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chinense Bhut Jolokia in popular culture

I don't exactly remember where, but I've seen a discussion here about how the Bhut Jolokia is becoming more and more of a mainstream thing, including "Ghost Chile" flavored Doritos... well, apparently it's not that far away.

I was just surfing about online when I thought why not check on my FarmVille, as I haven't checked it in months (got bored, but was also busy). well I did the deeds and was just about to plant new seeds when I saw this:


I mean... WTF?!
It doesn't even have Cayenne or Jalapeno on the list, just "Peppers"... and "Ghost Chili". :shocked:

That is all.
Omri out.
they are becoming a known item Omri...I had the produce manager at Central Market tell me that people had been asking for the Ghost Chili for several months...a year ago, people didn't even know how to spell Bhut...
I've been growing these for almost three years now and it was love at first bite. I get the hype with the whole "World's Hottest" thing and all, but it's a bit overhyped, don't ya agree?
yup...sure do agree...to me, people just don't get it...they just want the heat to be super macho and screw with their friends. It takes a true chili lover to understand the taste of the pepper itself aside from the heat. My favorite pepper has become the 7 pot. I think they are just as hot as the bhut, but the flavor is much more to my liking. If they are not as hot as the bhut, they are close enough that it doesn't make any difference.
I've actually stopped growing certain strains of 7-Pot because they were too hot to consume. same goes to the Scorpion. the heat of the Jolokia family is intense, but is more of a "warm", "overall" and "soft" kinda heat. I find some Trinidad chiles to have a painful, sharp, smack-in-the-face kinda heat, which I don't like. the flavor of the 7-Pots I am growing is fantastic though. still a huge fan of the Jolokia (a big enough fan to grow 8 different strains) and other Chinense types.
Your description of the burn of the trinidad chilis is spot on my friend.

I have said over and over, a tiny portion of 7 pot puree in a bloody mary has become my favorite way of eating them. Double buzz...alcohol and capsaicin.
Agree..that's a perfect description of the 'feel' of the heats they have.

I think a lot of it is the insane difference in how they hit...and where.

Naga is more of a building throat/face/mouth burning thing, while TS/7-pod is just an assault...plus it REALLY hit the guts alllll the way down.

I gotta say, Naga M. and TS are faves though. I like the 7's a lot but haven't had enough to truly judge well.
I have told people when describing the burn of the scorpions that it feels like red hot ice picks in the tongue...and the gut burn is the worse...I don't ever eat any hot peppers on an empty stomach, especially the scorpions...I am afraid of them and have 13 pounds to process today...
I concur with the above. 7 Pods are truly painful. I don't get the same stomach discomfort from Bhuts and Nagas. Although, I haven't eaten a ton of them raw so my experiences are limited. I mostly use them in powder form.
ok after reading Omri's and AJ's description of the 7-pot...I have to add them to my to grow list!!!! Who want's to trade some seeds...I've got a some Bhut Jolokia seed to trade for some 7-pots!!!!!!!
I have not tried a fesh scorpion or 7pod or bhut yet but as soon as i get some pods to set i will. as soon as i do i will actually be able to give opinion. But it is crazy how many people are asking for ghost peppers.
Prefer the flavor of Naga Morich to the Bhut. Similar flavors but the Nagas are a little stronger flavor wise.

Those 7 Pods are evil! :hell: Great flavor as has been mentioned but the heat holds on like a angry pitbull. :shocked:
WHy i LOVVVE my naga4brainz sauce..it's got naga and brain strain 7's plus lesser chiles for a range of burn that'd blow yer mind. :D
Noshownate said:
I have not tried a fesh scorpion or 7pod or bhut yet but as soon as i get some pods to set i will. as soon as i do i will actually be able to give opinion. But it is crazy how many people are asking for ghost peppers.

I have had all of the above whole and by far the Scorpion was the most painful. Not necessarily at the time, (it was instant burn as was the 7) but the after effects were tremendous. I do not recommend anyone eat them whole.
7 Pot is the King of Heat IMO. Both going in and going out. It's also the only one that tears up my stomach every time if I try to eat anything but the smallest slice. (I haven't tried a Scorpion yet) That being said, the Bhut is still my favorite. More than enough heat and incredible aroma and flavor. I'll probably grow at least one Bhut plant every year. That and Biker Billy Jalapeno.
JayT said:
I have had all of the above whole and by far the Scorpion was the most painful. Not necessarily at the time, (it was instant burn as was the 7) but the after effects were tremendous. I do not recommend anyone eat them whole.

I agree, the T. scorpion is the hottest I've ever tried but its the gut pain and after effects that really make it killer
I've seen a few posts about the pain from the 7pod and T. Scorpion. There must be some differences in the Scorpions out there because the ones I grew never hurt my stomach the same way as the 7pods I grew. The 7pod was extremely hot, but not hotter or more flavorful than a Naga Morich. The 7pod had a strange almost bitter flavor and absolutely killed my stomach on a couple occasions. I've never had significant stomach pain from other chilies. It must be some weird component of the 7pod more than the other super-hots I've tried.
i'll be growing 7 pod & trinidad scorpions next year 'cos i've never tried them, although i've heard & read plenty!
absolutely love the naga morich/dorset nagas even more than bhuts-all have a special aroma & flavour second to none, not to mention the addictive heat.