harvesting billyboys harvest

Hey they look fantastic Billyboy, you've got the knack.

Thanks rainbowberry:)

How many plants to get 1.5kgs of nagas? Will they produce more this season?

Ringer:P Ive got 30 plants going but my main 9 just pump em out.... would you beleive me if I told you I picked 2.5 kilos just this arvo:cool:

9 litre bucket holding 2kilos & the basket on the left with 500grams :hell:


2.5 kilos of fresh picked Naga (pm 4 Feb 08) :fire:


The plants are loving this humid hot weather.

billyboy said:
Picked this weekend 2-3 Feb 08

Theres 1.5 kilos of Naga there

I can feel some concentrate in the making
Holy shiat...

billyboy said:
9 litre bucket holding 2kilos & the basket on the left with 500grams

2.5 kilos of fresh picked Naga (pm 4 Feb 08)

The plants are loving this humid hot weather.

Damn, nice work.
Wait....wait....you picked 1.5 Kg on 2-3 Feb and then on 4 Feb you picked another 2.5 Kg?....

Thats nearly 9 pounds of fresh Naga's. I need to get into your brain BB....like how, what, when, details...

Great harvest.....
OK BB...here is my second Little Elf harvest...(kinda tongue in cheek)

I will say these little spices pack a pretty good kick and taste great too...I am eating them with every meal....

Of course I can't compete.......Yet!!! Gimme 6 months....
Wait....wait....you picked 1.5 Kg on 2-3 Feb and then on 4 Feb you picked another 2.5 Kg?....

Thats nearly 9 pounds of fresh Naga's. I need to get into your brain BB....like how, what, when, details...

Great harvest.....

Yes they are two individual harvests:)

Most of the the information Ive gained on growing chillis is from forums like this, a particular mention must be made to willard as he keeps driving the same messages (tips) home constantly and he is spot on the money, Ive followed his advice & as a result Im getting fantastic results.

wow!! look at all of those!! I'm jealous! All my plants aren't growing too fast, and are nowhere near producing any seeds. Hopefully next season.

What do you do with all of those chilli's. Do you run a business? I want some chilli's!! send me a pm if you want to gift/sell any of your harvest :)!
cheezydemon said:
Does OMRI mean "incredibly observant one" lol.

A couple of those orange habs are awfully long. Not a bad thing, just curious.

Cheezydemon, my orange habs grow long like billyboy's as well, and they are huge.

They are in the garden and i have been getting an average of 25 a day off each of my 2 plants for the last few days.

Orange habs just love the Australian conditions. (well maybe not for the last few months, it's done nothing but rain. The leaves on some of my plants are starting to go yellow):mad:
billyboy said:
Yes they are two individual harvests:)

a particular mention must be made to willard as he keeps driving the same messages (tips) home constantly and he is spot on the money, Ive followed his advice & ...........

............you feel the need to share?

yes you do billyboy........ you need to share the knowledge :lol:

or we call all just move to QLD and be done with it.

cheers and great stuff mate!!!!
Make the concentrate man 60ml jars $20 a bang people will buy it.... allover the world. BBs concentrate is hands down the hottest thing I have ever come near extract or not and it smells like a naga just punched you in the face lol
Great stuff.

Imight need tobuy some pods forthe festival....
giveme a heads up if you keen.

Make the concentrate man 60ml jars $20 a bang people will buy it.... allover the world. BBs concentrate is hands down the hottest thing I have ever come near extract or not and it smells like a naga just punched you in the face lol
Great stuff.

stillmanz Im on it...


those are 100ml 100% Naga Concentrates:P
billyboy said:
Most of the the information Ive gained on growing chillis is from forums like this, a particular mention must be made to willard as he keeps driving the same messages (tips) home constantly and he is spot on the money, Ive followed his advice & as a result Im getting fantastic results.

So, how much of your operation is in hydro and how much is in dirt? You've mentioned having a grow house, and I noticed in the picture Bent posted that your plants seem to be in some kind of fenced area. I know y'all have mild winters, too, so I was wondering if you over-wintered plants.

See, I just need more details about your operation.