will write a review....and it will be positive. Great flavor and decent heat. Love the use of pears.

staffing said:
Sorry for a much-delayed response, Bent.....I did receive my bottles of "Pain". I've been a bit overwhelmed lately (typical med school stuff) but I promise I will write a review....and it will be positive. Great flavor and decent heat. Love the use of pears.


Thanks staffing. Glad you like it.

I was starting to wonder if it was a little too "out there".
Bent...you got anything new in the works?