• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter 1920 :shrug:

Hello! I might as well try this. List is still in progress. Yes, I'm way behind, but who's in a hurry, anyway? Lol

Here's what has germinated and is now in the dirt. More to come. Waiting on germination.

Cinder F5
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F3 (Brown)
MustardGum NagaBrain
Purple BBG x 2
JPGS x Primo x 2
GSM (Grocery Store Mystery...Brown)
Brown Moruga
Black Panther
Berry Amarillo

Later added as germinated:
Rocoto Oculta CLEF
Caramel Moruga
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Purple Reaper


I'll leave this recipe for Depression Bread here...just in case...
CaneDog said:
Shoot, Bhuter, I don't know, but I does have a bit of a frutescens look to to the leaves, doesn't it?  Was the  SB7J x PDN an F1?  I'm not familiar with the parentage of the PdN Orange, but curious.  Do you know?
The Azabache Jalapeño is an interesting one too, dark with some very recognizable chinense characteristics.  Do you know about it's parentage, by chance?
Haha.  Ask me a question and instead of an answer you get two in return ;)
Rhomboideum looks great.  Heck, they all look great!
Dammit, Professor. I'm stumped.
Here's that unknown, still-Closed flower. Complete with spider web or cottonwood or something.

Still clueless.....
Oh, here's the whole plant

This guy was on it this morning....

This DogDawg is so dense that the top feels like kale.

In the kitchen.......
I whipped up some Garlic and Parmesan encrusted Flounder w/lemon (juice and zest)

My first try, but it was rockin'! Tonie doesn't particularly like fish, but she tried it together with red skinned potatoes and carrots out of the crock pot and some Cottage cheese. The flounder went missing first.....

I stole this one from Panera Bread:
I ordered some sourdough bowls from the local bakery, made some Broccoli-Cheddar soup, baked the bowls for a few, tore out the insides, and poured the soup on in......with the soft sourdough insides on the side for dipping. Soup topped with cheese and parsley.
Bhuter said:
Thank you, Erv! And thank you for stopping by and catching up. I'm usually more active on here, but hit or miss seems to be my norm. ‍
Alice is such a funny, lazy dragon. It's been a lil tough not being able to get superworms for her right now, but locally they have freeze dried mealworms. Trying it!
She says "meh". She likes her protein to move. So I have to hand feed her, twirling the dried lil thing in my fingers. She sticks her tongue out, and I lay a worm on there. Dragons tongues are shorter than, say, Chameleons. It's only like 2 inches long. So it's not too tough, but their eyesight sucks, so she's always licking my finger. Lol It's kinda weird cuz it's sticky.

The haskorea has been like the heatless bishops crown I found at the same place: everybody who has tried one has liked them. I like haskorea dried and crushed in place of crushed red pepper on Italian food. It's a little hotter to me, but yum!

Yes! The cinder is one of mine. I have 3-5, but only grow 2 out, myself: Cinder (F5 now) and Black Naga x Peri-Peri (F3 now). Hoglegs review of the cinder last fall was pretty........tough to watch. Lol. It's not horrible, I just feel bad. But here's a link:

Thanks, again!!!!

Plants all look great! That cinder pod looked mean! He knew what he was getting into don't feel bad, he's probably lucky that he left the placenta on the table. that's a proud moment to see it bring that kinda heat, I wanna grow some, but I won't eat a pod like that, just a taste.
Mr.joe said:
Plants all look great! That cinder pod looked mean! He knew what he was getting into don't feel bad, he's probably lucky that he left the placenta on the table. that's a proud moment to see it bring that kinda heat, I wanna grow some, but I won't eat a pod like that, just a taste.
Lmao! Thank you, Mr. J!!!
Yeah I had to kinda twist his arm to begin with. There is no F3 review cuz he refused. Lol. At this point, I think he owed me something....so he hung his head and agreed with F4. :rofl:

I have an extra Cinder plant right now, if you want one. I'm selling done plants in the forum ads.

Thank you!
Bhuter said:
Dammit, Professor. I'm stumped.
Here's that unknown, still-Closed flower. Complete with spider web or cottonwood or something.

