• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

BigCedars SuperHot Grow 2012

Hey Everyone :) 2012 will be my first full year being a member of this great forum. So, I figured why not do a start to finish growlog for the first time. Instead of writing down a journal of germination times, flower times, ferts, soils, plant out dates, etc.. like I have in the past.. I'll be using my growlog instead. There will be extra information that I'm sure the seasoned pros won't need to read but I'm sure anyone new to this hobby will enjoy the extra info I'll be posting. I absolutely love checking up on other members growlogs, It's my daily newspaper! :lol: I figured as much entertainment you all have given me this year.. It's time to entertain back. Hope you all enjoy.

One more thing..
Before we get started with the grow porn..
A special thanks goes out to anyone that has helped me out since joining THP. I appreciate it more than you know.

Alright, lets get this party started.

So 12/15 and 12/16 were the only time I had to do this unless I wanted to wait until January because of my work and family xmas parties. I have a greenhouse, which means I can harden off earlier than those who don't. I figured.. Why not start a couple weeks early!? So that's what I did :D

I'm using Hoffmans Seed Starting Mix for the first time this year. I can already tell this stuff is as great as people have said. It's so soft and fluffy, I have an extra bag.. I told my wife I'm puttin a pillow case over it and swappin out my pillow :lol: I prepared everything 12/15



If you use hoffmans.. you have to soak it overnight or knead water into the soil in a plastic tub.. which is what I ended up doing after realizing it wasn't absorbing water from my spray bottle.. So after I did that, I prepped 4 72cell flats with soil, put 4 of each seed variety in the cups, let them sit for 8hours.


After planting 288 seeds by hand.. I've realized that before this season is over.. I need to invent a faster way to do this.. my god that took way to long. All worth it though :)


My grow closet.


I'm using hydrofarm heating mats with hydrofarm heat mat thermostats set at 82 (the one further back in the closet is always warmer..)


One more thing if you have kids.. My daughter use to love to open the closet door.. Now she likes to shut the door..
I came up with a solution for both the problems.
Bricks so she can't shut the door? Check
Dog leash so she cant open the door? Check.
Let the growing begin.


The List
I would love to have 3 plants of each.. so I'm starting 4 of each hoping for the best. If I have too many.. Well, I'll find room or give them away :hell:

I will be keeping this posted every week with germination rates.

Bhut Jolokia Peach: 0/4
Bhut Chocolate X Yellow 7Pod F3: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Assam: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Yellow: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source1: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia Source2: 0/2
Bhut Jolokia I Carbon: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia Orange: 0/4
Bhut Jolokia White: 0/4
Bhut CPI X Douglah "Naglah": 0/4

Naga Morich Black: 0/4
Naga Morich Chocolate: 0/4
Naga Morich: 0/4
Naga Viper: 0/4
Naga BigBang: 0/4
Naga Monster: 0/4

TS CARDI Yellow X Bhut Jolokia F3: 0/4
TS Mustard: 0/4
TS Sunrise: 0/4
TS Long Tail: 0/4
TS Butch T: 0/4
TS Moruga: 0/4
TS Moruga Satan's: 0/4
TS Moruga Yellow: 0/4
TS Large: 0/4
TS Chocolate: 0/4
TS CARDI Yellow: 0/4
TS: 0/4
TS Fat/Long Tail: 0/4
TS X Pimenta Morango: 0/4
TS X Bhut F3: 0/4

7 Infinity w/tail: 0/4
7 Infinity: 0/8
7 Infinity Monster: 0/4
7 Infinity Fat Freak w/tail: 0/4
7 Brown Source 1: 0/4
7 Brown Source 2: 0/4
7 Primo Source 1: 0/4
7 Primo Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 1: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Source 2: 0/4
7 Brain Strain Yellow: 0/4
7 Cardi: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 1: 0/4
7 Douglah Source 2: 0/4
7 Jonah: 0/4
7 Congo: 0/4
7 White: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 1: 0/4
7 Yellow Source 2: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 1: 0/4
7 Burgundy Source 2: 0/4
7 Long: 0/4
7 Barrackapore: 0/4
7 Douglah X TS Moruga: 0/4
7 Chiguanas: 0/4
7 Orange: 0/4
7 Madballz: 0/4
7 Jonah Cross: 0/4
7 Primo Hybrid F2: 0/4
7 Bubblegum: 0/4

