• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bhuter's 2018 Glog

Hello everybody! I'm late again to the adventures of pepper growing. Seeds didn't hit the towel until March 6, so I have some still below, some hooks, and some little plants. Not too much to look at right now but how about a growlist.

2018 Growlist

Red BBG7 (Ocho Cinco 2014)
BOC (Mine)
Black Naga x Peri-Peri F2 (Mine)
Bishop's Crown
Brown Moruga (PL)
Peach Bhut (WM)
SB7J (Pex Peppers 2014)
Pumpkin Bubblegum (Ford's)
Peach Scotch Bonnet (WHP)
OrangeGum TigerMAMP (GIP)
California Reaper (Tyler Farms)
Ramirez Stinger (mpicante)
BBG Peach Ghost Jami (Mojo)
Monster Apocalisse (Mojo)
Purple Ghost Scorpion (Mojo)
Chocolate Primo (Butch T)
PDN x 7 Pot Caramel F1 (Mine)
PDN x Bonda ma Jacques F6 White & Purple (PaulG)
Purple Flower Baccatum (Mojo)
Wartryx (windchicken)
Purple Flower BBG (Mojo)
PeachGum v3 (Mojo)
Biker Billy Jalapeño (Tyler Farms)
Cappuccino Scotch Bonnet (MikeUSMC)
Peach Clavo x Pink Tiger (Ford's)
Caramel BBG7 (WHP)
7 Pot Cinder Caramel F3 (also have F2 clone overwinter)

Lots of crosses, purples, & BBG. I also air layered a clone from the Caramel Cinder F2 last year (with the help of pepper-guru...thanks, Rich) and it's been in stasis until recently. Just starting new growth and already set a pod.


And here's the whole lot. I don't have much room...just what I can fit under a card table.


Thanks for stopping by!
Bhuter said:
That's good news. The soil should be warmed up by Mother's Day.
Is there a certain min. soil temperature you like to plant at?
For shiggles, I checked my garden soil temperature, it was about 68* at 4” deep. My raised beds are about 2’ from the south side of my house with no shade.

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PtMD989 said:
Is there a certain min. soil temperature you like to plant at?
For shiggles, I checked my garden soil temperature, it was about 68* at 4 deep. My raised beds are about 2 from the south side of my house with no shade.

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That's a great question! Actually, this is the first year I've given it any thought. I read somebody mention that if you plant out too early, the plants just sit there, not doing much because of the soil temp. It's amazing the things one doesn't think about until somebody mentions it. Lol.
Genetikx said:
Good luck with the dyna gro, can't wait to see the before and after
Thank you, Ryan! I can't wait to try it, but of course nothing needs watered right now. Lol. I thought all of that wind would dry them out, but they're still not ready. They ARE ready for the food, though. ASAP. Lol.
Auxiliary growth so young?
That's going to be a big gal!
My take on soil temps for plant out is  around 70°, but the ambient's are also important. I hate to see 40's after I plant. They don't seem to mind 47° so much growing wise, but they drop flowers here. Not the Annuum's so much but the Chinense. Best to wait ;)
This year here, we had some late colder weather; which was unusual.
Devv said:
Auxiliary growth so young?
That's going to be a big gal!
My take on soil temps for plant out is  around 70°, but the ambient's are also important. I hate to see 40's after I plant. They don't seem to mind 47° so much growing wise, but they drop flowers here. Not the Annuum's so much but the Chinense. Best to wait ;)
This year here, we had some late colder weather; which was unusual.
What's funny is it's not the auxiliary growth, it's next to those spots. You have where the leaf and stem meet...the auxiliary growth...that growth is there also. These are in spots next to the leaves. It's hard to explain. Zoom in to see if you can see what I mean.

I'm sure the Dyna-gro will kick in right quick!
Regardless they look great!
I see what you mean about the auxiliary growth. it's not at the leaf fork, just coming out of the stem. I call anything not at the top auxiliary.. so I could most likely be mis-naming it..
Devv said:
I'm sure the Dyna-gro will kick in right quick!
Regardless they look great!
I see what you mean about the auxiliary growth. it's not at the leaf fork, just coming out of the stem. I call anything not at the top auxiliary.. so I could most likely be mis-naming it..
I've been really thinking about this and I almost edited my post or wrote a new one because I think you're right. That makes a lot of sense. I coulda just called it a node, too...unless that's wrong. Lol. Sorry for sounding dick-ish. I couldn't think of how to explain what was going on. But YES! That's exactly what's going on. Just kinda out of nowhere...both sides. I've never seen this before.

Thank you for the compliment!
stickman said:
Ool... how the heck did you get Broad Mites in Michigan?!! I thought they died off during the winter there. :shocked:    Those things are bad juju for sure.  :doh:
Quoting an old post, Rick, because TrentL positively identified my "Broad Mite" issue last year as 2,4-D herbicide damage. That's a good thing to me because I had no broad mites. Lol. But how to keep people from spraying without causing a feud, is the problem. New neighbors moved in last year, but I don't know if they spayed or if it was other people getting the property ready. Either way, it wasn't pests. Lol
Bhuter said:
I've been really thinking about this and I almost edited my post or wrote a new one because I think you're right. That makes a lot of sense. I coulda just called it a node, too...unless that's wrong. Lol. Sorry for sounding dick-ish. I couldn't think of how to explain what was going on. But YES! That's exactly what's going on. Just kinda out of nowhere...both sides. I've never seen this before.

Thank you for the compliment!
If it's not primary growth, it's axillary if it's at the nodes. I don't think it matters what direction it's growing out at. :)
Bhuter said:
Quoting an old post, Rick, because TrentL positively identified my "Broad Mite" issue last year as 2,4-D herbicide damage. That's a good thing to me because I had no broad mites. Lol. But how to keep people from spraying without causing a feud, is the problem. New neighbors moved in last year, but I don't know if they spayed or if it was other people getting the property ready. Either way, it wasn't pests. Lol
I see what you mean... in a way it's a relief that it isn't Broad Mites, but "Dick-ish" neighbors who spray with 2,4-D can be a bit more than just irritating... :doh:
They look great to me.

I think they only look lighter green because they are directly under lights.

Your perimeter plants look dark green.

Mix up 2 tsp Epsom salt to a gallon and give them a drink next watering.

You can also just place the Epsom salt as a top dressing. Shake a tsp to each pot.
( my preferred method.)
When its time for plant out I put a fist full at the base of the plants as a top dressing and just letting it water in naturally. I am not mixing it in or putting it in the hole..

It will slowly water in and green up in no time at all.

Feed and water per your usually routine.
Masher said:
They look great to me.

I think they only look lighter green because they are directly under lights.

Your perimeter plants look dark green.

Mix up 2 tsp Epsom salt to a gallon and give them a drink next watering.

You can also just place the Epsom salt as a top dressing. Shake a tsp to each pot.

It will slowly water in and green up in no time at all.

Feed and water per your usually routine.
Thank you! I think I'm just trying to hurry them. I'm used to my plants being a little bigger this time of year...I started late. I'm definitely going to give that a try next watering. I think that's why the clone is so green...the biggest plant at the bottom right. When I potted it up, I added lime and epsom to the soil. Thanks for the tip!