seed-plant-vendors Best Business Practices... BakersPeppers... $ 5,000 Facts... No Drama... Admins... No Trolls in this

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I have remained patient for nearly two years involving a business loan of $ 5,000  that has not be repaid in part or whole from BakersPeppers in late March 2012

Here are the facts, and email timeline history.  I have contacted Dale, He has responded, first making excuses, then a promise to pay 1000$ of the loan by December 15, 2013.  It is now December 20th, and I sent a polite reminder to him last week.  It was not responded to.
The time line starts early in 2011.  At the time Dale had recently posted a video or two of a large number of healthy super hot peppers in his nursery.  I made contact, long story short, I provided Dale a certified bank pepper loan of $ 5,000 top help him expand his business. 

What follows below is a summary of emails over the next 20 months to the present.  I will let the emails tell the story, word for word. First see the certified check made out to and cashed by him in March 2012.  I want to add that this was a no interest loan, you can't do better than that from any bank.
Before I get to the email history, I just wanted to mention that if Mr Bakers were strapped for cash, how could he take his spouse and two kids on vacation recently for two weeks ?  At best it would seem a poor business decision on his part.
Everything I stated here is true.  I have original emails with IP and Domain name trace if needed.
As you you can see, Mr Bakers has made excuses and a promise for partial payment of $ 1,000 on 12/15/13 which has not been kept.
I have been more than fair and patient in this matter.  The next step is up to you...  A man is only as good as his word, in the end nothing else matters.
Admins, please do not let this thread spin out of control, no flamers who cannot back their claims with times, dates and facts.
This is not about character assassination, it is about good business practice.

[SIZE=10pt]    I really appreciate this my friend...really! You have no idea how much it means to me that u will do this for me! Like i will take quite some time to get it back to you but it WILL get back to you over time :)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Dale E. Baker Jr[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]3408 Colwell Ave[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Tampa, Fl 33614[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I dont have a home phone as these days its more cost effective to have an unlmited data/calls/texts plan on my cell phone....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt] [/SIZE]
          [SIZE=10pt]******************************************************************************************************************************************************[/SIZE]       [SIZE=10pt]8/13/12[/SIZE] [SIZE=10pt]Hey I stated to u at the time u did loan me the $5k I told u I
had no clue when I could even begin to repay you...and you werequite ok
with that at the time....I now am in a huge crisis with the USPS &UPS!
They owe me over $2k in insurance claims and i may not get it! But i had
to refund that money to my now my father is leaving
me! He backing it up and calling it quits! I can't run the place myself
and having to hire help when my bank account is in the negative is going
to be hard to do...the summer has SLOWED my crop speed WAY down to a
crawl! I am lowering prices to compete with others and I barely have any
inventory as it is due to the slow summers high heat...I told you that i
would get you the $$ back ASAP...could be a while I said...I remember
trying to be very clear I had no clue when i could start getting you
some back to you....and right now is not a good time at all....I hate to
say that...honestly I u truly were there for me when i needed
it...I'm sorry my pepper biz is starting so me...I need $$
very bad myself...I can't even pay this months electric bill...first
time that's happened here my dad says in 45 years....Im struggling
myself....and i don't know what to say.....I'm sorry Dave...I hoped u
wouldn't "need' it anytime soon like I tried to tell you at the time...I
feel horrible....[/SIZE]


[SIZE=10pt]Dale Jr[/SIZE]


I have been patient and as my next to last email to you states, I am simply requesting you repay the business loan I made to you on 3/36/2012. I put my hard earned money on you to help you succeed when you needed more equipment for your pepper business. It has been almost a year and a half since you cashed the check.  Not once have you contacted me by phone, text or email to settle this matter.  I have contacted you at least three times to try to negotiate payment and every time you have had excuses. The next step is up to you.
I hope you are a man of your word, because a man's reputation is like gold in the niche hot pepper business.
Dave Williams

[SIZE=10pt]Hey Dave....[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]I wanted to say i have not been ducking u at all. I have been real busy working on peppers and having another child at the same time. I told u i have every intention of paying u back in full! December 15th i will send u a check for $1,000....its a start...i can make a payment every now and then but all at once just isnt realistic as i never have that type of $$ all at once....hope this helps...let me know :) [/SIZE]


That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.