Mystery Superhot Red w/tail: 0/4
Trinidad Viper: 0/4
Monster Naga X Douglah: 0/4
Mystery Cross Red Douglah: 0/4
Black Naga Red Cross: 0/4

Bih Jolokia: 0/4
Dorset Naga: 0/4
Habanero XXL Hybrid: 0/4
TS Habanero Cross: 0/4

I'm just doing supers for the first time this year.
I have a good amount of non supers that I'm overwintering. I figure with what I'm growing, If something does cross..I'tll most likely be a superhot cross. And you can't go wrong there!

Your fantastic plant comeback made my glog day! Your plants are reacting well--I think that other light spectrum you had for awhile put some extra fuel in their tanks!

The plant game gets interesting as April approaches. I think you have an edge on your side of the mountains with milder Spring--my projected plant out is mid-May. But I should be able to get some outdoor time by April Fools... I have a portable mini-greenouse, and also plan to do a low-tunnel hoop house cloche thingie, which will add a couple of precarious weeks outside.

I think, however, you will be getting into good shape--with your earlier start, you may have to resort to the in-out plant shuffle, carrying monster plants around like 2-year old children. It will be great!!!
BC .. Man been so busy working, church, and this grow am just now catching up on your Glog..Beautiful my brother just loved the photo of your pepper army all lined up on the floor lol. Seriously great job!! I'm just a little ways behind you. Are you using 3.5 inch pots? If so are you using the deep ones? I'm expecting about the same turn out you have. My immediate issue is space. Will continue to moniter your progress as you cut a trail for me my friend...some seed trading next season? :whistle:
Hey, Brandon! Your plants really look superior - you pulled it off!
The master at work : ) I'm happy they are doing so well.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the pictures of your plants outside
this Spring, my man! We're having 29F tonight, and mid-50s tomorrow, so I think
our plant out is not just around the corner! Our usual first 60F
day here is Feb 16 or so on average; our first last year was
something like very late March, and this year, maybe in next week.
You know, if your wife gives you too much crap about your peppers... you could tell her you've been thinking about moving to Florida haha. Property here is as low as I've ever seen it. In fact I'm looking at buying 1.75 acres with a mobile for under 10k. I figure I can fence in an area, and rent the mobile + the fenced area out to someone, and put in a pepper garden on the other 1.65 acres haha...

Thats not your typical price :P but, it is a fantastic one.

Dude that is freaking nuts. 1.75 for 10k really?! A home with an acre of land here is a good 300+ thousand and that is incredibly low compared to the price it was before the economy went belly up. Crazy! Good luck gettin that place.. I wouldn't mind an acre sized pepper garden lol.

Your fantastic plant comeback made my glog day! Your plants are reacting well--I think that other light spectrum you had for awhile put some extra fuel in their tanks!

The plant game gets interesting as April approaches. I think you have an edge on your side of the mountains with milder Spring--my projected plant out is mid-May. But I should be able to get some outdoor time by April Fools... I have a portable mini-greenouse, and also plan to do a low-tunnel hoop house cloche thingie, which will add a couple of precarious weeks outside.

I think, however, you will be getting into good shape--with your earlier start, you may have to resort to the in-out plant shuffle, carrying monster plants around like 2-year old children. It will be great!!!

Thank you Ken! I'm glad you enjoyed checkin em out. I too think they had some fuel stocked up from not being able to really grow to their potential under the old lights. Oh the April plant game.. The closer it gets the more nervous I get lol. Being outside yesterday, beautiful 65 degree sun, wearing a tshirt outdoors for the first time this year and I'm thinking "Ya Baby! Spring sunshine and April plant out are right around the corner!" Then I see the forecast for the next week showing thunderstorms and nothing but rain.. Makes me wonder how big of a Spring turn around we'll have here in the next 2-3 weeks. Better be good! lol. The hoop house and GH will help you out alot.. I'm lookin forward to seeing your set up! I think you guys might get a little hotter than we do in the summer if I remember correctly so it should be fun to see what happens. Thanks again for the dunk advice. Really helped out.

