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Bhut paste WOW, Ouch

Oh my god, im hurting even more now. Last night my partner made an Indian Madras curry but didn't add any extra chilli.
So I added a spoon full of Bhut paste that I had made the other week. (Usually if I just dip the spoon in the jar and shake off the excess that is hot enough.)Shit it was hot! My hearing started going, I was sweating and couldn't close my mouth cos it hurt. I made the mistake of having a sip of red wine and that just spread the heat even more. :onfire:

I did manage to finish my dinner though and it was a fun experience but I think I will not get so carried away next time and only put in half the amount!

I agree with Micca, why stop at "arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh" whan you can go for "AAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ?

Besides, i don't believe you Candice, a video of course would quash any doubts :whistle:

Novacastrian said:
I agree with Micca, why stop at "arrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh" whan you can go for "AAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" ?

Besides, i don't believe you Candice, a video of course would quash any doubts :whistle:


Especially this morning! That is when I remembered what we had for dinner.
Not sure bout a video, you would have to convince me that it is a good idea to do that twice!
LancelBracken said:
haha i have some bhut paste from chillifactory... its fucking atomic!

great bright orange colour like yours too

Hey LancelBracken

What is their paste called? I haven't heard of it yet. I did know that they were developing some sort of sauce with Bhut but don't know what it was.

I was thinking of doing hot pastes as my next line, Bhut paste is definately something that every chilli head needs in their fridge!
Shit it was hot! My hearing started going, I was sweating and couldn't close my mouth cos it hurt. I made the mistake of having a sip of red wine and that just spread the heat even more.

LOOOOOOOOOL it would be hell funy if u took some pics
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Hey LancelBracken

What is their paste called? I haven't heard of it yet. I did know that they were developing some sort of sauce with Bhut but don't know what it was.

I was thinking of doing hot pastes as my next line, Bhut paste is definately something that every chilli head needs in their fridge!

when i got it it was as-yet unnamed, but the name they have chosen is "Devil's Delirium". It's about 60% jolokia.

Here it is, pictured is the label pre-namechange, same as the one i got hehe

PepperLover said:
Shit it was hot! My hearing started going, I was sweating and couldn't close my mouth cos it hurt. I made the mistake of having a sip of red wine and that just spread the heat even more.

LOOOOOOOOOL it would be hell funy if u took some pics

I think I might have to do it again, but don't think I could do it by itself on a spoon, would have to mix it with food, that was bad enough. It is bloody tasty but F***n hot! It should def be used as an additive and not a sauce.
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Oh cool, thanks for that. That is a good name :)
The paste I made was about 99% Bhut Jolokia, so I'm sure you could imagine how hot it was.

Lets do a vid on Sat night Candice! A heap of bourbon might have to be involved!
Scorpion said:
Lets do a vid on Sat night Candice! A heap of bourbon might have to be involved!

You all want to see me burn dont you? I guess that is why my name is Candice Burns :lol:

I don't do bourbon that much but maybe beer or Canadian Club could entice me.
Don't know how I'm gonna go the next morning at my friends baby christening.
It looks good, may have to get me some.

I have never gotten the hiccups from chili before (not even from fresh bhut or sauce) but the other day I had a small piece of dried Choc Bhut and it happened. It was very weird especially since I was burning at the same time.

Anyway thanks for posting that. I haven't done a vid of my bhut paste yet but I think my partner has eaten it all so will have to make some more.