Still clueless.....
Shoot man, you and me both.  I've been by to look at this multiple times now and every idea I have craps out because at least one of the pieces doesn't fit.  Maybe you have a spontaneous bhutation on your hands ;)
In a lot of ways it does have a pimente de neyde look to it and PdN can go green by F2 in a cross.  That would account for what I see as a number of annuum characteristic and purple anthers, too.  I've not seen those prominent calyx teeth on PdN, though, nor do i remember it being elsewhere in the cross's lineage. Plus it's not moving in the direction I'd generally expect a PdN to take after backcrossing to chinense.  
The long pistil isn't too uncommon. On cardenasii I'm used to seeing it stick out a good distance while the bud's still tight - it's no wonder they cross so easily.  It's not giving me any clues, but it's another feature I don't recall in the lineage of the referenced cross.  And the only pepper the bulging anthers bring to mind is the mutant candlelight.  This one has narrow pedals too it seems, but they don't look similarly incomplete.
Wish I had some better ideas for ya, but it just leaves me with more questions.  It'll be cool to see what the pods turn out like.  Maybe someone will have a better idea by then.
BTW - Cool shots of the Mayfly!
PaulG said:
It's not enough that you dazzle us with
awesome plants, but you add insult to
injury by posting those great foodies.
Stop it!
The best and funniest part of this post^^^^^^^, are the last 2 words! HA! So jokingly hating on my posts that no clever funny insult comes to mind, purposefully on your part, Paul. I love it!!!!!

Like "A Christmas Story", after Mom breaks the leg lamp. The old man tries to come up with a real crusher, and all that came out was, "NOTAFINGA!" :rofl:
CaneDog said:
Shoot man, you and me both.  I've been by to look at this multiple times now and every idea I have craps out because at least one of the pieces doesn't fit.  Maybe you have a spontaneous bhutation on your hands ;)
In a lot of ways it does have a pimente de neyde look to it and PdN can go green by F2 in a cross.  That would account for what I see as a number of annuum characteristic and purple anthers, too.  I've not seen those prominent calyx teeth on PdN, though, nor do i remember it being elsewhere in the cross's lineage. Plus it's not moving in the direction I'd generally expect a PdN to take after backcrossing to chinense.  
The long pistil isn't too uncommon. On cardenasii I'm used to seeing it stick out a good distance while the bud's still tight - it's no wonder they cross so easily.  It's not giving me any clues, but it's another feature I don't recall in the lineage of the referenced cross.  And the only pepper the bulging anthers bring to mind is the mutant candlelight.  This one has narrow pedals too it seems, but they don't look similarly incomplete.
Wish I had some better ideas for ya, but it just leaves me with more questions.  It'll be cool to see what the pods turn out like.  Maybe someone will have a better idea by then.
BTW - Cool shots of the Mayfly!
If "selfie" can be a word and in the dictionary,"Bhutation" and "Bhuter-Bhucket" are next in line at the "Dictionary Enrollment Center". Lol. Great words!
And there is a HUUUUUGE difference between "taking a selfie".......and "giving a selfie". :rofl:

I'm wondering if this plant will give us some clues on the possible lineage of PDN. If it IS as labeled, then some part of PDN is here somewhere on this plant.
You have a great eye for differences/similarities, and already found a few of your own on this.

These petals will be PUNY, if we'll be able to see them behind the anthers, closed or open (anthers).

I've seen Arsenio-Hall-finger-length pistils before, but I think some Frutescens (Idk?) have it.

Anyway, mysteries are pretty cool!

Thanks, man!
CaneDog said:
Shoot man, you and me both.  I've been by to look at this multiple times now and every idea I have craps out because at least one of the pieces doesn't fit.  Maybe you have a spontaneous bhutation on your hands ;)
In a lot of ways it does have a pimente de neyde look to it and PdN can go green by F2 in a cross.  That would account for what I see as a number of annuum characteristic and purple anthers, too.  I've not seen those prominent calyx teeth on PdN, though, nor do i remember it being elsewhere in the cross's lineage. Plus it's not moving in the direction I'd generally expect a PdN to take after backcrossing to chinense.  
The long pistil isn't too uncommon. On cardenasii I'm used to seeing it stick out a good distance while the bud's still tight - it's no wonder they cross so easily.  It's not giving me any clues, but it's another feature I don't recall in the lineage of the referenced cross.  And the only pepper the bulging anthers bring to mind is the mutant candlelight.  This one has narrow pedals too it seems, but they don't look similarly incomplete.
Wish I had some better ideas for ya, but it just leaves me with more questions.  It'll be cool to see what the pods turn out like.  Maybe someone will have a better idea by then.
BTW - Cool shots of the Mayfly!
The mystery deepens........


Those are either a 2nd set of petals, purple tips to the white petals, or they still ARE the anthers and just Bhutated.......
Bhuter said:
Lmao! Thank you, Mr. J!!!
Yeah I had to kinda twist his arm to begin with. There is no F3 review cuz he refused. Lol. At this point, I think he owed me something....so he hung his head and agreed with F4. :rofl:

I have an extra Cinder plant right now, if you want one. I'm selling done plants in the forum ads.

Thank you!