I'm hoping your right with the early start. I'm with ya, I have come to realize that carrying my plants around like a buncha 2 year olds will be what has to be done throughout most of April. Good news though! I have plenty of experience with carrying around a 2 year old lol. Hope all is well with you my friend.

BC .. Man been so busy working, church, and this grow am just now catching up on your Glog..Beautiful my brother just loved the photo of your pepper army all lined up on the floor lol. Seriously great job!! I'm just a little ways behind you. Are you using 3.5 inch pots? If so are you using the deep ones? I'm expecting about the same turn out you have. My immediate issue is space. Will continue to moniter your progress as you cut a trail for me my friend...some seed trading next season? :whistle:

Hey Robin! No worries dude, I know the feeling. I'd love to spend hours in the glog section each day it's just not in the cards unfortunately. Thank you for the compliments! That photo seems to be a popular fav ha, I'll have to take another now that they're all growin up I am indeed using 3.5X5in starter pots. I have maybe 10plants in the 3.5X3.5 pots and I see no difference in growth rate.. I'd say the only difference would be you might have to pot up the 3.5X3.5s a week sooner than the 3.5X5s but that's it really.. I've realized space will always be an issue, I mean look at Greg. He has 2 big ol rooms set aside and he still has problems with it lol. Glad your plants are doing well. Your experimentals are beautys. I can only hope to see your new 200 all lookin like that! Seed trading this Fall? Of course my friend. Hope all is well with you

Love your plants! Way to keep them looking healthy!!! I'm looking forward to following your glog!

Thanks Man! It was a battle but I think I finally found my indoor groove lol. Thanks for stopping by. Glad you didn't get arrested for growing pepper plants :lol: I made sure to let my neighbor know early on I was growing peppers lol. Either way I'm still suprised the police haven't showed up at my house as well.

This is just a post because I felt guilty for posting on MG's wall without posting here.... :rofl:

Lmao. Thanks Shane! I don't know what I would do without you man! :lol:

Hey, Brandon! Your plants really look superior - you pulled it off!
The master at work : ) I'm happy they are doing so well.
I'm really looking forward to seeing the pictures of your plants outside
this Spring, my man! We're having 29F tonight, and mid-50s tomorrow, so I think
our plant out is not just around the corner! Our usual first 60F
day here is Feb 16 or so on average; our first last year was
something like very late March, and this year, maybe in next week.

Hey Paul! Thank you my friend! I don't know about the master at work but definitely hopeful master in training lol. I'm looking forward to seeing all your plants outside as well. Should be fun to compare growth rate/plants/pods with each other since we live pretty close by I too am thinking the same thing about plant out. As much as I'd like April 1st to be full blown plant out time I think I'll be doing the indoor outdoor shuffle for most of the month. Oh well.. Whatever it takes right?? That's interesting you guys see 60 in february! Ours is normally in March.. The last 4 years it seems to land in late April. Not this year though! saw 64 degrees yesterday which I thought was a good sign until I saw a weeks worth of rain in the forecast lol. Who knows at this time of year right? We shall wait and see.. Thanks for stopping by my friend! Hope all is well with you, your plants, and clone central :D

Wow, that's quite the comeback you have there. Looking nice!

Thank you! I didn't see it turning out this way trust me. Thanks for stopping by.

Thanks for tuning in everyone!

Weekend Update.

Things are getting a bit crowded on the top shelf. But! The crowding is green :cool:

Superhot Canopy.

I had to take out the labels in 5 of the flats and soon I'll take out the rest due to the plants growing into them, over them, and so on..
-Another thing I'll be doing differently next year... Address Labels. No Plastic Labels. Lesson learned.