That is a start, please send a bank check with the note section as follows:  payment $ 1,000 pepper business loan, balance due of $ 4,000, this will serve as our receipt.


Just a reminder you said above that you agreed to sending a bank check $ 1,000 (post marked ) by Dec 15th.   I hope you are a man of your word.

To all,
Let's keep this thread civil, if Bakers pays off the debt I will remove the thread right away.  I dont see how I can be more fair than that.  It would be good for his business reputation.  He knows that.
Please note:  I have updated the second 11/11/13 post above where Dale agreed to pay me $ 1,000 by 12/15/13.  I failed to post it in the original post.
magicpepper said:
look at dales subscription cost to the site, look at how much it costs to post an ad, and look at how many ads he has, also because he owes rhody that money.
that is just my guess, if it isnt right im sorry thp and mods
Dale paid for his yearly subscription, so his ads are free. I tried to give him a clean slate (as seen), but he messed it up (with Rhody, not me), and I don't hold my tongue when he is wrong. Can't you tell? Anyone can tell you this! I could kiss his ass so he renews but I keep it real. He is not banned because the loan has nothing to do with this site except for the fact the loan came from a member. Do you owe anyone money? Not my business. Also most of his deals (actually, all these days) are off of his website, not here. He promotes here. And he usually corrects bad pod deals. There are bad traders on eBay too. They are not banned, they have low scores. I think you should check your facts next time. That was unfair as hell. And I don't owe you an explanation, but there you go.
Dale, pay this man please. 
The Hot Pepper said:
Dale paid for his yearly subscription, so his ads are free. I tried to give him a clean slate (as seen), but he messed it up (with Rhody, not me), and I don't hold my tongue when he is wrong. Can't you tell? Anyone can tell you this! I could kiss his ass so he renews but I keep it real. He is not banned because the loan has nothing to do with this site except for the fact the loan came from a member. Do you owe anyone money? Not my business. Also most of his deals (actually, all these days) are off of his website, not here. He promotes here. And he usually corrects bad poddeals. There are bad traders on eBay too. They are not banned, they have low scores. I think you should check your facts next time. That was unfair as hell. And I don't owe you an explanation, but there you go.
Dale, pay this man please. 
Ok, that makes sense.  I think it is good that a record of his bad dealings exists somewhere on the net, at any rate.  
:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
dale stop with your crap! pay dude the money that he loaned you.   it would be terrible if someone had a recording of you saying "im not ever going to pay him back."   and i can only think about text messages you sent ?????
it would be terrible if "someone" had 43 texts that you sent? wow the things you may have texted???
ill say this once.   i personally think you are a bitch!    pay dude his money. you claim to make big stacks? break off some of them to pay your debt.
im not playing  you are a bitch!!
dale the last thing you want is text messages that you sent being made public???
yup im so crazy ive saved asshole punk bitches text messages from a year and ahalf ago.
rhody sue this fucter you have free room and board in the county you would be taking his ass to court in.

p.s i cant imagine the things you may have said about pepper joe either?????   
please respond to my post dale!   i really want you to say something stupid!!!!!
i dare you say one thing crazy.  i wil bury you.

p.s.    im not joking you say one thing crazy and i will bury your ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

