harvesting billyboys harvest

So, how much of your operation is in hydro and how much is in dirt? You've mentioned having a grow house, and I noticed in the picture Bent posted that your plants seem to be in some kind of fenced area. I know y'all have mild winters, too, so I was wondering if you over-wintered plants.

See, I just need more details about your operation.

Ive got 9 Nagas in Hydro (coco) and these are my big producers, I built the netted Naga house to protect my Nagas as I was always getting various pods in my garden destroyed by what I think were birds but I could never really be sure! The Naga trees are growing out of the hut now & it seems nothing has taken a liking to them. Im even starting to think even the birds wont eat them!

Im very lucky where I live as we never get frosts & rarely do we get a cold winter. Im planning on cutting the big 9 back when they start to slow down as Im crawling around on my hands and knees each harvest, (I like to make it easy for me):)
billyboy said:
stillmanz Im on it...


those are 100ml 100% Naga Concentrates:P

Is it time to order yet BB?

I sure would like to have a bottle or two...
billyboy said:
Im planning on cutting the big 9 back when they start to slow down as Im crawling around on my hands and knees each harvest, (I like to make it easy for me):)

Oh that sounds terrible, you poor man having to crawl around because your million scovie plants are too big & bushy & productive :lol: I'd pay to have half your troubles mate :cool:
How do i get hold of some of those dried pods BB?

I smell a Red Naga Lager on the books along side the Rocoto Rauchbier.

I got my jar of BBs naga concentrate today, I've tasted it and I new it was extremely hot I had another taste just for the memory sake, holy crap I challenge anyone on the planet to a pepsi challenge tsp of bb's concentrate against anything out there....... the stuff is pure white hot burn, and yet fresh and distingtive pod aroma not the extract rubbish you see about. These nagas have really turned the tables on the old school sauce boys, you can do it with flavour now.

And saying that I have tasted naga products before and not rated them really...I thought they were hyped, this is the real deal...... this one really needs a disclaimer. Like I said to Billyboy maybe these other naga product producers should try his to know how nagas are supossed to taste like.

Great job Billyboy I'll be taking it to the HSFFF in Victoria toshow some of the hardcore few who will be able to handle it.
If you get the chance to get your hands on someof this do it.

I got my jar of BBs naga concentrate today, I've tasted it and I new it was extremely hot I had another taste just for the memory sake, holy crap I challenge anyone on the planet to a pepsi challenge tsp of bb's concentrate against anything out there....... the stuff is pure white hot burn, and yet fresh and distingtive pod aroma not the extract rubbish you see about. These nagas have really turned the tables on the old school sauce boys, you can do it with flavour now.

And saying that I have tasted naga products before and not rated them really...I thought they were hyped, this is the real deal...... this one really needs a disclaimer. Like I said to Billyboy maybe these other naga product producers should try his to know how nagas are supossed to taste like.

Great job Billyboy I'll be taking it to the HSFFF in Victoria toshow some of the hardcore few who will be able to handle it.
If you get the chance to get your hands on someof this do it.


Glad it found you stillmanz, the Nagas are the star of the show there, providing everything required; great flavour up front & deep building burn to finish off! 100% natural:hell:
Took the paste to the HSFFf in Victoria, it was the star of the show, I may have some business up for you, I won't say to much but lets just say the ambulance tent came over and asked me not to give it out anymore...true story.
I'll do a write up of the festival later, I'm shagged from the plane and beers right now.

Billyboy, Stillmanz gave me a taste of your naga concentrate at the HSFFF, and i was impressed, (well after i stopped crying).

And i have to admit i thought i was going to be tuff and handle it but i had to go and hide for a few minutes with my girlfriend by my side shaking her head saying "I just don't understand why you would want to put yourself through that".

I simply and calmly replied: OH MY F&*KING GOD.....:mouthonfire:

Then the next 20 minutes was a acid induced haze.

It wasn't really that bad but i loved the rush..
Billyboy, Stillmanz gave me a taste of your naga concentrate at the HSFFF, and i was impressed, (well after i stopped crying).

And i have to admit i thought i was going to be tuff and handle it but i had to go and hide for a few minutes with my girlfriend by my side shaking her head saying "I just don't understand why you would want to put yourself through that".

I simply and calmly replied: OH MY F&*KING GOD.....

Then the next 20 minutes was a acid induced haze.

It wasn't really that bad but i loved the rush..

:P Those Nagas have got some kick in them, did you manage to detect their delicate flavour before the burn belted you?:mouthonfire:
Took the paste to the HSFFf in Victoria, it was the star of the show, I may have some business up for you, I won't say to much but lets just say the ambulance tent came over and asked me not to give it out anymore...true story.

I thought you might be popular down there over the weekend:P Hope the tasters enjoyed there (proberly) first taste of the mighty Naga!
Todays pickings PM 18 Feb 2008


This weeks harvest is down some on the previous couple of weeks pickings.


Just under 1.5 kilos of Naga
OK that's it. I'm bored of orange habs....
I wanna git me some of them nagas.... Billyboy, got some spare pods?

Stillmanz, got any of that naga paste left that I can try?