A word about miracle grow potting mix/soil with "time release ferts"...
I made a mistake last year and used time release pelets when I transplanted some of my plants to 5 gallon containers, then read on teh label "do not use for container plants" so I wrote them an email and asked about this statement....This is straight from the miracle grow technical people and this is of course paraphrased....any of the miracle grow products with a "time release" fertilize in it releases the nitrogen faster than phosphorus and potassium...
In theory that is good because of having a higher nitrogen content in the soil produces green healthy plants during the first part of the grow season and then releases the P & K later...and if you read, it says feeds continually for up to 3 months....I don't know about you guys, but at three months I was pouring the grow fertilize to my plants...on the down side for quick, high nitrogen release is high nitrogen levels in your plants is like a magnet for aphids...
personally I do not use any growing media whether it is seed starting mix or potting soil with fertilize already in them...I like to be in control of what nutrients my plants get and when they get it....
IMO...a good soiless seed starting mix to germinate the seeds in, then a good quality potting soil (no ferts of course) will do the trick for the actual growing media. For fertilize, you can use any number of products but as I have stated before, I am sold on the botanicare liquid fert products and follow the recommended dilutions and frequency of application on the packages...worked pretty well for me this year....
I used the botanicare products from germination in February until June, then switched to vigaro liquid concentrate (10-10-10) for June, July, and August (once a week), then switched back to the botanicare fruit/flower formula in September and October...the last of October was the last food the plants got and they produced until about 2 weeks ago....