Top Shelf Overview

I didn't really realize how much the plants grew until I started looking at my photobucket pics from last week. The younger plants look like the pictures of the older ones I took last week. Crazy!

All the bigger seedlings in the front are about 10-14 days old (from hook) with 2 sets of leaves coming in already. I was far from being this speedy the first time around! I'll be starting seeds much later next year with this growth rate.


The oldest 5 flats taking in some real light and gettin a feel for the real Washington weather.

Aerial shot.

As crowded and big as they look all together they really do still have some time before they need to be potted up. Which is GOOD for me with the space issue. For example take this Yellow 7.. To me it looks like it needs a new home..

Then I took a look at the root system and it still has some space to fill before it really needs a bigger home. I think this has alot to do with my previous mistakes with soil that forced me to transplant twice.

I have a some more pictures and updates..
I'm gonna get me a cold one and I'll be back in a bit!
Enjoy that cold one its well deserved! You plants look absolutely amazing. You really got it together, when you said you found your indoor green thumb you weren't kidding! I am amazed! Here I thought mine were looking good, damn...I gotta go give them an MG style pep-talk!

Wow they looks awesome Brandon I see two of the purple plants are reverting their new growth back to green while the other remain purple that is interesting can not wait to see how the bubblegum 7 looks and whether the stem turns red as well. Thanks for the update
Hey, Brandon - the plants are looking just great!
I hope you really enjoyed that cold one!
Keep up the good work!
Weekend Update Part 2.

Another pretty cool thing I noticed the other day. A baby Serrano Del Sol on one of my OWs.

Other than that I finally got around to doing some spring-yard prep. I put my 2 greenhouses up. Nothing super fancy but they work. I have to cover the grass in the second one for humidity reasons but you can get an idea of the setup so far.

I also decided to tweak them a bit since I didn't really like how the only way to ventilate them was from the side mesh windows. Last year this caused ALOT of condensation to rise to the top of the GH's and also the humidity was through the roof. Along with pest populations, especially gnats. With most GH's they normally have a vent on the roof so moisture, heat, etc can make its way out easily. Why the mesh windows weren't originally placed on the roof instead of on the side? I don't know :crazy: but.. I'm fixing that problem.. hopefully.

I cut a hole in each GH about 1.5X1.5ft and attached velcro to the roof and the new flaps so I can crack it, close it, or open it completely. Even with the 50 degree day we had today the inside was already full of condensation even with the front doors open. within an hour after making the vents the moisture wasn't there. I hope I fixed the problem.

They're not getting any use when it comes to plants but my Daughter and my Dog sure enjoy em!

Couple of sidenotes this week..

-I haven't fertilized my oldest plants in almost 2 weeks and a couple started showing a calcium deficiency (I think) You can see the few in the pics above with curled leaves.. I gave them 1/2 strength calmag a couple days ago and they have looked better each day that passes.

-Fungus gnats are still here.. I don't think they will be completely controlled until outdoors. The numbers are at a smaller amount though and I see no damage to the plants or roots.

Other than that.. I hope everyone else's grow is going well for them.
Thanks for checkin this out.


Enjoy that cold one its well deserved! You plants look absolutely amazing. You really got it together, when you said you found your indoor green thumb you weren't kidding! I am amazed! Here I thought mine were looking good, damn...I gotta go give them an MG style pep-talk!


Thank you very much Shane. I have you to thank for it really! I'd be posting pictures of the yellow superhot dead forest right now if it wasn't for your glog making me consider soil being a problem! Whatever Mr Humble.. Your plants look freaking awesome lol. I need to check em out now that I think about it... Thanks for the reply man. Hope things are going well for you.
Glad to see your soil is sorted, and healthy roots developing. My parents had (when I was a kid) a small green house on their property... it became a chicken house, and then was tossed into the burn pit a piece at a time, but I digress... That was always humid inside as well... At the time we didn't know the extent of my mothers black thumb... The depths of which the green (or dead) house helped us plumb.

