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flavor best taste

This is probably been covered somewhere or lots of places, so sorry, I have been growing peppers for a long time. My current favorite is the Orange Habanero, I like it for the taste. it is a more tropical taste. anyways this year I am growing the bhut jolokia and the scorpion peppers. I am excited for these. now for my question, what peppers have the best taste. I enjoy the burn a lot but I am more into a great tasting pepper. so what are your recommendations for best tasting pepper. by the way I am in SW Idaho. and my bhut jolokia peppers have sprouted
thanks for the responses I will have to try those, the all sound very good. I will see if I can buy some locally later this year, then try growing them next year. Again thanks for the responses. Another question, what is the general taste of the scorpion pepper and the jolokia pepper. Do they have a fruity taste or smokey or can you not taste anything through the heat?
:welcome: from the Bluegrass!
I like the orange habs myself.

I will likely make something commercial with a superhot ap I'm glad you asked the question so I know what to use, but personally I love the orange hab. Really great flavor - that citrus undertone makes me :woohoo:

Also, if you like the orange hab the Red Savina is a nice "next step" between it & the Bhut. It the orange hab on steroids. :cheers:
Pequins are hands down my favorite followed be thai's. While I like habs and superhots for the heat, I really don't care for the taste. That milky chalky after taste is plah! in my book
thanks for the responses I will have to try those, the all sound very good. I will see if I can buy some locally later this year, then try growing them next year. Again thanks for the responses. Another question, what is the general taste of the scorpion pepper and the jolokia pepper. Do they have a fruity taste or smokey or can you not taste anything through the heat?

Bhuts taste fruity although a little acrid to me... I can't speak on fresh Scorps although you'll find from others opinions here that they either love or hate them. Some people purportedly find them akin to battery acid... Lol
Another pepper flavor i love is the Tepin (Bird's Eye) - it is absolutely delicious. Its got quite a lot of heat for its size and a very interesting quality where the heat hits fast & fades quickly.
Bhut jolokia 'assam' and yellow 7pot/pods, Choc habs and bonda ma Jacques all rate up there with myself so far. Still to try a number of different types yet though.
If I had to choose 1 for both searing heat and flavour the bhut jolokia Assam would be my pick.
Amazing strawberry aroma and sweet fruity taste. Love it.
There are a lot of peppers I haven't tried yet (growing them this year). It's a tough one. I really enjoy the taste of habaneros, jalapenos, and Thai dragon peppers. The most tasty sauce I've made used Thai dragon peppers (mixed very well with lime!).
I haven't had enough of a range of peppers to decide, but the following from the posts above are on my list:

Orange Habanero
Tepin (Bird's Eye)

I have an interesting observation having grown ghosts and used them in food dishes, etc..
If you have a ghost that does not have a ton of oil dripping inside, you can carefully cut the bottom bit from it, about the size of the tip
of a pencil and when you eat it you get the true flavor of the pepper without the heat, which I like.

Has anyone else tried this ?

I love the super-hot stuff, but for natural taste, I like the wiri-wiri. Something about the little berries that burst with flavor in soups, chili, casseroles, etc. I also grow Cyklons and Sheepnose Pimiento, among others. I know it's a macho industry, and heat is king, but there are some great tasting peppers that aren't nuclear. This year I've planted Fushimi peppers, some "Ring of Fire", Jimmy Nardello's, etc. If/when I make hot sauce, I can blend these with the bhuts and habs. I'm very experimental. And this thread has some great responses from some luminaries far more in tune than I.
wild brazil (my absolute favorite) :D
aji omni-color
aji yellow
australian lantern
"MA" wiri wiri"
jamaican hot chocolate hab
harold st barts hab

there a quite a few others but these are some of my favorites

thanks your friend Joe