You almost had me there, I headed straight over to find your ad and then realized I have too many plants. Maybe next year, but I gotta stop myself I have a habit of collecting plants. Thanks for the offer, but I just gotta grow what I have now. If you have some seeds come available I may be interested
Mr.joe said:
You almost had me there, I headed straight over to find your ad and then realized I have too many plants. Maybe next year, but I gotta stop myself I have a habit of collecting plants. Thanks for the offer, but I just gotta grow what I have now. If you have some seeds come available I may be interested
Yeah. That seems to be a common problem. I just have a collecting problem. It's not necessarily just peppers and seeds.......but everybody collects.......something. If they don't collect anything.......money is what they collect. Lol.

Yeah, I should have isolated F6 seeds this fall. (Damn, first time I said that. Already been that long?
Bhuter said:
Yeah. That seems to be a common problem. I just have a collecting problem. It's not necessarily just peppers and seeds.......but everybody collects.......something. If they don't collect anything.......money is what they collect. Lol.

Yeah, I should have isolated F6 seeds this fall. (Damn, first time I said that. Already been that long?
I wish I was a bit better at collecting money. Sounds good, I'd be interested in buying a couple of those from you.
Lol, that video from hogleg was class - you should be proud of having created such a hot pepper! It slightly reminded me of a video I saw a long time ago, where someone pushed the boundaries of what's fun and just outright crazy:

Plants are looking superb, your yard looks ready to explode with plants and growth, and not just the pepper plants are looking like they're ready for prime time! Great work man!

And I also lol'd at the comment Paul the original G posted, funny stuff! But he sure wasn't wrong, that food looked mouthwateringly good! [emoji28]

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Tybo said:
I have used the Pro-tekt this year at random and haven't noticed anything.  Maybe I should be using it every time.  It does raise the ph quite a bit with my water though so I have to adjust.
Yes, every watering.
It took a while to get the measurements correct. I may even be able to go higher.

Started with 1/4tsp per gallon, then moved up until I didn't wanna go anymore.

For these 4" pots in full sun, I'm using 3/4 tsp/gal of Pro-Tekt first, then add your nutrient. I don't know why, but that's how the directions read.....

When in full-sized pots outside last year, I'm used 1 full tsp per gallon EVERY WATERING. But it only took 2-3 days to notice. You can also use Pro-Tekt as a foliage spray. Maybe that'll get better results.

If you don't have Dyna-Grow 9-3-6, would use a 3-1-2 fertilizer like miracle gro 24-8-16 formula. Have you read the research paper about the nutrient uptake of plants? If not, here's Apopka's site. I'm sure it's there somewhere. Lol

Thank you and good luck!

lespaulde said:
Lol, that video from hogleg was class - you should be proud of having created such a hot pepper! It slightly reminded me of a video I saw a long time ago, where someone pushed the boundaries of what's fun and just outright crazy:

Plants are looking superb, your yard looks ready to explode with plants and growth, and not just the pepper plants are looking like they're ready for prime time! Great work man!

And I also lol'd at the comment Paul the original G posted, funny stuff! But he sure wasn't wrong, that food looked mouthwateringly good! [emoji28]

Sent from my LYA-L29 using Tapatalk
:rofl: :rofl:
What up, E?
I love that video. It had issues in the beginning, and I told Mr. Leg that I really want a copy. I got it and I posted it.
I've never seen him tap out. I know that feeling where the "Hurt-Throb" coupled with dizziness, disorientation, and panic mode......revert you back to a drooling, fumbly child. Lol.
I have 2 seed sources again this year. After Cinder was F2, I sent seeds to Enrico Lai in Italy (Mojo). He grew these F3's...


2 of my seeds and 2 of his last year. Hogleg reviewed one from mojo's plant.
In fact, the pod on the right In my avatar m, is the one HL reviewed.

Anyway, Sandra (Fiogga) grew F4 also from Enrico's seeds, I think, and sent me F5. So this year, I HAD 2 of mine and 2 of hers. bpiela just bought one and he got Sandra's.

Thank you on the fooding! The weirdest thing: I've worked as a cook in restaurants before, but it's always been somebody else's recipes. I do most of the cooking here and I woke up one day knowing more than I should. Like a little bit of French, Italian, German........and I can cook now. Not like, "oh here's beef Wellington that I whipped up", but more like I know what it's missing, what will go well together and other crazy abilities. I haven't been in a coma, but I have had seizures and oddly enough, EEG's tell them I'm sleeping. But they're talking to me.
So I've been wondering........OSMOSIS: learning things while you sleep. Do humans have 2 consciousnesses that absorb and learn different things? With my being half asleep a lot (according to EEG's)............if humans DO have separate consciousnesses that learn, maybe one of mine is teaching the other.

Too out there????????

Thank you!