As an adult, I've been able to help her tone things down a bit... She comes over and looks at my peppers, and sees the top of the soil dry and makes a B-line for the hose... I have to remind her that dry on top helps prevent stem rot, fungus gnats, and a host of other problems... Plus with it dry on top, how do the plants look? Are they happy? Yes! So put the hose back!!

How I wish I had that greenhouse though... Would be fantastic for the winter. Also it had the same problem - NO ventilation on top... The humidity in Florida is high already, but heat it up another 10 degrees, double the amount of moisture in the air, and then expect vegetables to grow. haha. I understand now why the burnt it.

Plants around the world had a moment of rejoicing... It was like that scene from the wizard of Oz when the house lands on the wicked witch....
Hey BC!,
Things are looking good for you.Wish I could train my plants to grow at a uniform height like yours.
I've been keeping a hopeful eye on the weather too.Let's hope spring has a little more
sunshine than last year!
Great updates, Brandon. They are doing very well, just keep it up and things cant go wrong :) Still need to get me a greenhouse also with the mediocre weather over here.
Wow they looks awesome Brandon I see two of the purple plants are reverting their new growth back to green while the other remain purple that is interesting can not wait to see how the bubblegum 7 looks and whether the stem turns red as well. Thanks for the update

Thank you Fernando! Your telling me man. Every plant has gone green except for 4 of them, a trinidad viper(the other 3 plants are green), the 2 TSXMorangos, and a Mystery superhot with tail(other 3 plants are also green) With 95% of my seeds coming from OP sources I'm expecting some surprises, hoping for some actually! It'd be cool to end up with something nobody has. About the bubblegum 7, I had 0/10 seeds germinate, along with 0/10 with the naglahs I got from the same source (also the only seeds I had 0% with).. I don't know if I got a bad batch or what but I could already tell by the look of the seeds I didn't think they would be successful.. I'll be interested to see what happens with the others who are trying to grow these this year. Hope all is well with you and your grow dude.

Hey, Brandon - the plants are looking just great!
I hope you really enjoyed that cold one!
Keep up the good work!

Thanks Paul!
Oh I did trust me, I'm gonna need a few of them once plant out and hardening off time comes along lol.
Hope all is well with you my friend. I'll try to get some time set aside after work this weekend to check your glog and everyone elses out.
Have a good weekend!
Wow Brandon your plants look amazing. I am a very jealous man :cheers:

Thanks Jamie! Wait... Did Mr. I can grow year round tell me hes jealous?? :shocked: I'm supposed to be the jealous one! lol. Too bad we weren't neighbors, I'd share the wealth! Hope everythings good with you dude.

Glad to see your soil is sorted, and healthy roots developing. My parents had (when I was a kid) a small green house on their property... it became a chicken house, and then was tossed into the burn pit a piece at a time, but I digress... That was always humid inside as well... At the time we didn't know the extent of my mothers black thumb... The depths of which the green (or dead) house helped us plumb.

As an adult, I've been able to help her tone things down a bit... She comes over and looks at my peppers, and sees the top of the soil dry and makes a B-line for the hose... I have to remind her that dry on top helps prevent stem rot, fungus gnats, and a host of other problems... Plus with it dry on top, how do the plants look? Are they happy? Yes! So put the hose back!!

How I wish I had that greenhouse though... Would be fantastic for the winter. Also it had the same problem - NO ventilation on top... The humidity in Florida is high already, but heat it up another 10 degrees, double the amount of moisture in the air, and then expect vegetables to grow. haha. I understand now why the burnt it.

Plants around the world had a moment of rejoicing... It was like that scene from the wizard of Oz when the house lands on the wicked witch....

That's too bad about the GH, they have some pretty cheap ones these days if your still interested, shop around.. If lands that cheap theres gotta be some cheap GH's in the area too! lol.. Your moms black thumb sounds like my Wifes. Her famous thing to do with watering last year was have the hose turned up full blast and she would just drill big ol holes in the soil with the water lol, hey atleast she tried though. I'd get home from work and it would look like someone lit off a bunch M80's in each container. Reason #243 I'm putting up a drip system this year :lol:

Hey BC!,
Things are looking good for you.Wish I could train my plants to grow at a uniform height like yours.
I've been keeping a hopeful eye on the weather too.Let's hope spring has a little more
sunshine than last year!

