• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!


pain2 cooking, will know if it's worthy tomorrow or day after.....

using BB's famed nagas again, this time in a concentrate form.

I have to say it, & i'm not sure where to mention so i'm going to lob it in here.

I've eaten a lot of fresh nagas & bhis & bhuts & nagas in sauce etc. What BB grows is (to my taste) 20 to 30% hotter than any other i've tried.
I'm trying to get a scoville reading on them through Griffith Uni here but no fun so far.

So far, from what I've tried, BB's superhots are the best tasting & hottest on the planet.


my $0.02
BB supplies me with my naga and some of my fatalii supply as well.... perhaps he provides the optimum growth conditions ....regardless he certainly produces the hottest pods I have come accross.
One day I hope to keep him employed full time growin chillis ...both our dreams come true..lol
I will vouch for the hottest natural stuff I have had...BBs the man...
stillmanz said:
BB supplies me with my naga and some of my fatalii supply as well.... perhaps he provides the optimum growth conditions ....regardless he certainly produces the hottest pods I have come accross.
One day I hope to keep him employed full time growin chillis ...both our dreams come true..lol

I got to check out the fataliis & drool over them on the w/end. Even tasted one last night with my bickies & feta. It was like a pineapple filled with napalm. The taste of summer on the sun.

All we have to do is find him 40 more acres Stillmanz