im going to bed. but ill be up early to see any respose.   
see d.b. us real motherfuckers that own property and own everything you see. we go to bed early and get up early.   guys like you jerk around and pretend with rented "EVERYTHING"   you rent things and you have to take pre sales just to make a small payment of a shed you rented?   you claim to have made a million dollars over the last couple years!"thats is what i have picked up from your posts?"  so stop with goverment help and move out of a county you cant afford to live in.
i wasnt making a crack at you thp boss man, i said i was sorry at the end of the post if i was wrong.  i didnt mean to offend, and i was not saying you kiss his ass either, i have read your posts towards him and you are the first person to call bullshit on him.  what i meant was, why should you ban him when he pays his dues, i had no idea his ads were free either. but like you said it is with rhody and dale not you so why should you ban him. i said it the wrong way and i am sorry thp
Guns_N_Pods said:
Ok, that makes sense.  I think it is good that a record of his bad dealings exists somewhere on the net, at any rate.  
I will be introducing a trader score system soon that will help you decide if you want to deal with a trader. That should also encourage good deals, and remedies if needed. The Vendor Vault is too conversational and disorganized... so yeah, I can see why some people ask why he isn't banned with all the posts, but if you break it down... the loan has nothing to do with the site... imagine if we banned for your personal offsite dealings? And he hasn't conducted business here in a long time. The ads go to his site. Yes, he has sold on this site, and sold some rotten pods or shipped late. But you don't ban over that. You leave a bad score. The new system will help all of this. I'll make it a priority to roll it out.
Guns_N_Pods said:
Sicman, I like you lol.  I'm going to order something from you soon.
il say this once!      the last thing im doing here is trying to get business.   the "third turtle ranch" is fine. i have more hustles going on than ten pimps ;)
i just persoanally have problems with slime.   dAle  remember what im saying!!!!    i dare you to say something stupid!
The Hot Pepper said:
I will be introducing a trader score system soon that will help you decide if you want to deal with a trader. That should also encourage good deals, and remedies if needed. The Vendor Vault is too conversational and disorganized... so yeah, I can see why some people ask why he isn't banned with all the posts, but if you break it down... the loan has nothing to do with the site... imagine if we banned for your personal offsite dealings? And he hasn't conducted business here in a long time. The ads go to his site. Yes, he has sold on this site, and sold some rotten pods or shipped late. But you don't ban over that. You leave a bad score. The new system will help all of this. I'll make it a priority to roll it out.
Sounds like a good system, THP. And I think the crux of why there've been calls to ban him isn't in regard to his sales and ads on here, it's been his general conduct on the site that several of us feel is unbecoming of a member on here.
The Hot Pepper said:
He is not banned because the loan has nothing to do with this site

Do you owe anyone money? Not my business.

Does this mean that if I caught someone on this site sleeping with my friend's wife, could I open up a thread and rag on him until he stopped? LOL :rofl:
This thread gets better by the post...  Come on Dale, Jr...  Don't let these guys talk you down like that!  Defend yourself!!!
solid7 said:
Does this mean that if I caught someone on this site sleeping with my friend's wife, could I open up a thread and rag on him until he stopped? LOL :rofl:
This thread gets better by the post...  Come on Dale, Jr...  Don't let these guys talk you down like that!  Defend yourself!!!
It means I'm willing to have the back of an upstanding member of this site. Something you are not working toward.
solid7 said:
Does this mean that if I caught someone on this site sleeping with my friend's wife, could I open up a thread and rag on him until he stopped? LOL :rofl:
This thread gets better by the post...  Come on Dale, Jr...  Don't let these guys talk you down like that!  Defend yourself!!!
d.b. jr please defend yourself.  by the way the d.b. is for douche bag ;)
once again im not playing messages are uploaded and ready to spread ;)
it must really suck to be a punk with lots of causes :rofl:
before you say anything im actually grossed out about you "pretending" to be part of dade city.   you have to pay taxes first son.
The Hot Pepper said:
I will be introducing a trader score system soon that will help you decide if you want to deal with a trader. That should also encourage good deals, and remedies if needed. The Vendor Vault is too conversational and disorganized... so yeah, I can see why some people ask why he isn't banned with all the posts, but if you break it down... the loan has nothing to do with the site... imagine if we banned for your personal offsite dealings? And he hasn't conducted business here in a long time. The ads go to his site. Yes, he has sold on this site, and sold some rotten pods or shipped late. But you don't ban over that. You leave a bad score. The new system will help all of this. I'll make it a priority to roll it out.
Thats a great idea Boss, any way you can implement a cap for number of advertisements allowed per month based on ones score? I think that could really help also!!!
sicman said:
im talking to the "pepper king"  
dude i have no beef with you i would stay out of this.
im for real you have no idea what i have seen and heard and been told.
Sorry, I saw that you quoted me, and didn't know where it ended.
By all means, let it out.  I'm following this thread now.  Like a sitcom that you accidentally watched one too many episodes, and even though it sucks, you know too much of the story to quit it...
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