Thanks Hawk! I think a big reason they all grow uniform is because they're all supers.. I have 4 habaneros and they are a good 2 inches taller than the supers. If I had annums they'd be towering over everything right now lol.. I'm hoping we get a nice spring and summer too. Were WAY overdue for some serious sunshine! Fingers Crossed. Hope things are going well in your neck of the woods!

Great updates, Brandon. They are doing very well, just keep it up and things cant go wrong :) Still need to get me a greenhouse also with the mediocre weather over here.

Thanks my friend! I hope your right. I think if anything goes wrong now it's gonna be weather driven. I have everything to take out any pests and fungis problems stock piled, weather is the one thing I can't control or prepare for lol. Yeah I finally bit the bullet and bought a couple GHs last year.. Other than the ventilation problem I think they helped out quite a bit.. I just need to put em to the test now that I tweaked em a bit. Hope things are going great for ya man. Thanks for stoppin by

I think I can build one cheaper than people are selling them for.

There is a lot though, nearby that has an old one sitting there on it... no house, no well, no sewer, no crop, just a greenhouse in the middle of a field in the process of overgrowing with weeds and brush...

Thinking about trying to track down the owner and offering them a couple K for the property along with the green house... It looks to be about 12' x 20'.

Most of the greenhouses big enough to walk in, are going for 800-1000$, and I can build one cheaper... Which is another possibility.
[quote name='BigCedar' timestamp='1331362948' post='584483']
Weekend Update Part 2.

Another pretty cool thing I noticed the other day. A baby Serrano Del Sol on one of my OWs.
How cool is that! In Washington, even : )

Other than that I finally got around to doing some spring-yard prep. I put my 2 greenhouses up. Nothing super fancy but they work. I have to cover the grass in the second one for humidity reasons but you can get an idea of the setup so far.
Those look like great little units, Brandon, I can't wait to see them full of chiles! Will you stick some shelves in, or put plants on the ground? Great idea cutting in the vent windows. How do your ghouses do in the Washington Breeze?

They're not getting any use when it comes to plants but my Daughter and my Dog sure enjoy em!
A perfect use for vacant greenhouses! They are breaking them in for you!

-I haven't fertilized my oldest plants in almost 2 weeks and a couple started showing a calcium deficiency (I think) You can see the few in the pics above with curled leaves.. I gave them 1/2 strength calmag a couple days ago and they have looked better each day that passes.
Is curled leaves a normal sign of cal deficiency? I have a few annuums beginning to bud that are yellowing at the bottom leaves and have some curling. You probably would notice it on the early jalapeno I posted today. Some of my chinense varieties have a yellow lower leaf or two as well. I'm leaning toward an app of epsom salts. Or do you think the Calmag is better? I have applied fish fert twice, two weeks apart at low strength. Maybe they are old enough for full strength now?

Keep up the great work, Brandon, give the rest of us something to shoot for! Have a great weekend playing with your greenhouses!

Most of the greenhouses big enough to walk in, are going for 800-1000$, and I can build one cheaper... Which is another possibility.

I think One Stop Gardens still sells their 6x8 greenhouse for $300 at
Harbor Freight. Aluminum frame, polycarb panels. I've had mine
four years. Not deluxe, but serves its purpose pretty well. I'd like
to have a climate-controlled greenhouse, but... : )
Brandon truly looking good ! You got your grow on for sure. I'm learning so much from your Glog and plan on walking in your footsteps. You are right about space, I have a tendency to overdo things lol. Very interesting your observation that there was no difference between the 3.5 x 5.0 and the 3.5 x 3.5 pots. I finally settled on 3.5 x 4.0 kind of in the middle. I like those greenhouse tents how well do they work? I should buy some of those. How early can you put your plants in them there in Washington? What type of soil are you using in the 3.5 inch pots? Also by your estimation how long have you been able to have them in this pots and when did you transplant into them? Just stunning work great job my friend!