Black Chilli Plant

I finally got around to snapping a few pics of my plants and though I would update. My plant is doing well. I've got a couple of gorgeous purple flowers that have opened up. Just when I was thinking, "hey the aphids don't like this plant" Boom I find a bunch in the flower :(. I gave the plant a good going over and will have to transfer some of the ladybug larva I have to this little guy. Looks like this guy also got a double shot of ferts given how curled up the new leaves are. I think I'll pot it up soon and give it a good drink to help flush out the extra ferts.


I doubt I'll be getting any ripe pods on it this year. I'm at the very tail end of my growing season and have MAYBE 30 more days of outdoor sun. We'll be heading into fall pretty quick. The plant is doing great though and could be potted up. It's got a ton of nice white fuzzy roots throughout the ball.
I potted up the plant and took a few pics. I'm still really surprised at how pest resistant this plant is. I've only noticed a few aphids on it, but they never really took. Either way it's a little bigger now and should do well in the new home. I may actually see a bit more growth now that we've been getting some warm weather. Nights dip down to 8C or so, but the days are usually in the 20's. It's 29C right now :shock: that's why you see me wearing socks with my slippers. I was wearing jeans earlier in the day, but it got so hot I had to change into some shorts. I just didn't take off the socks. Anywho, the plant has really darkened up and the leaves are really thick. Almost leathery.


Blister said:
I potted up the plant and took a few pics. I'm still really surprised at how pest resistant this plant is. I've only noticed a few aphids on it, but they never really took. Either way it's a little bigger now and should do well in the new home. I may actually see a bit more growth now that we've been getting some warm weather. Nights dip down to 8C or so, but the days are usually in the 20's. It's 29C right now :shock: that's why you see me wearing socks with my slippers. I was wearing jeans earlier in the day, but it got so hot I had to change into some shorts. I just didn't take off the socks. Anywho, the plant has really darkened up and the leaves are really thick. Almost leathery.

Hi Blister sorry for the late reply, looks like its coming along real well, its pretty much identical to the original one I have so I don't think is a hybrid???, I hope you get to taste the pods soon, they have a nice sweet apricot taste and a good burrrrn:mouthonfire:
JungleRain said:
Hi Srin, It doest look familiar, although the one I have is more shorter and bushier and has about 5 pods per node....hmmm

Oh 5 pods per nod! :) looks like i just have to wait and see if mine germinates :)
I've got a few unripe pods on the plant right now and will give them a go fairly soon regardless ;). I dunno if they'll be hot as unripened pods can be hit and miss for heat sometimes.
Blister said:
I've got a few unripe pods on the plant right now and will give them a go fairly soon regardless ;). I dunno if they'll be hot as unripened pods can be hit and miss for heat sometimes.

You'd be best to wait till they ripen Neil, the heat will be there but they taste very bitter untill they are ripe
ABurningMouth said:
Cool plant those leaves look big for a annuum.
Thanks for the update.
Its a unusual plant like blister said, it has thick leathery leaves and the pods start out black and turn a deep blood red,
send me a PM if your lookin for any seeds ABM
JungleRain said:
You'd be best to wait till they ripen Neil, the heat will be there but they taste very bitter untill they are ripe

They may turn me inside out, but I'm going to try them goddamn it! The peppers will just die when I bring them into the house anyways.
I actually got to try a ripe pod a few minutes ago. Mine didn't have much for heat (far less than store bought jala's), but really interesting flavor. It started out like a regular green bell, but then got fairly sweet and tasted like an apricot. Too bad these weren't bigger because I really like the flavor. The one I had was about as big as the finger nail on the ol' nose picker.

It's doing good despite the shorter days of winter. I've got it in the window with a white window blind pulled part way down to reflect extra light onto it. Not much different than the last pic I posted.
the ones i gre had good heat and i picked a few lovedthe flavor. But i wont be growing it next year though, the two plant developed some sort of diises and died. It dodn't affect any of my other peppers,
That sucks that they died. This is my one and only plant. It seems to be doing great. I have noticed a few aphids on it here and there, but they don't seem to bother it. It seems to be pretty hardy in terms of pests and other types of problems that affect chili plants in my area.

I'm hoping that it survives the winter and produces more next year. They're so good I'd probably just eat them straight off the plant as they ripen.